
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

28. Oath of Revenge

After carrying Victor to a safe area, the mysterious person puts him down. Victor's eyes remain emotionless as he tries to make sense of what he just saw.

"You'll be no good to anyone if you remain in this state, Victor Bloodgrave."

Victor lifts his head up.

"How do you know my real name?"

The stranger removes the hood, and Victor is shocked as he sees the face of the stranger who carried him.

"Dr. Gaiger. How can this be happening? You should be at the academy."

"The academy thing was just a forefront for me to gather information. I'm not a Dr, I'm a spy for the Reister Kingdom. My real name is Gizel Freewing."

"But, what would your people want with Fryden?"

"It started last year when I arrived. I was walking through the city when I bumped into your father. I could immediately tell he was different from everyone else. We started talking, and he informed me that the gods have started making their moves."

Victor slowly begins to return back to his normal self while talking to Gizel. But the pain and heartache of watching them mutilate his dad doesn't go away.

"What else did my father tell you?"

"He spoke a lot about you and what you've achieved for such a young age. He also trusted me to take care of you if they captured him one day. Unfortunately, I don't think he even knew the extent they would go to."

"I see. I can't stay here for long because I need to go to a place I promised him I'd go if he ever got killed."

"Well then, consider me your bodyguard and mentor from now on. Let's get to it."

Victor shakes his head before standing up to leave. Gizel grabs his arm and looks at him.

"He also made me promise to take you to the land of your mother's origin so you may learn more of her past and to increase your power tenfold. So whether you like it or not, I'm coming with you."

"Haaaa.....very well, just don't try to be a stand-in for my mom. If you do, I will not hesitate to kill you."

Gizel can't believe the aura Victor is giving off. An aura that's more like a warning to choose your words carefully. He starts heading for a section of forest his dad showed him, making sure not to draw attention with Gizel following close behind. After a few hours of travel, they arrive at the abandoned mine his father showed him.

An immense wave of power flows out from the mine, making Gizel jump back defensively. Victor is not bothered by it at all.

"What the hell was that Victor?"

"A warning to those not permitted to enter. Stay here and wait for me."

Before she can say anything, Victor dissappears into the darkness. Gizel is left alone, so she decides to make herself relaxed while she waits for Victor.

As he goes deeper into the mine, he is overcome with emotions at the brutal torture of his father. He steels himself and continues to the end before standing in front of a door that has no keyhole.

"It probably uses a magic spell to open or an item."

After carefully studying the door, he notices a small indentation and places the necklaces gem inside, and the door opens, revealing an entire room full of equipment and gold.

"Wow. They really have this much down here? You two really wanted to make sure I was well off if something ever happened to you."

He starts to cry but notices a strange tablet mounted on a desk. When he touches it, visions begin flowing into his mind of past events. He holds his head and screams in agony until he drops to his knees. After a few intense minutes, Victor regains his composure and reads the writing on the tablet.

"Within this tablet lies a power so strong, any who feel it's presence will either perish or worship it. But in order for you to gain this power, you must swear a life oath for what you truly desire. Only the one who is true to his feelings and spirit can acquire this power. Do you swear to the rules spoken of on this tablet?"

Victor closes his eye's then opens them with determination.

"I swear on this life oath that I will not rest or die as long as there are gods living. Now grant me your power so I can exact my revenge."

The tablet hovers in the air and breaks up, revealing a shining glove covered with intricate shapes and colours. A pure aura emits from the glove, and Victor puts it on. It glows a multitude of colours, and Victor feels power surge into his body. He gathers everything he can and comes across a black and red outfit, his father's words ringing in his head;

"There is an outfit in there that will help you on your quest. It would also mean a lot to us if you were to wear it."

Victor changes into it and heads back outside, closing the door behind him. When he reaches the surface, Gizel is nowhere to be found. He looks for her and starts hearing snoring coming from the tree tops. When he gets closer to the tree, he looks up to see Gizel lying fast asleep. He kicks the tree hard, and Gizel falls, crashing into the bush with sharp thorns on it and wakes up.

"We don't have time to waist. Get your things because we must quickly journey to Grakon if we wish to survive."

He holds out his hand, and she pulls herself up. She looks at Victor with a cheeky smile.

"Well, I guess you clean up very nicely. I'm impressed, I might actually fall for you if I'm not careful."

Victor shakes his head, and the two set off on another journey for Victor to discover more about his role in all of this and become powerful enough to fight a god.