
Overcoming all Odds

Jacob dies and meets ROB. Fills a Lewd-CYOA and is sent to the world of 'Tales of Demons and Spirits'. Thinks of leeching off of Nie Li and live an easy life. But wait!!! Why is Nie Li not doing anything? Why is Nie Li just a simple ignorant child? Why did Nie Li not come back from time? What, this is the first timeline? No Nie Li? Will he have to save the City himself? Well, he had nothing better to do and he lives here so he might as well destroy the Demon Lord and save the City. Plus, If you like my work and want to support me, then please do so at- patreon.com/ankit1 Upto 40 additional chapters in Patreon.

Fortunate_Soul · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 20

"That loathsome toad! Who does he think he is!!!" Xiao Ning'er shouted as she held the urge to break something in his house.

He had no idea what led to her being so angry that she would come to vent in his house. He could only guess that it had something to do with Shen Fei, her betrothed who was the typical arrogant young master type of guy and must have made some forceful advances of Xiao Ning'er because she was his fiancee.

"Just you wait. When I become stronger and get my hands on you, I'll wring your neck." Ning'er shouted.

It was a bit hard for him to believe that Ning'er could be so foulmouthed but he knew that at the end of the day, they were all humans and thus imperfect.

He quietly waited for her temper tantrum to finish.

And once it did, she turned to him and said "I accept."

"Accept what?" he asked, needling her a bit unnecessarily but he need to get his entertainment from somewhere.

Her eyes narrowed at him "Don't play games with me Itachi Uchiha. You know exactly what I mean."

"Do I?" he asked coyly, his eyes crinkling in amusement "I seem to have a faulty memory these days and can't remember what you're accepting. Maybe if you'll tell it me then perhaps I'll remember."

Her fists clenched and it looked like she was almost on the verge of attacking him.

He had already used his Roleplay Excellence power to become an Expert at Jiu Jitsu. He would love to pin her down on his bed and then whisper seductively in her ears.

It had been fun last time. To hold her down like that and feel her struggling helplessly to get free of him. He was sure that in his bed, it would be even more fun.

Unfortunately, she must have seen something in his eyes because she quickly became wary and stepped back before raising her hand in surrender.

"Very well then." She said through gritted teeth "You met me in the forest a week ago. There, you promised me that if I give you my love, or at least try my best to love you then you'll heal me and even help me with my cultivation."

"That I did." He replied, thinking of how he had come to the revelation that with his increasing number of clones working with him, his cultivation would sooner or later skyrocket and he would leave every single waifu of his behind.

He didn't want that to happen.

He was sure that he would become powerful enough to protect them and even if he wasn't powerful enough, as long as he stayed under radar and kept his waifus inside the Pocket Dimension they'll all be fine.

But he didn't want them to spend their entire lives inside his Pocket Dimension. And he wanted them to be strong enough to protect themselves.

So he quickly devised a method that would allow his waifus to increase their cultivation at the same rate as him.

And after a bit of brain storming, he finally found a Technique that would allow his waifu to raise their own cultivation along side him while giving him a boost at the same time.

That technique was none other that- Duel Cultivation.

To perform this, he sat with Lily while being sexually attached to her and then they would cultivate, using the Duel Cultivation technique to resonate their own soul forces and increase the cultivation rate of both of them.

Lily was still not growing as fast as him and there would always remain a level of different between them but her new level of cultivation rate still vastly outstripped that of her original who was in the Sacred Family.

And even if she wasn't as strong as him, she would still be far stronger than a vast majority of people.

"Then I accept." She said before she paused and blushed.

He stopped her from speaking any further by gesturing her stay quiet and pointed for her to sit in the bed with him.

"You know that I already have a woman in my life?" he asked.

"Yeah. Lily. You told me about her." She said, not looking at her.

"Yes. And probably take even more women as my lovers in the future." He said "Make this decision wisely Ning'er. Because once you do, you can't take it back."

Ning'er bit her lip but nodded.

"Very well. Anything you can do to me would only be better than my current situation. I've been sold by my family. To a man that I hate. And I'm slowly but surely dying from the Arctic Disease. I don't see how my situation could get any worse from this point."

"Don't say that." He said with a frown "Things could always get worse. I know you think that your situation is bad but I assure that there are hundreds if not thousands or tens of thousands of women in this very city who had it worse than you."

Ning'er clenched her fists and then sighed before nodding "Yeah. I… even with all my situation, at least I'm still living in luxury and have the freedom to cultivate as I want."

He nodded "Now. Are you sure about accepting my decision. Because once you take this step, there's no going back."

She looked at him in the eyes and nodded.

He smiled.

"Very well then. In that case, let me show you something." He said and took her hand. "Come" he said and pulled her inside the Pocket Dimension.

Xiao Ning'er barely managed to stop herself from falling to the floor as she entered his Pocket Dimension.

She looked around at the modern day houses with equal part curiosity and caution.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"We are in what I call my Pocket Dimension."

"What's a Pocket Dimension?" she asked with a cute frown.

"It's like the space inside a spatial ring. Except that instead of a ring, the space is attached to me and I am the only one who can use it. The main difference between a spatial ring and the Pocket Dimension that that people can actually live inside them."

"Oh." She said and then paused as the implication of something having a Pocket Dimension actually hit her. "Oh…"


"How did you get it?" she asked.

"A powerful being that I call ROB gave it to me." He said "But this Pocket Dimension is not the only that he gave me."

She looked at him curiously "What else did he gave you." Then she frowned "And what did he wanted in return."

"Entertainment mostly." He said and then thought about the missions that he still needed to complete for the ROB like killing Shen Fei, Shen Hong, Ye Han, Demon Lord, Destroy the Dark Guild, Survive the Demon Beast Attack, Free Xiao Ning'er and so on.

"Entertainment?" Xiao Ning'er asked.

"Well, I suppose when you're an all powerful being and don't have any more Game of thrones seasons to watch, you start playing with people's lives to get your jollies."

"What?" Ning'er asked, looking even more confused and felt a pang of pain in his heart as he realized that no one would ever get his references in this world.

Oh well… he can live with that.

"Never mind." He said "Point is that I now have a bunch of power. One of them is…" he pointed at the few clones studying in the library.

Ning'er gaped at them and then at him and then looked at them and at them and then back at him again.

"There's… more of you."

"There are." He nodded "This is a power of mine called Facsimile. It allows me to make clones of myself. It is one of my most powerful powers and something that allows me to cultivate at an insane rate."

"What do you mean?" she asked, looking hopelessly confused.

"I got my powers ten days ago." He explained "Back then, can you guess what my Soul force was?"

"I don't know." Ning'er said "I think the teachers mentioned it more once or twice but I didn't knew you back then so didn't pay attention."


"Umm… 20…"

"No." He smiled "Guess again."


He shook his head, his smiled turning into a grin. "No. Ten days ago, my Soul Force was 2."

"2?" her jaw did drop at that.

"Yes." He nodded "Can you guess what my soul force is now?"

Before she could answer, he took out his Soul Crystal and started pouring his soul force into it.

More and more red dots started to appear inside the Soul Crystal and Ning'er eyes widened as he finished.

"62." She whispered to himself and he smiled.

"Yep. And my cultivation rate will only increase from here on out." He said "I get one more clone each day and my clones cultivate for me, increasing my Soul Force. If my guess is right, then by the end of the month, I would reach 5 star Bronze Rank by the end of the month."

"Really?" Ning'er asked in shock and he nodded with a smile.

"Yes. Really."

"But that's almost as fast as Lord Ye Mo's progress."

"And?" he raised an eyebrow "Do you really think that I cannot reach the Legend Rank with my clones that would only increase in number from now on?"

"I… no. You're right. But…"

"It all seems impossible doesn't it. Legend Rank. Something that no one has been able to attain after Lord Ye Mo."

"Yes." Xiao Ning'er nodded before she looked at him with a strange look in her eyes. "If this power is as impressive as you claim for it to be then I can definitely see you reaching the Legend Rank. And then you can have all and any women that you want. So why are you after me?"

He raised an eyebrow at her inquisitiveness and then smile "That my dear Xiao Ning'er, is a secret."

Xiao Ning'er nodded "Still. I don't understand why you would show this to me."

"Because I want you to understand that you've chosen wisely." He said "And I want you to understand that when I talked to you about destroying the Sacred family that I wasn't joking around."

"Destroying the Sacred Family?" she gasped "But… it's one of the three pillars that support the Glory City. Why would you do that?"

He scoffed "Sacred Family is not a pillar of the Glory City. In fact, they are the allies of the Dark Guild and the main reason why the Dark Guild gets away from the other families so many times."

Her eyes widened at that piece of information. "How could you know such a thing?"

"The being who gave me my powers told me." He said "That being told me that one of my tasks would be to destroy the Dark Guild. And once I do that, I'm not going to leave the Sacred Family to infest the City from the inside."

"I… see. This is a lot to take in." She said as she pulled a chair and sat down to disgest all the information he'd given her. Then she looked up at him and asked "Tell my Itachi. Is the reason you're helping me because ROB told you to do so?"

He froze upon hearing her question which might as well have been an answer for her.

The girl was really perceptive and smart to understand his motive so quickly. Not that he was trying too hard to hide his motivations. He didn't want to lie to his waifus. Even if it was a future waifu in this case.

He took a chair and sat down in front of her.

"Yes. The main reason why I'm helping you is because ROB told me to do so. But I would have helped you even if he had not told me to do so."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I've seen a glimpse of the future of Glory City." He said.

"You have… What happens in the future?"

"It's not pretty."

"I don't want pretty. I want the truth!" she said.

He looked at her determined expression and nodded.

"Two years from now, Glory City will be attacked by the largest Demon Beast Horde that the city has ever seen." He said "The Sacred Family desert their post with all their me, allowing the Demon Beasts to breach the defensive lines and enter the city. The citizens were slaughtered. Lord Ye Mo died defending the City and the Demon Beasts took over the city soon after that. A few people survived and escaped but they were hunted down by the Demon Beasts and died one by one."

"What happened to me?" she asked "Was I present during the attack?"

He grimaced "No. You remember me telling you about the Girl with the Arctic Disease."

"The girl who became sick and remained Bedridden for two years before dying." She nodded as realization dawned in her eyes "That girl was me, wasn't it."

He closed his eyes and nodded "Yes."

Ning'er was silent for a long moment before she asked "Why are you telling me all of this?"

"Because I want you to understand the danger we are in." He said. And because he wanted her to think of him as the only hope of Glory City so that she won't betray him in the future. "And because I want you to understand the scope of my power."

"Your powers. Why are you telling me about them?" she asked "I know you want yo help me but you don't even know me very well."

"Because the power that I plan to use to heal you is… a little eccentric."

Ning'er frowned "Well. You've told me all these things. Your power cannot be as shocking as the news of Glory City falling in two years to the Demon Beasts." She laughed self deprecatingly.

"Very well then." He said "The power that I plan to use to heal you is called Sexual Healing."

It took a moment for Ning'er to understand what he said. And he could see when his words actually made sense to her with when her face turned red like a tomato.


"I know." He nodded "Believe me I do. I wouldn't have asked you to love me if I didn't. It's better to be intimate with someone you love than someone you don't."

"But I still don't love you. I don't even know you all that well." Ning'er said, tears slowly streaming down her cheeks.

He wiped the tears from her cheeks and then pulled her toward him so that she would fall in his lap.

She looked at him in shock before she realized how close they both were and blushed before looking away.

He noticed how she didn't push herself off of him.

"You can take your time." He said "There is no need to force yourself to do this. We still have time."

"Time?" Xiao Ning'er laughed bitterly "The Glory City will be wiped out in two years. We don't have time."

"Glory City won't be wiped out." He said sternly "Not as long as I'm here."

Xiao Ning'er looked at him, her light brown eyes a mere few inches away from him "Can you reach the Legend Rank in 2 years."

He paused at that.

With the rate at which he was improving, he won't reach Legend Rank in 2 years. But…

"I'll find a way."

"We should tell the City lord about this. He must know." Xiao Ning'er said.

"No." He said in a voice that made it clear that he won't change his mind.

"What… why?" she asked, looking both frustrated and confused.

"Because it was the Dark Guild that instigated the Demon Beasts to attack the City." He said "And they have spies everywhere. If they find out that we know about their plan to attack the City with Demon Beasts then they might prepone then plan and attack the city before I'm ready. And this time, they might even aid the Beasts by attacking the city with the forces of both the Dark Guild and the Sacred Family. Do you have any idea how badly that would go."

He did not tell her that the Dark Guild had three Legend Rank and many Black Gold rank Demon Sprititualists and that the Demon Lord alone was strong enough to destroy the Glory City. That would be too much for her to take in. Especially when she still doesn't understand the full scope of his powers and just powerful he would become in the future.

"So we cannot make any moves… I understand." Xiao Ning'er said before she realized how close they were and blushed once again before she got up from his lap and went back to sit on her chair.

"About my healing…" she said, not meeting his eyes.

"Yes. About that…"

She clutched the fabric of her pants tightly "I don't want to postpone it… But I'm not ready yet. To take that step."

He nodded "Sure. Did you think I'm going to force you or something?" he asked with a chuckle before he took his hand and the moment, they were both out of the Pocket Dimension. "If you're not ready yet then there's no need to push yourself. And don't worry about the Demon Beast Horde of the Dark Guild. I'll find some way to take care of them. Believe in me."

Ning'er paused to look at his determined expression before she nodded.

"I'll believe in you then." She said. And then before he could react, he moved forward and kissed him in the cheeks.

Then she turned around and quickly ran out of the house.

He looked at her shapely ass swaying from side to side and smiled to himself.

She might be young but she had all the assets of a grown woman and he definitely wouldn't mind tapping that.

Laughing to himself at his own lame joke, he went backyard to train his Body.

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40 extra chapters on Pat_reon for my most fervant supporters :)

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