
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 19 Thanks

Zhao Heilong had beaten Yu Kaihe half to death, he secretly glanced sideways, seeing that Qi Dengxian's left eye, which had been half-closed, had now opened, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He kicked Yu Kaihe aside, then smiled at Qiao Qiumei: "Ms. Qiao, sorry, a big company has all kinds of people. This guy made you unhappy, I apologize for him!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Zhao Heilong say this.

When did Zhao, the always domineering and arrogant chairman, become so "righteous"?

Qiao Qiumei was stunned for a moment, then said: "No...it's okay, Chairman Zhao, you're too polite."

Zhao Heilong coughed, not daring to look at Qi Dengxian's face, pretending he didn't know him, and said: "Well, I'll have the company pay the 20 million yuan owed to Qiao's family!"

"And, because it's been so long, it must be our side that violated the agreement. Later, I'll pay double the penalty!"

"This is my small gesture, please don't refuse, Ms. Qiao."

Qiao Qiumei said: "Ah? Okay, okay...thank you, Chairman Zhao!"

Zhao Heilong nodded, barked an order: "Tie this guy up for me, I'll deal with him myself later!"

"Ms. Qiao, I have some urgent matters here, I'll take my leave!" Zhao Heilong immediately rushed into his Rolls-Royce, urging his driver to leave quickly.

He was afraid that if he stayed for a second longer, he would be stopped by the demon behind Qiao Qiumei.

If Qi Dengxian opened his mouth, should he acknowledge him or pretend he didn't know him?

Only when his Rolls-Royce had driven a block away did Zhao Heilong breathe a sigh of relief and muttered a curse.

He thought he would never see Qi Dengxian again in this life, but who could have imagined that he would actually come to中海, and even marry Qiao Qiumei of the Qiao Group?

Only after Zhao Heilong had been gone for a long time did Qiao Qiumei come back to her senses.

At this time, Zhang Shaojie ran over in a fluster.

"Mengmeng, are you alright? I heard something happened here, so I ran over immediately!" Zhang Shaojie asked loudly.

"I'm fine..." Qiao Qiumei breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to Zhang Shaojie.

Zhang Shaojie's face turned cold, he snorted and said: "If they dare to continue to default or bully you, I won't let them off!"

Qiao Qiumei's eyes lit up, she said: "Did you call Chairman Zhao?"

Zhang Shaojie was stunned, he didn't know what happened, but since Qiao Qiumei asked, he nodded silently.

"It was you! I knew it! I was wondering why Chairman Zhao's attitude changed so suddenly, so it was because you called him, Zhang!" Qiao Qiumei said happily.

The change in Zhao Heilong's attitude just now seemed very strange and exaggerated to Qiao Qiumei, she couldn't figure out what was going on. Now, seeing Zhang Shaojie appear, she finally understood.

Zhang Shaojie laughed, nodded and said: "Calling Chairman Zhao is just a small favor, I just said a few words to him."

Qiao Qiumei pondered for a moment, Zhang's Group's influence seems to not be able to suppress Zhao Heilong?!

However, she then thought of what Zhang Shaojie told her about Zhang's Group preparing to go public, and immediately understood.

"You were able to persuade Zhao Heilong, you must have paid a high price...did you tell him about the planned IPO and promised to sell shares to him?" Qiao Qiumei asked anxiously.

"Ha..." Zhang Shaojie's mind was a bit dizzy, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Qiao Qiumei sighed and said: "I owe you such a huge favor, and you even sacrificed your company's interests, I really don't know how to repay you!"

Zhang Shaojie coughed, smiling: "Mengmeng, you know how I feel about you, so don't say these awkward things! For me, it's just a small favor. As long as I can help you, even if it means going through fire and water, I won't even bat an eyelid."

Qi Dengxian couldn't help but laugh, he was speechless towards Qiao Qiumei and Zhang Shaojie, his nominal wife and Zhang Shaojie.

One is truly imaginative, and the other is truly thick-skinned...

Zhang Shaojie raised his eyebrows, turned his head and shouted: "What are you laughing at? You're useless, you can't help Mengmeng, you almost harmed her!"

Qiao Qiumei also looked at Qi Dengxian with a gloomy face and said: "You still have the nerve to laugh? If you hadn't caused such a big trouble, would I have had to be so servile just now to beg someone?"

"Zhang helped you solve such a big problem, you don't even thank him, and you're still being sarcastic here? Can't you see others doing well?"

"You're such a white-eyed wolf, you're making me feel ashamed!"

Qi Dengxian's lips twitched, he waved his hand and said: "It's fine now, I'll take my leave."

He didn't bother explaining, nor did he want to explain, he had an air of letting fate take its course.

Qiao Qiumei, who had just developed a positive view of Qi Dengxian because he had appeared in time and rescued her from Yu Kaihe, immediately became disgusted again after seeing his attitude towards "benefactor" Zhang Shaojie.

"Zhang, don't mind him, he's just a bumpkin from the countryside, he has shallow knowledge and doesn't understand manners!" Qiao Qiumei said rudely.

"Of course I wouldn't stoop to his level!" Zhang Shaojie said magnanimously, "Come on, Mengmeng, I'll treat you to dinner!"

"You helped me so much, I should be the one treating you." Qiao Qiumei said.

Qiao Qiumei was truly grateful to Zhang Shaojie now. After all, Zhang's Group was about to go public, and he was willing to share the confidential information that he would use equity financing to give employees benefits.

Now, he even sacrificed the group's interests to handle Zhao Heilong and help her recover the 20 million yuan debt!

This way, she could secure her position as CEO of Qiao's Group, how could she not be grateful?

Li Yunwan also put down her coffee cup, paid the bill and walked out of the cafe.

Qi Dengxian was about to hail a cab when he received a call from Li Yunwan, who said: "I'm treating you to dinner today, I have to thank you properly."

"Why are you treating me to dinner for no reason? No!" Qi Dengxian refused without hesitation.

He was planning to go to Huang Wenlang's mansion to check on him. Since he had promised to help Huang Wenlang heal his daughter, he had to fulfill his promise.

Li Yunwan smiled: "Hey, do you still want to get news of Mengmeng from me? If you don't, then forget I said anything!"

Qi Dengxian frowned. It seems that Qiao Qiumei's troubles are indeed endless. With Li Yunwan, this "inside source", he can always get news in time and help her solve problems.

Helpless, Qi Dengxian had no choice but to agree to dinner with Li Yunwan.

The first thing Li Yunwan did when she saw him was to thank him: "I have to thank you for what you said about Zhang's Group yesterday. I investigated and found that their company did indeed have internal problems!"