
Path Eater

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  • 3 Chs
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What is Path Eater

Leia o romance Path Eater escrito pelo autor Ricky_Burks publicado no WebNovel. Elrion finds himself in a world of powerful humans, beasts and non-humans. Born with unique and powerful abilities, he is adventurous and has a near-demonic appetite. Curiosity may lead him to travel ...


Elrion finds himself in a world of powerful humans, beasts and non-humans. Born with unique and powerful abilities, he is adventurous and has a near-demonic appetite. Curiosity may lead him to travel the world, but will his hunger lead to him eating it? Even I don't know because I didn't plan ahead for this book. Read to find out.

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ini adalah kisah seorang wanita yang sedang bergelut dengan pergolakan batin hingga akhirnya memutuskan untuk pergi menjauh dari kehidupan duniawi. gadis itu bernama Aisyah Fitri, teman-teman dan orang terdekatnya memanggil dia dengan sebutan Aisyah. ketika berusia sebelas tahun, aisyah sudah menjalani kehidupan menjadi anak pesantren. Di pesantren, Aisyah memiliki sahabat yang bernama Hawa, mereka bersahabat sejak lulus SD hingga tamat Aliyah (pendidikan setara SMA). setelah lulus dari Madrasah Aliyah, Aisyah memilih untuk meneruskan kuliah di negara asalnya Malaysia dengan mengambil fokus ilmu di bidang filsafat mulai dari S1 hingga S3. setelah lulus program Doktornya, Aisyah mendapatkan tawaran untuk menjadi Dosen di salah satu Universitas Islam ternama di Indonesia, lokasi kampus itu terletak masih satu pulau dengan tempat pesantrennya dahulu. sehingga Aisyah berniat setelah interview di kampus tersebut, Aisyah akan pergi ke pesantren tempat ia menimba ilmu selama enam tahun itu. kunjungan Aisyah ke pesantren membawanya bukan hanya bertemu dengan sahabat dan mantan guru-gurunya, tetapi juga mempertemukan Aisyah dengan Anggara Radian, lelaki yang beberapa bulan kemudian menjadi suaminya. Aisyah tidak mengenal betul sisi kelam kehidupan Anggara. yang diyakininya adalah Anggara adalah keponakan dari ayah sahabatnya yang tidak lain adalah pimpinan pondok pesantren. Aisyah menerima pinangan Anggara berdasarkan keyakinannya pada Hawa dan ayahnya Pak Kiayi. namun setelah enam bulan pernikahan barulah Aisyah mengetahui bahwa suaminya adalah bandar judi dan pemiliki klub malam. di suatu malam yang mencekam, ketika itu hati aisyah sedang dipenuhi dengan rasa sakit dan kesedihan yang mendalam akibat penghiatanan yang dilakukan oleh suaminya. Aisyah mendapati suaminya bersama wanita lain didalam kamar tidurnya. kesedihan itulah yang membawa Aisyah hingga membenci Dunia.

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Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

The Super–Elementals

Young 16 year old Li Jing moves to the Illustrious city of Cheng with her mum and step father. Apparently, she enrols into the prestigious college of Cheng, she meets all manners of people and discovers her true identity,She is an elemental. An elemental is a mythic being that is described in occult works as being a farce and an unproven myth only, it isn't a myth or theory, it actually exists! Li Jing meets the egoistic and "evil" Lu heir, Lu Chen. She discovers that although he is a jerk and has no respect for anyone, she actually feels an unexpected and unexplainable connection with the jerk. When they are transferred to the ultimate supernatural school with a bunch of others, Li Jing discovers that humans are not the only ones to walk on the face of the earth. Elementals, vampires, werewolves, faeries, witches and gods also walk on the face of the earth too!! When she discovers that an enemy is after her life and that of her friends, she will have to accept the mate bond with Lu Chen and join forces with other supernaturals to defeat the enemy. After all, there is the proverbial saying, "There is absolute strength in numbers...." Trillions of years ago, there existed a coven of witches". "And in every coven, there are twelve witches". "These witches were given an elemental power according to their zodiac or star sign but when the ice war came and a curse was placed on the illustrious city of Cheng, the twelve witches were forced to cast a spell on their selves". "This spell was a glamour spell and hence, they cast the spell to transport themselves to the future". "The condition of this spell was that they would have no recollection whatsoever of their past lives until their star came to save them."

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My little cute lover is not so innocent

Lu Shan is a very beautiful omega who is sweet, kind and somewhat a little too innocent, growing up in a loving family, is a very understanding family and an overly protective big brother his life seems to be perfect, except he is eighteen years old and he is yet to have his first heat as an omega, while our male lead, Gu Guangxi, is your typical cold type of CEO, whom people prefer to called the ice king, he also Shan supposed fiancé, their grandparents made a promise to join their families in a marriage alliance, so they were asked to be engaged, But Guangxi seems not to like Shan, for some reasons, so he try’s to sabotage the relationship, but why???? Could there be a secret from the past that Guangxi is hiding???? Then our side character Xu Lin who has been in love with Lu yang a very handsome and powerful Alpha, he is the successful heir to the Lu family, and the current CEO of Lu cooperation, who also happened to be Shan’s older brother, the only problem was that Lin never have the courage to tell brother yang how he feels about him, though the Alpha looked cold on the outside making him unapproachable but he is quite understanding and easy to talk to, Lin felt like his unrequited love will forever remain a secret, even though Lu yang is the brother og his best friend, and Shan is aware of the feelings he has for his brother, but with Lin forcing him to swear never to let Lu yang know, all he could do is watch as Lin panics at the sight of his crush. what will happen when Lin will be kidnaped, raped and marked by an unknown alpha Read to find out how our mc and ml finds their ways through life

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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating