
Chapter 55 - You are mine

Chapter 55

You are mine

He pulled her into him with both arms. Her chest pressed against his. Mary’s eyes were half closed, and so were Eric’s and his lips only looked small from afar, she realized, because of their doll-like pucker.

They were perfectly big, really, now that she had a good look at them. Perfectly something. He nudged his nose against hers, and their mouths fell sleepily together, already soft and open. When Mary’s eyes closed, her eyelids stuck. She wanted to open them. She wanted to get a better look at Eric’s too-dark eyebrows, she wanted to admire his crazy, seductive hairline—she had a feeling this was never going to happen again and that it might even ruin what was left of her life, so she wanted to open her eyes and bear some witness. But she was too lust in it. And his mouth was so soft. And nobody had ever kissed her like this before.