
Pastry Chef Sheya

After working in different countries as a Pastry Chef, hopeless romantic Sheya had finally given up on love and decided to go home to open a small coffee shop called SheyButter Cafe. Will she ever find true love? Is it too late for her prince charming to rescue this cupcake princess trapped in a cage made of waffles? Let us join her mouthwatering adventures filled with sweet, bitter and spicy journey as she spread her delicious creations to bring smile on our tastebuds and tummies.

Pinkshowgirl · Geral
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78 Chs

At the right time..

Sheya told the truth.. and nothing but the whole truth..

" I wanted to begin my new life with my husband as honest as I could possibly be.. Toby and I reconciled after I gave birth.. He signed on my baby's birth certificate as her father.. It will remain like that because he wanted us to be a real family." Sheya explained.

Jon was stunned.. " You are not planning to tell Carl about his daughter right?" He asked.

" At the right time, I will. I have to respect my husband's wishes for now. I hope you understand.." Sheya replied.

" I know that I don't have the right to tell you what to do. But in case you changed your mind, this is my business card with my international mobile number, email and office address.. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need my help.." He said.

They parted ways and gave each other one last smile..

Sheya came back on the room and saw her husband and her baby sleeping soundly.

" I have everything I could ever wish for right in front of me.." She whispered to herself.

She checked her watch and realised that it was getting late and she hadn't seen Sophie since that morning.

She checked her room but nobody was there, she tried to call her mobile but she wasn't picking up.

" Oh well, maybe she's just enjoying herself.. She looked after my baby the whole time so it's just right to let her do her stuffs." She said to herself.

Sheya returned to her room and laid on the bed with Toby and baby Star.