
Friend or foe

" Ok so obviously the pictures havn't been released yet." Kara paced up and down the open space. " Maybe we could get them back somehow. They don't seem that far away and they already know that Supergirl is here. I could go and ask them to delete the pictures." She stopped in the middle of the room. " And then if they don't we can smash their camera." 

" Oh ok slow down there Babe." Lena made her way over to Kara and put her hand on Kara's chest so she wouldn't start pacing again. " We don't even know what they've taken pictures of."

Kara put her hand on Lena's. " Lee I know that you're trying your best to calm me down but think for a second. What am I not wearing right now?"

" A bra." Lena said in all seriousness.

Kara looked down confused. " Dangit, I knew I forgot something." She sped to the bedroom, put one one and sped back, Lena just giggled. "But that's not what I was aiming for. Think about my face."

"Your Glasses!!" Lena exclaimed throwing her head back, she looked back at Kara. " Aaawww Man. Are you sure they won't recognise you without your suit on?"

" They literally called me Supergirl." Kara turned away from Lena whilst  putting her face in her hands. "I'm gonna take a look at them." Kara looked towards the window that she saw the movement from and used her x-ray vision to look at that spot. She also zoned in her hearing on the spot again.

There were two men laying down, on in a bush and the other next to it. The one next to the bush had a camera but wasn't pointed in any particular direction as they were talking about what to do.

" I think that we should leave."  The one with the camera said.

" No. I know what they're like, Supergirl's gonna be freaking out whilst Lena is trying to calm her down, one of them is gonna get fed up, open the blinds to prove a point and then we'll get our last picture." I know that voice.

" Um Mr. Olsen are you sure that we defiantly need another picture? We already have over 60."

"OLSEN? OLSEN?" Kara thought. She looked through the bush. Oh my God. There he was, his tall, broad build led next to the small squeaky inter. " And Jesus Christ over 50?! What?!?"

" Miss Grant wanted 60 and we will get her 60 so you will get her those 6 more pictures." James said harshly.

" Yes Mr. Olsen."

" I'm going to kill that man." Kara said out loud whilst marching over to her phone.

" Whats going on?" Who are you going to kill?" Lena said starting to panic even more.

Kara was quickly typing into her phone, she didn't even bother looking up. " There are two men on the cliff with a camera."

" Yes I know that part Kara. Just tell me who."  Lena demanded.

" An intern from Catco."


" James." Kara said letting out breath that she didn't even know she had.

Lena's faced transitioned from confused, to shocked, to anger to pure rage. " WHAT?!?!" What are you doing now?" Lena asked referring to the phone in Kara's hand that she was typing on.

" Texting him."

" What are you texting him? Kara you really need to start giving me more info."    Lena said walking over to her.

" Just read it." Kara exclaimed giving Lena her phone.

"Dude, what are you doing." Lena started to read it." Go away, you need to respect mine and Lena's privacy. Who told you to come her anyway? Was it Cat? Or was it your owm twisted idea? This isn't cool. Just leave."  Lena looked at it for a second before deleting it all. "No, this isn't right."

" What do you mean?" Lena started typingbut was done in about 5 seconds. She hit send and that was that. " What did you text him." Kara got her phone back and looked at the screen. Her eyes went wide. In big capital letters were the words 'FUCK OFF, PERVERT!'. " Oh Rao." She looked up at Lena who was looking at her expectingly.

" Well? What do you think?

" Well it definitely does get straight to the point." Kara went to fiddle with her glasses but realised they weren't there so played it off by scratching her forehead. " But don't you think he'll realise that it wasn't me who sent the text."

" Good. At least he'll know that I mean buisness." Lena tapped Kara on the nose as she said 'buissness'.

"Oh, okie dockie then." She said looking at her nose. "Oo, oo, looks like he's replying."

They waited a few moments before Lena heard the small ping of the message that just came in. "What does it say?"

Kara just sighed. " He's just asking if that text was actually me."

Lena was about to tell Kara what to text next but she saw something that caught her eye. It was a nervous habit of Kara's that wasn't very obvious but Lena was able to pick up on it after about 3 months of knowing her. Kara would dig the end of her thumb into the bend of her index finger. " Kara." The blonde kept looking at her phone." Kara." She tried again but still  she didn't look at Lena. " Kara, look at me." Lena but her thumb on top of Karas chin and the side of her index finger underneath it. She lifted Kara's head up so she was now looking directly into Kara's eyes. " Tell me whats wrong, Kara."

"Uhh...um." Kara was struggling to keep eye contact with Lena. " Well. The text wasn't exactly as nice as I made it out to be but don't worry it's alright, I learnt to deal with it a long time ago." Kara rubbed her arm.

" Tell me what it says Kara." Lena instructed.

" It's fine lee, I swear."

Catching Kara off guard, Lena grabbed the phone took a step back and started reading it. Her face progressively filled with more and more rage, understandably as well. Lena couldn't believe that someone she thought was so close to Kara would say. You're probably wondering what it actually says, so here you go.

'Kara, let's be honest. We both know you don't have the guts to send me ,of all people, something like that. I mean come on babe, I knew you were a slut but this, this is just something I didn't expect.'' Also, I thought I told you to stay away from that Bitch. She is a liar, a villian and a sociopathic murderer. I can't believe you slept with that whore.' Lena scoffed at that part. ' You really need to learn whose really got the upper hand here otherwise, well, you know the consequences. So come face me like the heroic peice of shit you think are and stop letting the luthor do all of your dirty work.'

Lena looked up at Kara with fire burning in her eyes. " What do you mean he's done this before?" She asked through gritted teeth.

" Oh, uh, golly so many questions today. Well you see james has quite a short temper and when you do something small, like calling him a name or doing something he told you not to do, he tends to say stuff like this. He's said that crap so much now that I kind of just ignore it. That is until he starts apologizing to me, it usually seems genuine but then he makes it seem like it was my fault. Then I freak out thinking that it was, I have a full on panic attack, everything around me just starts to cave in, every single bad thing that I've ever done comes rushing back to my mind which makes it even worse then for some stupid, stupid  reason I forgive him." Kara drags her hand down her face. " I don't know why I do forgive him but I do. Maybe it makes me feel better, or maybe I have a stupid constant need to make other people feel good about themselves and forget about myself." Kara walked towards the door. " That's what my therapists said anyway. Just so you know," Kara put her hand on the door knob ready to leave to go to the men on the cliff . " Don't expect that the confrontation won't get physical, that man is going to die today." With that Kara walked out of the door.

Lena just stood there still in shock, her mouth was open and her eyes were watering. She didn't even know this was going on, she'd never even heard Kara mention a panic attack or a therapist. She put her hand to her mouth as a single tear drop was released from her eye.

There was so much more to Kara than she realised. But why was this always kept as a secret from her. How long has this been going on? Who knows?  What therapist? How often does she go?

So many questions.