
Overlord Begins:

“YGGDRASIL” has been circulating such a legend: -----------------------------------------------

viga1994 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Go ahead!

"World Announcement:…"

Just then, the world system news was released.

"Is this god-tier again… really amazing…"

This is the third time I have seen this familiar name.

Weird names, shocking deeds, invincible demeanor.

Even if he didn't meet, how could he not leave a deep mark in his mind?

He was also one of the players on that channel who was able to get news quickly.

Flying Squirrel was not in a hurry to kill monsters break through. Watching the world's three consecutive short world announcements and the admiration and admiration of countless players below, there was a few waves in his heart.

Such a person is born to live in the envy of people.

I really want to, I really want to be like him…

The withered hand bones clenched subconsciously.

Flying Squirrel thought, found under a big tree with beautiful scenery, quietly looked at the clouds in the sky, and formed a sharp contrast with the players who were very busy with the people around them.

After a long time, he gave a faint laugh.

Standing up, even though the game world was spotless, he still had boned hands and subconsciously patted the dust on his body.

The hollow skulls glowed red in the eye sockets, and looked up at the scorching sun again.

Something different has grown from him, sweeping away the previous decadence and loss.

So, do it again!

"Can't it?"

Ur was still alone, and didn't know that the outside world had fallen for him.

At this time he was experimenting with one of his conjectures.

The coquettish scarlet necklace, ring, and bracelet were all worn on her body.

Ur began to test his power, speed, Reiatsu, etc. abilities.

However, the result was disappointing.

He did not feel any increase.

He is already level lv13, and the equipment exploded by level lv5 monsters must be usable, but he can't get power from it, which only means that he can't use the equipment here.

Ur sighed, although it was a bit of a loss, he didn't feel particularly disappointed.

Ulquiorra's power is enough for him, and things like equipment are foreign objects after all, far behind their own powerful reality.

The rewards of the Tianyi Devil Wolf are definitely very rich. The gold coins alone are five times more than the bloody wolf king. The potion also dropped four bottles, but the equipment only dropped a pair of strange red glasses.

Ur also tried it, and it didn't work, just like the rubbish before.

His eyes flashed, and the jewelry and glasses on his body had been taken back into the system space by him.

Although it was useless, Ur didn't want to discard it either. He can't use it doesn't mean that others can't use it. You can always exchange money or give it to a few people who look pleasing to your eyes. Anyway, the system space is large, and there is no problem with putting a few collectibles.

"Then go ahead!"

After resting for a quarter of an hour, Ur regained his spirit. The emerald eyes looked at the bright sun in the dome, muttered softly, and stepped firmly into the deeper part of the jungle.

YGGDRASIL has been released for three days, and it is still hot. Such an epoch-making game has caused a huge response in the society and has become a crazy trend sweeping the world.

Joined YGGDRASIL's loyal players in the first day of the public beta.

There is a very special person, who is like a brilliant meteor, lighting up the entire night sky in an instant, evoking endless reveries in people's hearts. But it is just as fleeting as a meteor, and in the next moment, it disappears without a trace, and there is no more news.


Strange name.

He appeared on the world stage proudly and powerfully with absolutely unmatched strength.

Kill the wolf king, suppress the wolf qun, and destroy the devil wolf.

Such a miraculous record instantly established an invincible figure in everyone's hearts.

All industries need leaders. At this moment, there is no doubt that all players believe that the god of YGGDRASIL has been born, this guy named Ulquiorra.

Unmatched, unsurpassed.

Everyone is looking up, his legendary road has been opened.

However, just as the players are waiting to watch Ur god-tier kill the Quartet, the world announcement will be screened by him.

He quietly exited, without warning, just like when he came.

There was no news, as if the world had evaporated, and no one saw any news about this name again.

Until the third day, the name of the first player to kill the lv10 boss suddenly appeared on the world announcement.

The chaos players wake up instantly.

This moment seemed like a world away.

The name… it's not him, it's gone.

It turned out that that magical and powerful guy really disappeared.

The legend has just begun, and it has its final chapter.

Something happened?

Abandoned the tour?

Have you been banned?

no one knows!

People either miss, worry, or maliciously jealous.

But no matter what,


This magical name, this powerful player has left a strong mark in their hearts.

At this time, rumors by countless players, Ur was sitting next to a towering old tree.

The figure is slightly embarrassed.

Lying next to him, a huge tiger corpse was turning into a spot of light, completely dissipating.

If a player comes here, his eyes will fall in horror, which is impossible to believe.

Because this huge tiger corpse is exactly the level lv23 monster, the forest tiger.

It has only been 3 days, and YGGDRASIL has only been taken for 3 days.

Moreover, YGGDRASIL upgrades very slowly, and the player with the highest level will reach level 8.

That's it, relying on massive amounts of money and props and people qun besieged an lv10 boss and barely reached it.

In front of him, this guy with pale skin and green pupils killed the lv23 monster alone.

This is simply impossible.


This is also normal.

Because he is, Ulquiorra!

"Huh, it should be fine!"

Ur exhaled and murmured to himself.

He underestimated the difficulty of upgrading, and now the difficulty of his not being promoted has increased exponentially.

If it weren't for the sound of system prompts in his ears, he would suspect that he hadn't gained experience at all.

The tiger corpse that was dissipating in front of him was a difficult opponent, and the two of them had been deadlocked for a long time.

The forest tiger, the assassin in the dense forest, is extremely agile in the woods, and also uses the terrain to release wood magic.

When the battle began, Ur was not familiar with the opponent's information and the number of attacks. In this case, he really suffered a small loss, and even consumed a few bottles of potion.

Fortunately, the result is good.

The potion that also lost can indeed be used, it can repair his injuries and restore his physical strength.

Otherwise, it is really tricky.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the lv23 forest tiger, and the level is raised to lv20."

When the tiger corpse dissipated, the familiar mechanical and electronic sound rang in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching level lv20, rewards are now issued."

Ur's green eyes shrank sharply.

This feeling,

Body, will, Reiatsu, power.

Something is coming up!

The energy is growing, the soul is sublimating.

Ulquiorra, metamorphosis!

ps: Thank you Hello Nuoxu, yanluo250 brothers for their 100vip rewards. The chapters related to the work cannot be modified unexpectedly. I will thank you below.