
Overcoming all Odds

Jacob dies and meets ROB. Fills a Lewd-CYOA and is sent to the world of 'Tales of Demons and Spirits'. Thinks of leeching off of Nie Li and live an easy life. But wait!!! Why is Nie Li not doing anything? Why is Nie Li just a simple ignorant child? Why did Nie Li not come back from time? What, this is the first timeline? No Nie Li? Will he have to save the City himself? Well, he had nothing better to do and he lives here so he might as well destroy the Demon Lord and save the City. Plus, If you like my work and want to support me, then please do so at- patreon.com/ankit1 Upto 40 additional chapters in Patreon.

Fortunate_Soul · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 26

That afternoon during the lunch break, he sat in the library with a bunch of books on the desk in front of him.

Because while he definitely planned on healing Xiao Ning'er with Sexual healing, if only so that he could drink in the ecstatic expression on her face as pulls her hair and pounds away at her from behind, he still wanted to find the Daoyin technique that Nie Li used as it was a great healing technique and might come in handy in the future.

And even if he failed to find the Daoyin technique, there was still a lot of information in these books that interested him. And he wanted that knowledge.

He was broken out of his thoughts when another person came and sat in front of him.

He raised his eyes from the book and found himself looking at a Lavender eyes.

He eyebrows rose in curiosity and he put down the book on the table before asking "Is there something you wanted from me classmate Ye Ziyun?"

She looked nervous but determined as she clenched her fists and stared at him "I wanted to ask about your relationship with Xiao Ning'er."

"My my… How bold of you. You don't play around, do you." He said before his eyes crinkled in amusement "Would you believe me if I said that I have no idea what you're talking about?"

Ye Ziyun said nothing but continued to glare at him.

"Oh my. Such a fierce gaze. Be careful or I might fall in love with you." He said seductively.

Ye Ziyun tried to maintain her glare but he could see the slight blush on her cheeks and slight fidgeting in her posture. Being the daughter of the City Lord, she has probably never been hit upon so directly by someone and has no experience how to deal with someone who was clearly flirting with her in such a direct manner.

"I… Just tell me what I want to know." She said "What are your intentions toward Xiao Ning'er."

"Why do you care about my intentions toward her?" he asked before he widened his eyes as if he just realized something "Oh… ho ho. I didn't knew you swung that way Class Ye Ziyun."

"Swung that way?" she asked, looking very confused.

Oh for the love of god.

"You know." He moved toward her and whispered "Girl who are interested in other girls." He said with a knowing wink.

Ye Ziyun's face turned beet red at his words. "That is not true."

"It is~"

"It is not!"

"It is~"

"It is not!"

"It is not~"

"It is!"

She paused as she realized what she just said and then she looked at his shit eating grin and gods… how many shades of red can this girl reach.

She wouldn't be a shape shifter would she. Or maybe she really was interested in Ning'er in 'that way' and just didn't know it herself.

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and then she pinned him with a glare though he could still see her embarrassment from earlier shining through "I am serious Classmate Itachi. What are your intentions toward Xiao Ning'er?"

Her voice was serious this time and he crossed his arm an leaned back in his seat.

"Well… if you really want to know, then…" his eyes became serious as he said "I'm trying to seduce Xiao Ning'er so that I can control her and than gain the cultivation resources given to her by her family." He then smirked and winked at her "Don't tell anyone though. Or my villainous plan will be ruined."

She stared at him for a long moment before she sighed and said "I'll ask you one more time Classmate Itachi. And please do not joke around this time. What are your intentions toward Xiao Ning'er?"

"Why do you care? It's not like you're her friend." He said before he adopted a thinking pose "In fact, I don't think I've even seen you two talk. So what's with the sudden interest."

"My reasons are my own. And do not change the topic. What are your intentions toward Xiao Ning'er?" she asked, her voice deadly serious this time.

He titled his head and looked at her curiously "Is this classmate Ye Ziyun asking. Or is it the daughter of the city lord?"

Her eyes widened a fraction and the sharp look on her face intensified. "How did you know who I am?"

"Why don't you take a guess." He said "I'm just a commoner. How would I know who you are."

Realization dawned on her face and her glare was refused by confusion "Xiao Ning'er told you." She said before a hopeful expression took over her face "Does she talks to you about me?"

"Not really." He said nonchalantly and enjoyed as her face fell into deep sadness "I only know what you two were friends once but aren't anymore."

Ye Ziyun's fists clenched and she glared at him. "Okay. I don't care anymore. Tell me what are your intentions toward Xiao Ning'er class Itachi. Or…"

"Or what? You'll go running to your daddy and complain to him that a dastardly commoner is taking advantage of your friend."

To his surprise, instead of taking offense she nodded "If that's what it takes to protect her."

He stared at her in surprise for a moment before he started chuckling to himself.

"What's so funny?" Ye Ziyun asked, looking slightly confused.

He shook his head and then took a deep breath before releasing it. "Well… if you are going so far then I might as well tell you. I'm trying to help her." He said while pointing at the all the books scattered in front of him.

"Help?" Ye Ziyun frowned "Help her with what?"

"It would be rude of me to tell you. I'm afraid you'll have to ask her yourself if you want to know."

Ye Ziyun clearly wanted to say something but before she could do so, Shen Yue came and sat beside him.

Huh… the more that things change the more they stay the same.

"Ye Ziyun. What are talking with him about?" Shen Yue asked as he tried to give her a charming smile that only came off as slimy.

Ye Ziyun looking slightly pissed at Shen Yue barging in like this but before she could say anything, he spoke up.

"Class Ye Ziyun wanted to ask how I kill my Demon Beasts so easily and if I have any pointers with her. I of course refused her offer and as you can see Classmate Shen Yue, she doesn't look very happy with my refusal."

Shen Yue frowned at him "Why would you refuse to teach her?"

He shrugged his shoulders "Judging by her high soul force and her refined manners as well as her mysterious background, it is clear that Miss Ye Ziyun is from a very powerful family. On the other hand, I'm only a commoner. Her spending time with me would not look good for either of us, won't you agree Classmate Shen Yue."

Shen Yue frown lessened at that "Well, you at least know you place. Come Ye Ziyun, I'll give you any pointers you may want."

"That is not necessary anymore Shen Yue." Ye Ziyun said and got up from the chair. "Thanks for your time Classmate Itachi Uchiha."

He gave her a nod and she left with Shen Yue going after her.

He sighed.

He remembered this Shen Yue's confrontation with Nie Li during the school and how Nie Li made the boy piss his pants in fright.

He was currently at 1 Star Bronze Rank could easily deal with the boy on his own but he didn't want to court trouble for himself. Not yet at least.

Nie Li only survived his foolishness because of the Alchemy Guild and because he had hundreds of hidden cards in his hands. He didn't have that luxury and will have to walk carefully or risk being flattened by the giants.

He let out another sigh before he picked up the book he'd been reading before Ye Ziyun came along and continued with his reading.

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