
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

22. A Battle of Deities

As Shadow and Crestwood face off, immense magical energy is drawn from the forest making all the inhabitants panic. Lady Greythan speaks with authority.

"People of Greythanian, please do not panic. All of you must return to your homes and not come out until this catastrophe has passed."

All the people make for their homes. Lady Greythan looks towards the site of the gathering magic and concern riddles her face.

"Please don't destroy this forest."

She retreats into her chambers and locks everything. Explosions erupt inside the tree where the two deities are fighting.

"What's the matter Crestwood? Is that all you're capable of?."

Shadow says this with a maniacal laugh as smile as he throws spell after spell at Crestwood.

"Don't worry, I'm only getting warmed up. I can still defeat you when I see fit."

Crestwood counters Shadow's attacks but he effortlessly dodges all of them.

"It would seem you've lost your edge Crestwood. Has your dealings with the gods and millennia of peace made you so weak?"

"I'll make you eat those words heathen. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

Crestwood powers up his magic energy and multiple pointed leaves appear all over his body. Shadow smiles with anticipation, he too powering up. Shadow creates an entire wall of pentagram shapes and prepares to unleash all of them at once. They finish powering up fire their spells at each other.

"Divine Earths Judgment"

"Waves of Eternal Darkness!"

Their spells collide destroying the trees surrounding them instantly causing catastrophe to fall on the forest. Neither is letting up and they both increase their power output even more.

"How can you have so much energy after millennia Shadow?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

As the battle continues and the forest gets destroyed, Victor watches the battle unfold trying to find a way to defeat Crestwood. Both sides are relentless with their attacks, people are screaming, shouting, crying as their homes burn and loved ones are killed or injured. Prince Greythan stands up looking around him at the destruction and steels his resolve to stop the two deities fighting. The battle tares through the tree tops, their movements match at a speed that can't be comprehended. Both suddenly find themselves in a different place, devoid of anything and a voice begins to speak.

"I will not ordain a battle that destroys my people and their lives. You are in a dimension that is between existence and death. Here you may fight till you're satisfied and don't have to hold back."

"Heh. Even though I was subduing my power, it was still able to destroy the forest. Hey Crestwood, let's see how you squirm now that you can't hide behind others."

"What do you mean Shadow!? I've been fighting you at full strength this whole time and we're evenly matched."

Shadow can't help but snicker at his response which infuriates Crestwood.

"What's so funny?"

"Sorry, hehe, you've been fighting at full power this whole time? If that's true then I'll allow you to surrender here and now. If not-"


"Very well, I shall use the second option then."

Shadow gathers vast amounts of magic with a cheeky grin. Crestwood starts shaking and is thrown to his knees by Shadow's immense power.

"Impossible. My power was supposed to be the same as your's when you were sealed. Just how powerful is the one you reside in?"

"Powerful enough that he can pose a threat to the gods themselves. This is goodbye you bastard. Shove this down your throat!"

"Prison of Eternal Judgment!"

A giant pentagram appears behind Shadow as he fires off his spell, swallowing Crestwood and trapping him in the eternal judgment dimension.

"Well that was disappointing."

"What was Shadow?"

"I wasn't even able to use a third of my power so I'm a bit down about it."

"You'll be fine. Oh yes, can I please have my body back."

"Sure kiddo."

Victor changes places with Shadow and opens his eye's to still be in the same dimension.

"What is happening? Shouldn't I be back at the forest?"

"Calm yourself son of Riventer. I wish to speak with you outside of the ears listening in the world. I am the earth mother and I have come to warn you."

"Warn me about what?"

"You must not stay in Greythanian, leave as soon as possible. It will only bring about your ruin."

"But why would that happen?"

"There are powers at play that seek to use your gifts for personal gain. If you stay here, you will become a tool for the gods to play with."

"Very well earth mother, I will leave at once."

"Before you go back to the academy, you need to visit the abandoned shrine in the forbidden forest. There you will gain the knowledge of controlling my magic, but be warned, there is not much time. The gods have already chosen one of their own to hunt you and Riventer down. Please be careful."

"I will. How do I get to the forbidden forest?"

"Look to the furthest edge of this kingdom in the east. There you will find it."

Everything dissipates and Victor falls from the sky gaining speed. Prince Greythan jumps up and catches him just in time. He lays Victor down and looks around at the deluge caused by the battle, his anger rises to the surface.

"How could you do something like this Benjamine? This was my home and you not only destroyed it but killed the elder mage. When you wake up I will have you thrown out of the kingdom never to return."

Five day's later, Victor wakes up and finds himself in chains surrounded by guards.

"What is this?"

"Isn't it obvious? Your actions not only destroyed my home but killed the elder mage as well."

"He was working for the gods. If he had lived any longer your people would've been slaughtered."


"If you don't want to believe me that's fine. Let me get my things and I'll leave by myself, so you don't have to bother with banning me from entering ever again."

"Very well. Count yourself lucky that my mother is the queen and you were on her good side otherwise death would've come over you."

"(Whispers) I doubt he'd let you do that."

After Victor gathers his things, he makes for the entrance to leave the kingdom.