
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 9

Yami and Sui-Feng stood atop a roof nearly a kilometer away from the 6th Division training grounds. There, Koga Kuchiki, the 3rd Seat of the 6th Division as well as Ginrei's son-in-law and adopted child was training other members of his division and getting them ready for the upcoming battle. He was also the traitor that was plotting with the Quincy to kill off Sojun Kuchiki during the upcoming battle so he could usurp the position as the next clan head.

Yami and Sui-Feng were holding back their reiatsu as much as they could and did not emit any killing intent. This was the most dangerous mission that either one of them had taken on.

"Sui-Feng. We have one shot at this and we need to kill him without giving him a chance to react."

Sui-Feng would normally argue with Yami but in this situation, she did not dare to.

"I know. The 6th Division is composed of 3 captain-class officers within their top 5 officers like ours does but they display it openly. And even though he is only the 3rd Seat, Koga is actually the strongest member in the Division."

"Correct. Not only is his spiritual power on a level comparable to the commander-in-chief but so are his shunpo and kido skills. He is also a swordsman that can strike fear into the hearts of even other masters and he has also learned several rare abilities."

"And that's just him. Let's not even get into what his zanpakuto can do."

Yami nodded. If Koga Kuchiki had joined the Onmitsukido instead of staying in the 6th Division, he would be a monster that they could use to cut down even Captain-Level traitors with ease.

Sui-Feng looked at Yami with sweat trickling down her face. They were not only fighting the strongest member of the 6th Division but they were also on a time limit. If they waited too long to attack or missed their initial opportunity and got drawn into a battle, they would end up having to battle the 3 Captain-Level combatants of the 6th Division without their zanpakuto.

"Corps Commander. What are your orders?"


Sui-Feng disguised as a child was running through the streets of Seireitei with a balloon in her hands. She was wearing a kimono made of fine materials that none of the citizens of Rukongai could ever afford. Thanks to her petite size and childish features as well as her disguise skills, Sui-Feng was able to pull it off.

The various Shinigami and Souls that saw her thought that Sui-Feng was a young girl from a small noble clan. Sui-Feng was bouncing around and smiling, acting like she was having the time of her life.

A few moments later, Sui-Feng 'accidentally' let go of her balloon. Seeing the balloon floating away, Sui-Feng pouted and stomped her feet.

"Stupid balloon! Who wanted you anyway!"


Yami sat on the rooftop trying to control his body as much as possible.

'Heart is beating too fast. Blood is rushing too much. Calm yourself. Slow down your heartbeat. Do not let him hear the sound of your heart.'

Yami saw Sui-Feng walking down the street and began to do the mental calculations of when she would reach her target point.

'Knives are in position. My limbs are warmed up. My body is in the perfect position to shoot forward as fast as possible.'

Sui-Feng joked with a child and chased a cat for a few seconds, pouting when it got away.

'Koga Kuchiki is not a living human. You are not killing anyone. That is a training dummy. Simply target practice. I am aiming for the neck, just like I always do. Beheading the target, just like Yoruichi taught me.'

Sui-Feng appeared to trip over her dress in the middle of the street. The balloon in her hand started to float into the air.

Yami stared at the balloon as it got higher and higher. Once it reached 10 meters, he kicked off the roof tiles. Yami's body soared through the air at breakneck speeds.

The fear of failure on the mission. The fear of having to battle the monsters of the Kuchiki Clan. The fear of letting his failure to handle this properly fall back on Yoruichi and the rest of the Onmitsukido and the repercussions that would come from it.

Using those thoughts motivated him to break through his limits and move the fastest he had ever moved before.

Yami appeared above Sui-Feng who was stomping away and stepped on the balloon with a single foot. He kicked off the balloon with enough force that it exploded but the sound couldn't be heard until a hundredth of a second later.

Yami flew through the air over the walls of the 6th Division barracks. He flew over the heads of several shinigami. He flew past Koga Kuchiki and crashed into the wall behind the man. All in less than that hundredth of a second.

The members of the 6th Division turned to the explosion that just happened in their wall. At least that was what most of the members noticed. The elites' immediate reaction was to turn to Koga as he was the superior officer. The elite members of the 6th Division were wearing white, sleeveless haori.

So they were able to the red line that appeared on Koga's neck for a moment before his head went spinning through the air. The man who had just been shouting out orders still had the same expression as he was telling some members to practice their defensive formation. The man didn't even know that he had died.

It was like the world had stopped.

The elites were shocked. They were confused. But they knew what they had to do next.

"Officer Koga has been killed! Capture the assassin! Do not let him escape!"

And then the world continued. The members of the 6th Division began charging toward the crater in their wall, ready to catch the man that had killed their officer. But all they saw when they got inside the wall was blood on the floor.

So the scene that Ginrei and Sojun returned to less than 5 minutes later, they saw that all of their members were in a state of panic as they tried to search for the assassin that had already fled back to the 2nd Division.