
path of Martial arts in the tiny world(tales of demons and gods)

( on break. )A man reborn in tales of Demons and Gods, with knowledge on energy martial arts. tales of Demons and Gods and characters belong to the authors. I only used their worlds to build my own. P.S- even if I don't respond much, just know that I read every comment you leave. I welcome constructive criticism.

vishwa_dula · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


While Hong was in the blissful embrace of darkness, Glory city was under seige from a million beast horde. Implying the presence of almost million beasts as a few thousands had been taken care of, by courtesy of Hong throughout their three day charge towards glory city.

Nei Li made full use of his connections with the alchemist guild to create various concoctions and traps to take care of a larger portion of the beast horde.

From fire pits, exploding arrows and even herbal mixtures that drove the already mad beasts berserk, Nei Li managed to impress many clan Lords while intimidating the ones that held hostile thoughts towards glory city.

As more and more beasts fell, Lords began praising Nei Li, genuinely happy for their sucess. But unlike the smiling faces around him, Nei Li's face was marked with vigilance.

After his family was destroyed by a beast hoard in his previous life, Nei Li had spent countless hours studying the habits of beasts and beast hoards. And one iron fact he had come across those studies was the existence of sub leaders.

Basically, a beast hoard is initiated by a high ranked demon beast WITH spiritual enlightenment. And something that is always seen is that, the leader has similar ranked beasts without any spiritual awakening as their subordinates.

Infact, according to deeper studies, it's shown that there's a sub leader for about every fifty thousand beasts. And theoretically, this million beast hoard must at least have twenty beasts at black gold realm following the spiritually awakened Black gold rank snow wind ape. The reason for Nei Li's vigilance was the lack the number of sub leaders. After trying multiple times, he could only find fifteen such beasts.

Ye Zong, seeing the furrowed eyebrows of his son in law, Wait! He isn't yet.. of Nei Li questioned him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just, don't you think that the number of black gold rank beasts is a little low?"

"And, that's good isn't it?" Ye Zong was puzzled by this question. If it was anyone else that had asked this question, then he would've slapped them in the face right there. There's no need to check the mouth of a gift horse, right?

But since this came from the weirdly mature boy next to him, he made sure to not act rashly. After all, the boy knew things even his father, Ye Mo didn't know. And he believed Nei Li wouldn't waste time with useless things at such crucial times.

"All the leaders in beast hoards till now had at least one beast nearly strong as the leader for about every fifty thousand beasts. That's how the leader makes sure the rest of the horde would follow his command. And the amount of black gold beasts propotional to the numbers seems unnatural"

Ye Zong had noticed this behaviour in the past himself, and after understanding Nei Li's point, he understood where the uncomfortable feeling he had came from. No wonder the beast horde seemed to be more erratic and chaotic!

But this leads to another question, for which had a terrifying answer from the top of his head. But to make sure he was on the same page as Nei Li, he steeled himself before asking,

"Do you think, the dark guild herded them toward Glory city? "

Nei Li gave a solemn nod. This also answered the early attack, because the beast horde attacked the city waaay later in his previous life.

"I noticed unnatural agression from the demon beasts even before we launched the bamboo shoots(filled with a herbal concoction that made the beasts berserk and fight each other) and the signs of starving in some beasts, but till i saw the number of black gold beasts, i just ignored it. But now I'm sure the dark guild has a way to guide demon beasts to attack glory city"

Both Ye Zong and Shen Hong cursed beneath their breath, though for different reasons.

This made Ye Zong even more determined to root out the sacred family and the dark guild as soon as possible. Then and there, he made his mind to use all forces available to find and eradicate the dark guild and any related organisations the as soon as possible.

Days and nights passed as the beast horde continued it's relentless attack. Nei li made a breakthrough to the next level amidst the attack due to the abundunce of dying beast souls, but unlike seen in the novel, he faced no danger thanks to a fast slash of a sword.

Just like Nei Li, Xiao Ning'er too fell under the spotlight as she massacred snow wind demon beasts with beautiful swings of her sword. She also delivered deadly support to anyone at need, completely abusing the warping touch on the beasts.

Needless to say, even the soldiers felt a bit of pity towards the beasts who were left with limbs so unnaturally twisted, they looked like really curled up noodles.

And other than the genius students of saint orchid institute and some strong clan elders, what caught the eye of many were the demon squad.

As the city lord had instructed, Ye Xiu had gathered almost all the people who had recived parts of demon beasts thanks to Hong's experiments, which rounded up to about two hundred in numbers.

Ye Xiu had noticed, that when they were coupled with a demon beast spirit of same origin as their beast part, their cultivation speed rose to astonishing levels. Not just that, but they were also able to draw out nearly twice the power from their demon spirit than the beast itself had, while some were able to turn completely into the beast, only opting to a humanoid stature if it gives an advantage. They also seemed to consume much less soul force when they executed their spells.

And so Ye Xiu had spent months nurturing them into the force of demon spiritualists they were now. What suprised Ye Zong and Nei Li, was that every one of them were above one star gold rank and almost a dozen were at the peak of gold rank, a favourable result due to Hong using higher grade beast parts.

The power they showed when fighting the beasts made the sacred family dread while making the rest ecstatic. Thanks to the efforts of all brave souls, the damage to the city was kept to a minimum. Nei Li didn't need to use a scroll this time to save Ye Zong, and some elders of the sacred family along with some of their best forces fell victim to "beast ambushes".

Of course, some things followed the comic. The leading boss broke into the city and faced against the city lord. Who, gained the opportunity to move futher up in his swordsmanship and recived a snow wind ape demon spirit as the prize.

Then later, Ye Han overcome by his inferiority complex and Shen Xiu's goading attempted to assassinate the city lord, ultimately failing and got crippled while he escaped.

Nei Li and Ye Zong used the chance to scheme against the dark guild ultimately killing Shen Hong and a few elders of the sacred family while successfully capturing the rest and dealing significant wounds to Gui Sha and Long Sha, two of the higher ups of the dark guild.

By the end of all the drama, Ye Zong managed to reach the legend rank, causing celebrations throughout glory city . The chaotic aura that had enveloped the city for a long time finally managed to lull, giving the city a much needed period of peace.