
Chapter 50 - Thudding heart

Chapter 50

Thudding Heart

I stared at him with opened mouth, and then I noticed the whole surrounding has gone quiet... I looked at him again, he wasn"t joking.... All of a sudden I wished we were at home. My hearts was thudding hard against my chest and I know he could hear it too. I summoned courage"s beaming at him "Quite joking," I said smiling playing by the rules,

"Oh, but I wasn"t," he smiled this time with teeth showing

"Come one, kiss him," A female voice resounded from the crowd that gathered in the mall

"Yeah.. Don"t be shy," another said and just like that more comment flew past us,

Jesus! How do I get out of this one? Am I going to lose my virgin lips all because of that rude shit, I turned and glared at her, she flinched. "Eric," I called almost in a whisper

"Yes love?" he responded with his eyes on my lips....