
Overlord: Conquest of Despair

Visions of the future plague the dreams of a young Antilene, someone who would one day don the epithet of Certain Death, the extra seat of the Black Scripture. This is the journey in which this half-elf embarks on to prevent the horrid reality that would one day prevail. To challenge those who sought to bring about ruin in this world, monsters from whom's perspective we once observed. The greatest guild of heteromorphs, Ainz Ooal Gown. AN: I created this to practice my writing and to just tell a story, so if you have any criticism just comment it. If you want to support this work, you can find me on patreon under the name AprilsMay. Though everything isn't finished with my account, you can still check it out.

AprilsMay · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Chapter 9

Eir's Retribution, a skill granted by the class known as the Sacred Arbiter, a special class that branches off the cleric. It is usable only once every twenty four hours, an unconventional ability of offensive origin.

It's power can only be activated through several conditions:

First - You must not have directly attacked the target of this skill.

Second - The target must have damaged the user directly.

And lastly - The previous condition must have been fulfilled within the preceding hour.

Only once these stipulations have been satisfied can the attack be launched. This power is meant to discourage attackers from targeting the user, since this ability is intended for a support build.

To mainly heal allies, summon monsters, and support and buff your party.

Due to this, this skill's damage directly scales with the damage taken.

And I have been harmed to an extreme amount.

The result?


Of ivory white and brilliant splendor, a crashing flood of blazing inferno burst forth from the tool I am grasping with my hand.

All within sight was consumed with that fiery death, the heat was almost unbearable, yet the fire wasn't hurting me, it swirled around in a vortex, melting and turning everything to ash.

The embodiment of hell seemed to last forever, however it all dissipated moments later. The entire event only went on for a few brief seconds.

After everything died down, I looked upward to find two hollow gaping pits where eyes once existed.

I pushed the carcass that was charred black off of me, standing up and trying to ignore the pile of ash that laid next to what was once my mother, trying to refocus, I moved past the pain encompassing my entire being.

"Clear Mind. Dull Pain. Light Healing. Light Healing. Light Healing. Light Healing." I used the Martial Art, Clear Mind which focuses the mind and removes any dullness, and Dull Pain which is quite self explanatory as it makes the pain lesser. 

I also used Light Healing four times, a first tier spell to heal most of my wounds as well as exhausting most my mana.

I spun around looking at the destruction that I wrought, the entire hallway was covered in white holy fire.

The weight of what I had done settled upon me, nothing could change what I had done, I'll keep moving forward.

There most likely isn't anything I could do to explain this situation, someone will arrive here soon, and I can not risk absolution.

A plan quickly formulated within my mind.


Blocking all unnecessary input, grabbing the key I dashed into the vault.

The six different sections all represent each of the Six Gods, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Life and Death.

The key I have is meant to unlock the God of Death's zone, the one which I have the most affinity with.

Rapidly unsealing it, I grab all the items I can, and putting all of it into a Bag of Holding. 

Searching for the one treasure that will make my getaway possible, I thought back to everything I have experienced in this short life of mine and felt a hint of sadness. Then I remembered what had just transpired and I shut my brain down, focusing entirely on my search.

Seconds later, I found it, a cube made of complete solid black. Harnessing the bag, I grasped the cube with both hands, one on each side, and pulled.

The artifact opened in two, creating various cubic patterns along the ridges, along with a singular violet sphere at its center.

Space itself distorted, purple lightning shot across the room, this treasure Exit's End, was created to escape the most dangerous of situations, to flee, to live another day.

And as it finalized its activation, I thought to myself out loud:

"Huh, who's gonna cook for me now?"

Quite busy today, so the chapter was a little shorter. I'll try to make tomorrow's longer.

AprilsMaycreators' thoughts