
Past events. A history feature in an application keeps track of user c

Autor: Kalo_Xv
Contínuo · 861 Modos de exibição
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What is Past events. A history feature in an application keeps track of user c

Leia o romance Past events. A history feature in an application keeps track of user c escrito pelo autor Kalo_Xv publicado no WebNovel. True history...


True history

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the kings girl

He stood there watching her while she drank the whole bottle of wine in a go. "Ladies are not supposed to drink." "I'm no lady." She put back the knife in her boots. "Well I was told you were a lady, it appears then that I have been misled." He sounded disappointed. That was all he needed to get her in the mood, a challenge. "Trust me you do not need a lady," she smirked. She took two steps forward, he moved two steps backward. "There are a lot of things a lady can give but what I give I doubt a lady can." She moved forward again pushing him to the wall. "You are not here to meet a Lady are you. A lady is prim and proper. If you wanted someone like that you wouldn't be here." He swallowed deeply. She was so close to him he could feel his heart beating faster he should be the one in control not her. "No I'm not. I'm not looking for a lady." She smiled pushing backward. "Very well then. Follow me." He did not object he followed her up the stair to the room Howard had left him in. She walked too majestically for a black commoner he thought as he watched her climb the stairs. She opened the door slowly. Standing aside she waited for him to come in before locking the door. She hid the key to the door in a bag on her shelve. "You might as well take off your hood, No one can harm you here." She said turning to face the man. He did as she had said. He took of his robe and placed it on a sit behind the door. "A man of my status can be harmed anywhere." She did not doubt him. He did look far more than the normal aristocrat, his hair went down to his back and his skin had no freckles. He had the lightest shade of green eyes she had ever seen, it matched his dark hair beautifully. He was beautiful just like a King but who he was was of no concern to her. "I'll protect you." She said getting up. She started to get free of her dress first the cosset. "You protect me?" He burst out laughing. "What does an ordinary commoner know about protection." She was now only in her inner clothing, a red silk gown. "A commoner knows everything about everything especially a black commoner. We get to learn to fight you know, since we not only have food to worry about but also other peoples unexplained hatred for our skin colour." "I have always thought black people attractive. Sometimes I'm even envious." She snorted. "You say that now because you are about to lay with one. The aristocrats are the worst don't let me get started with the King. But that is of no use to us today." She grinned. She shoved him to a pillar standing in the middle of her room. "Give me your hands."

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Aru, Polly and HiVi are three Omega in three different situation, Aru and Polly grow up together like real blood brother's while HiVi and Aru are twins separated right after birth and never got the chance to know each others existence. Aru was forcefully taken to pay his biological father's debt and left Polly uncared their mother and was married to an old politician, exploiting him to the old man's will and six bodyguards who gives him a slight freedom in exchange for his body. Then HiVi meet Aru and became close friends inside the club, being part of the elite prostitute and the highest paid for their intoxicating beauty and tantalizing body. On Aru's last day of paying his father's debt, HiVi cried bidding his goodbye and followed secretly, there he found out his mate was their own boss, but he was used to close many business deals and suffers, almost died in his mates hands, if not for his unborn childs spirit, always saving him. Then Aru and Polly meet again, but Aru was sold by Polly in exchange for a new identity, escaping his miserable life, but despite what Polly did to him, he can't get angry at him and wish he finds a good life. There he made a negotiation to his new boss where Polly sold him, just to gain his freedom back, but while doing his best to finished the task given to him, to have his freedom. He found out his target was his DESTINED MATE. And his life became a mess, because it turned out his new boss where Polly sold him, has something to do with the death of his mother and manipulation of his ruined life and the one who killed his daughter. Then he lost his memory, and met a girl who looks exactly like him, calling him mom.

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Necromante das Sombras

"Eu deveria ter ficado em casa jogando videogame." Esse foi o último pensamento de Ray antes que a escuridão o engolisse após ser atingido por um carro. Mas, para sua surpresa, em vez de se encontrar diante dos portões do inferno depois de morrer, Ray descobriu que foi transmigrado para outro mundo. O mundo para o qual Ray foi transmigrado chamava-se Mundo de Arora, um lugar onde você pode usar diferentes tipos de habilidades, magia e até adquirir classes poderosas. Ray se encontrou no corpo de um jovem chamado Evan, que estava estudando numa academia de caçadores após despertar suas habilidades aos quatorze anos. A princípio, Ray ficou feliz por ter transmigrado para o corpo de alguém que havia despertado suas habilidades e podia usar a magia que sempre quis usar. Entretanto, à medida que Ray explorava as lembranças de Evan, ele finalmente percebeu que nem tudo era tão simples como esperava. Evan tinha um físico único que não lhe permitia aumentar seu poder como as outras pessoas. Por causa deste inútil físico único, Evan era o caçador mais fraco de toda a academia. E isso não era tudo; quanto mais Ray olhava para as lembranças de Evan, mais ele percebia o quão problemática era a sua situação. "Eu sei que entrei neste corpo sem comprar um ingresso, mas isso não é demais?" Ray disse numa voz deprimida depois de passar pelas lembranças de Evan. Ray conseguirá sobreviver neste novo mundo? O físico de seu novo corpo é realmente inútil? Junte-se a Ray em sua aventura para descobrir. -------------------------------------------------- A capa não é minha, peguei do Pinterest, comente para remover.

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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