
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 2: Everyone is an enemy

"My father wants me to marry Qiao Qiumei?"Qi Dengxian looked at the letter in his hand, his lips involuntarily twitching. Qiao Qiumei, his childhood playmate.When he was little, Qiao Qiumei was already a beautiful girl. Now, she must have grown into a graceful young lady.His father's wording was extremely stern, leaving Qi Dengxian with no choice but to sigh and comply.The next morning, the prisoners almost beat gongs and drums to bid farewell to Qi Dengxian as he left the Youdu Prison. With this demon gone, they could be lawless again!"I'll be back anytime, you all better keep a record. Anyone who does anything wrong during this time, every single thing, you better write it down for me!" Qi Dengxian said with a smile.The prisoners who had been beating gongs and drums instantly quieted down, shivering with fear.Qi Dengxian's gaze swept over a few "troublemakers," letting out a cold chuckle, and with his luggage in hand, he left the Youdu Prison where he had lived for over a decade, boarding a plane to the Zhonghai City."How come I run into this woman everywhere I go?!" Entering the first-class cabin, Qi Dengxian was stunned, his brows furrowed.There were a total of eight seats in the first-class cabin, one of which was occupied by Yu Xiaolong, whom he had just met.Yu Xiaolong was dressed in black civilian clothes. Although she had taken off her military uniform, she still exuded an air of authority.Upon seeing Qi Dengxian, Yu Xiaolong was also visibly startled, shaking her head slightly without speaking."Didn't I tell you, you two are not from the same world? Why are you still following him onto the plane? Does it mean anything to you?!" Yu Xiaolong's assistant, Long Yanan, asked in a low voice, a hint of frost already forming on her pretty face.Qi Dengxian was stunned by her words, a hint of disdain curving his lips. He pulled out a magazine, not even bothering to look at the two of them.Yu Xiaolong's brows furrowed. She disliked this kind of clingy man the most.When they had met at the gate of Youdu Prison, Qi Dengxian had been silent and reserved. Now, he had quietly followed her onto the plane, which she truly looked down upon.For a man, the most important thing is to be able to take it and let it go!Suddenly, three men burst in, brandishing three pistols directly at Yu Xiaolong."General Yu, you arrested our boss, causing us a lot of trouble!" The man in the lead cocked his gun, grinning menacingly.The passengers in the first-class cabin were all terrified. How did these three guys manage to bring guns onto the plane?!Qi Dengxian put down his magazine and glanced at them, then casually picked it back up as if he had become blind.Long Yanan was stunned, her face pale. She had not expected that the Big Beard's men would be so capable, chasing them all the way to the plane!She couldn't help but glance at Qi Dengxian. This guy was sitting in their blind spot, if he seized the opportunity to attack, he could create a chance for her to counterattack.But Qi Dengxian remained unmoved, as if something in the magazine deeply captivated him."This spineless coward. Thankfully, Miss has already broken off her engagement with him!" Long Yanan thought disdainfully, but she was also nervous.Yu Xiaolong looked at the three dangerous men impassively, a slight smile gracing her lips. "Do you know there's a saying in the Chinese martial arts world - within a hair's breadth, everyone becomes an enemy?"The three men's expressions changed, they shouted, "Don't talk nonsense, if you don't want to die, come with us!"As soon as the words left his lips, Yu Xiaolong, who had been sitting in her chair, sprang up like lightning. Her movements were as agile as a dragon, her jade arms stretched out gracefully, she snatched a pistol in one swift move.At the same time, her palm struck the man's throat, a crisp crack rang out as she knocked him to the ground. The other two were caught off guard, their foreheads were hit simultaneously, with two bangs, they fell to the ground, their lives unknown.In the blink of an eye, Yu Xiaolong had easily taken down the three dangerous men.Long Yanan was shocked. She had not expected that Yu Xiaolong would be able to take down three dangerous men with guns, single-handedly, and without causing any harm to innocent bystanders."I'm sorry for scaring you all. I'll have someone come over to handle this immediately. It won't delay this flight." Yu Xiaolong bowed slightly, smiling gently at the stunned crowd.One of the passengers seemed to recognize her and exclaimed, "You're General Yu Xiaolong, aren't you? A rising star in our country's military, known as the Female War God!""So it's General Yu Xiaolong, my respects, my respects. It's an honor for us to be on the same flight as General Xiaolong.""Hahaha, with General Yu on board, this flight is about as safe as it can get! This little incident, General Yu, you don't have to worry about it."Everyone recognized Yu Xiaolong, and they couldn't help but flatter her.Soon, military personnel arrived to deal with the three dangerous men captured by Yu Xiaolong, and the flight was not delayed.Long Yanan looked at Qi Dengxian with disdain. This guy, he's not a man at all.Yu Xiaolong said to Qi Dengxian faintly, "We're not from the same world. Stop following me, it won't change my mind."Long Yanan also sneered, "Keep clinging to Miss, and don't blame me for being ruthless!"Undoubtedly, these words attracted everyone's attention. They all looked at Qi Dengxian with a "toad trying to eat a swan" expression, full of disdain.Qi Dengxian simply ignored all the ridicule and sarcasm. After arriving at Zhonghai City Airport, he left the plane with his luggage in hand."Huh? This is..." Long Yanan noticed a letter left on Qi Dengxian's seat, and couldn't help but take it and hand it to Yu Xiaolong.Yu Xiaolong took a look, then froze for a moment, and smiled, "He didn't follow me, he was looking for another woman.""It's good for him this way, he should be clear that we're not from the same world. After this incident, he'll be able to completely give up his hopes."Qi Dengxian, who had just gotten off the plane and walked out of the airport, saw a very familiar man."Second Master!"The man, upon seeing Qi Dengxian, immediately bowed 90 degrees, respectfully addressing him.This scene stunned the surrounding travelers."Who is that? Am I seeing things? Isn't that Wang Wanjin, our Zhonghai City's richest man?""Mr. Wang is actually bowing to a young man? Is he a big shot from the Capital?""My God, Wang Wanjin has always been arrogant and conceited, who could possibly deserve such a grand gesture from him? This young man, he's not simple..."Qi Dengxian chuckled and got into Wang Wanjin's Rolls Royce.Yu Xiaolong, who had just stepped out of the airport gate, saw a luxurious Rolls Royce speeding past her, and vaguely saw a familiar figure through the window."Huh? Must have been mistaken." Yu Xiaolong chuckled to herself, Qi Dengxian, who had been disinherited by the Qi family, how could he possibly afford such a luxurious car?