
Overlord: The Multiverse

When MC was reliving on a picture of a Goddess, he died. Only meet the Goddess but instead of torturing him to eternity, She give him wishes. And make him reincarnated in Overlord world. As the name suggested, this a multiverse Fan fiction, that mean MC will travel through different world like Marvel, DC, Highschool DXD, My vampire Diaries(may be) , Demon Slayer etc. first world: Overlord second World: Highschool DXD There will a harem, No NTR Or stuff. (some of you might dislike the Yggdrisil arc as it is bit of AU and MC talk a lot. But it is only in this arc on world travel arc I will tone down his unnecessary internal monologue.) I am not a professional writing and I have no deep experience in writing, so please ignore my grammar mistake and such. I also took some inspiration from other fan fiction. It would be a great help if you could donate your power stone to me. I posted 50 and more advance chapters on Patreon, If you are interested check it out. Only 3$ is needed to join my Patreon. it will be helpful if you can join my Patreon. You can support me on: patreon.com/BlackBolt517 1, 2 or 3 chapter per week. I will post bonus chapters on 150 power stone. Regular chapter update are on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Black_Bolt_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
105 Chs

Chapter 55: Surprise

Bonus chapter for 600 ps.

"And dear, I also left another surprise outside Nazarick," Death said with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, her voice dripping with playful amusement. "I had planned to reveal it in my realm, but since you beat me to the punch, I'll leave it up to you to discover."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Death's teasing tone, her sense of humor never failing to catch me off guard. "Oh, another surprise? You're spoiling me," I replied with a grin, feigning mock indignation.

Death grinned back, her laughter echoing through the ethereal realm. "Well, you know me, always full of surprises," she quipped, her eyes dancing with mischief.

I couldn't resist rolling my eyes playfully at her antics. "Oh, believe me, I've learned to expect the unexpected from you," I retorted, unable to suppress a smile.

With a playful wink, Death gestured towards the entrance of Nazarick, her expression teasing yet oddly endearing. "Well then, my dear, I won't keep you any longer. Go on, go and uncover your surprise. And don't forget to tell me all about it later," she said, her voice laced with anticipation.

I grinned back at her, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through me. "You can count on it," I replied, then turned to the Guardians, who was looking at me with star in there—Albedo and Shalltear has love in their eyes.

"I will be going outside the tomb for a bit." I said as get up. I don't want to delay the surprise of death now, can I.

But just then, objections came from all directions, voiced not by one, but by all.

"We can't let you leave just like that after your encounter with Death, Alexander-sama," they chimed in unison, their concern palpable.

I sighed inwardly, realizing that convincing them to let me go would be no easy feat. After all, I may have just become the "invincible hero" in their eyes, but that didn't mean they were going to let me waltz out of Nazarick without a fight.

I thought of Death, silently pleading for assistance, but she just grinned mischievously, clearly enjoying the chaos she had unleashed.

"Well, looks like I'll have to put my negotiating skills to the test," I muttered to myself, steeling myself for the battle ahead.

And so, with a deep breath and a forced smile, I turned back to the Guardians, ready to charm my way out of this sticky situation.

I knew I needed a brilliant plan to sway them. I cleared my throat, summoning the aura of a true ruler—if I had any.

"Guardians," I began, my voice resonating with authority, "I understand your concerns for my safety, and I appreciate your unwavering loyalty. However, there is a matter of utmost importance that requires my immediate attention outside the tomb."

The Guardians exchanged uncertain glances, their resolve wavering slightly under the weight of my commanding presence.

"Can you tell me what this important reason is, My Lord." Albedo asked.

Oh boy, here we go. Time to improvise like I'm in a high-stakes improv comedy show.

I want to see if death hides her panties outside the tomb.

'Pervert' Death suddenly said.

'Hey, it's just a joke."

But as I turned back to face the Guardians, I kept my expression stoic and composed, as if I were discussing matters of the utmost importance.

"That's something I can't say," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. "It's a matter of great secrecy."

"Even then, Alexander-sama, please reconsider," Albedo pleaded, her voice tinged with worry. "It's far too dangerous for you to venture outside alone, especially after your recent encounter with Death."

I sighed, realizing that I would need to come up with a more convincing argument if I had any hope of getting them to see things my way. But before I could respond, another voice spoke up from the back of the room.

"Perhaps we could accompany Alexander-sama on his journey," Demiurge suggested, his tone measured and diplomatic.

The suggestion seemed to catch everyone off guard, myself included. Could it be that Demiurge was actually coming to my rescue?

"That's... actually not a bad idea," I admitted, trying to mask my surprise with a casual tone.

Having a squad of elite Guardians accompanying me on my quest does have a certain ring to it, doesn't it.

Shalltear perked up at the idea, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Oh, I can't wait to sink my teeth into some unsuspecting foes!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm bordering on bloodthirsty.

"Indeed," Cocytus chimed in, his deep voice rumbling with anticipation. "It. Shall. Be. An. Honor. To. Accompany. You, Lord Alexander."

Who would have thought that a simple request to venture outside would turn into a full-blown expedition with the entire Guardians in tow?

"Well then, it's settled," I declared, mustering my most authoritative voice.


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