
Overlord Begins:

“YGGDRASIL” has been circulating such a legend: -----------------------------------------------

viga1994 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

On the Cloud

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill lv15 Skywing Demon Wolf, and raise the level to lv13."

The emotionless electronic sound of the system was in my mind again.

Sure enough, Ur felt clear and shook his fist, feeling the more abundant power in his body and the vigorous Reiatsu.

He is stronger again!

And beside him, the corpse of a wolf with wings on the waist was lying quietly on the ground.

The death was miserable. The wolf's face had long been unable to see the whole picture, half of the hair was destroyed, and the blood exploded in some places, and the bones were deeply visible. The eye sockets are hollow, and the eyes have long been lost. The most fragile waist and abdomen of the canine was cut flat with a huge gap, and the internal organs flowed all over the floor.

Despite the small difference in power, Ur won, no doubt, no suspense, a crushing victory.

"Life is really fragile…"

Seeing the Heavenly Winged Demon Wolf gradually turning into a spot of light, Ur sighed with emotion.

But what Ur didn't know was that at this moment, the whole world had already exploded, and countless people were crazy for him and envied by his achievements.

Debut is the pinnacle!

Ulquiorra's name became a legend at this moment and was worshipped by everyone.

"World Announcement: Congratulations to the player Ulquiorra for killing the lv15 lord boss Tianyi Devil Wolf for the first time. Reward: Bloody Eye."

"World Announcement: Congratulations to the player Ulquiorra for killing the lv15 lord boss Tianyi Devil Wolf for the first time. Reward: Bloody Eye."

"World Announcement…"

YGGDRASIL's world announcement is as concise as always, but it can't conceal the huge influence of this information.

Everyone stared blankly at the world channel in the game.

Questioning, envy, admiration, yearning, curiosity…

Various emotions exploded.

"How is this possible?"

"Heaven Wing Demon Wolf, rub me a bit and I will die! This…this is too strong, too strong…"

"Is this really not open?"

"YGGDRASIL is only released, even if it has a plug-in, it hasn't been done yet! Go upstairs, don't stop me from paying homage to Ur god-tier."

"God-tier asks for a strategy…"


At this moment, everyone is boiling, and this moment belongs to Ulquiorra.

This strange name was consecrated to the gods at this moment and became an unattainable mountain top for everyone.

Curse of weakness, curse of slowness…

A shabby skeleton cast a spell at a small slime.

at this time,

"Undead? I happen to have a mission, come and fight with me!"

A player with a muscular ròu dressed in fierce clothes and carrying a big sword hacked a giant mouse to death, his eyes rolled.

Found a skeleton mage attacking the slime alone.

Regardless of what he said, regardless of whether the other party agreed with him or not, he slashed over with his big sword.

YGGDRASIL has an absolutely free pk duel method, whether it is a sneak attack, encirclement and suppression, poisoning, conspiracy, all can be, this is also its high degree of freedom characteristics.

According to the setting of YGGDRASIL, as long as the death level will drop by five, and an equipment item will be dropped. If it was originally a character below level 5, it will disappear directly. The player character will not disappear because of special protection, but the level will be reduced to one level. If you use paid items, you will only lose a little experience.

But even so, PVP still exists in large numbers, and there were countless players who took the initiative to feel the presence of pk shows at the beginning.

Even the game itself encourages players to kill each other. Many people's special tasks or professional tasks have the task of killing players of different races.

Especially alien species, this type of race is even more prejudiced by game designers, and it has almost reached a situation where everyone is calling for death.

Flying Squirrel is just an ordinary and simple game player. In the real world, his life is simple and lonely. Now he just wants to experience the fun of the game, meet new friends, get new equipment, and upgrade, all of which he likes.

This exquisite game world is even more of a place he loves. Just by looking at it, he fell in love with it. He wants to stay here all the time, he wants to keep playing this game, to see more beautiful and wonderful places.

However, before he could imagine a bit more beautiful future, the metal giant sword glowing with cold light flashed before his eyes. There was no time to react. He belonged to the magic system, and the skeleton mage who was not strong enough was instantly knocked out of half of his blood.

Before he could release the spell to protect himself, the blade flashed, and the next blow followed.

The huge blade slashed heavily on the shoulder.


A huge number of injuries flashed above his head, and the precarious half tube of blood was instantly emptied.

Flying squirrel, death.

"Hey, hacked to death with two swords?"

"Alien species, really rubbish!"

It's too much. After hacking people to death, there will be additional humiliation.

Seeing that the skeleton mage turned into a light spot and disappeared, the number of kills in the taskbar increased by one. The burly player held up the big sword and showed an ugly smile, but his honest face looked extremely odious.

Taking the steps that the six relatives did not recognize, he gradually walked into the distance, looking for his next "prey."

"Oh, it's dead again!"

At the resurrection point of the initial village, a bald skeleton slowly condensed, and she gave out a slender hand bone, a very humanoid touch of a bald skull, and sighed, a little helpless.

The race he chose is the undead, the skeleton mage.

It is still very powerful in the later stage, with endless magic, attacks, assists, and curses, which can play a good role in qun body battles.

But now he is desperate, desperate enough to make him want to abandon travel.

If YGGDRASIL's game designer appeared in front of him, he was afraid that he would tear the opponent to pieces.

Too irritating!

what's happenin? What happened to the undead? What happened to Alien Species? What did Alien Species do wrong? Alien seeds eat your rice?

To be treated unfairly like this.

As for? What a grudge, what a grudge? He is just a pitiful little bone! Why do you treat him this way?

It's been 5 times, and it hasn't been a long time since I opened the service.

He has been killed 5 times. He was not killed by YeWai monsters. He was all chased to death by players.

No player is willing to team up with him. What the hell is it to kill him as soon as they meet?

He was a weak group in the early stage of the race, with low defense, low blood, slow speed, and only a few auxiliary spells such as weak curse and slow curse. He was simply pk but not other players, and was instantly beaten into autism. .

Although he didn't have any level and equipment to drop, he couldn't help wasting time. When others were spawning monsters and upgrading, he wandered between the resurrection point and the outskirts. So that others have begun to kill the lv2 level giant rat. He is still competing with the lv1 level pitiful slime. This way he can't beat other players even more. As a result, the vicious circle continues, he plays The game is very frustrated.

It was hard to find a small corner that was inaccessible to kill the slime to level up, but in the end he was attacked by an unlucky soldier instantly with two swords and sent back to his hometown.

I don't want to play anymore!

Flying Squirrel looked sad and looked at the shining sun at the top of the sky.

The sun was shining brightly, but his mood was unusually low.

This kind of game is really boring, although YGGDRASIL is very delicate and attractive, he likes it very much.

But he can't have fun! This game is too unfriendly to him.

ps: Find the information about the game death setting to find the bald head╯﹏╰