
Outlet of My Desire (BL)

[Warning: This story contains Shounen-Ai elements at the beginning, which will develop into deep BL. There are some torture and BDSM scenes. Please continue to support the development of the characters!] Forbidden love, conspiracies, slavery, teenage life that is far from ordinary, the forbidden hobbies of wealthy children, escapes, money games, wars, and even... the world of magic. Respati is not gay, but he is specifically attracted to a popular student at his school named Sha. However, their lives are very different. Sha is a famous student who has many friends and is very kind. Meanwhile, Respati, although quite attractive physically, is shy, doesn't have many friends, and is a bookworm. Until one day, a fate that Respati never expected brought their lives together. Little by little, the reality is revealed about what big things a perfect teenager like Sha hides in his life. Also, a series of bad things had to happen in Respati's life. Who is Sha's true identity? What has Respati done to become an enslaved person for other people's satisfaction? Can they break through everything they have believed in and unite in the end? #Fantasy #Reality #Story

stormseye · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Boy I Hate asked if I was OK

Finally, Respati decided to enter the forest on the edge of town, the forbidden forest. He tried to step as slowly as possible on a pile of dry leaves, not to make a sound that could make his presence known.

Damn. Why would I do something like a stalker like this, he thought in disbelief. However, even so, he still couldn't stop following and observing the teenager who was wearing a blue headset. His persona at that time was completely different from the star figure he had known at school.

Ahh, forget all that. Anyway, today, I swear I will find out what you are hiding and embarrass you in front of everyone, Sha, the teenager's determination was firm.

"Ee, eh, what? Where is he going? What is that place?"

Respati could only mutter when he saw Sha enter the grounds of a house, manor, palace, or what? How could such a large and luxurious building be built in the middle of the forest, and no one ever talk about it?

A man wearing a black coat with a long tail and wearing a suspicious mask of the same color was waiting on the terrace of the big house.

"Damn. Because it was too far, I couldn't hear what they were talking about. What kind of place is that exactly?" asked Respati, his heart pounding violently. He decided he didn't want to look anymore because he feared his heart would jump out. And again, he was worried that he wouldn't be able to get out of this forest because he had gone too far.

In front of the man, Sha took off a headset with a strange symbol on the two speakers. He said in a flat intonation, "I'm home."

The man in the black mask removed something behind his body and put it around the teenager's neck. A restraint." Welcome, Young Master Zhakarta."



A Shakarta Dewa Eleazar Kanofika Propagandanovicha may not have been born to be an ordinary person in his life. Despite his name being quite long and eccentric, he is someone who cannot be ignored. His body is tall among teenagers his age. For people born and raised in a third-world tropical country like theirs, Shakarta is like a monument that is a compass where everyone should look.

Of course, this is all the opposite to me, thought a teenage boy named Respati, who could only see Shakarta's perfect figure surrounded by other children in the classroom corridor. He was smiling, showing off his beautiful smile with rows of teeth lined up perfectly white like rows of pearls.

He is someone who will spend most of his time just daydreaming or reading a book. People say his stature is quite good because he has a tall body with a proportional weight, but his shy nature and low self-esteem mean that he bends down more often and is often looked down upon. Even when talking to others, he is always nervous, making his speech unclear.

However, despite how opposite they were, Respati always thought, "I think someone like him will make men fall in love," he whispered, about to raise his body. In this short break, he was more interested in borrowing a new book from the library than continuing to think about strange things about Shakarta.

When he passed Shakarta, who was with his friends, Respati noticed something strange on the teenager's wrist.


"Isn't the bell about to ring? Why are you even here?" asked a librarian working behind a computer desk.

"What other books are you looking for, Respati? You seem to have read all the books in this place," asked another librarian, standing between the bookshelves and tidying them up.

Respati answered, "Mbak Endang, Mbak Riche, I want to borrow the last book I borrowed again." (NB: "Mbak" is how people address older or unknown women out of respect in Javanese.)

Mbak Riche, sitting at the librarian's desk, immediately checked the Respati book borrowing list. "The topic is about the psychology of teenagers, right? It just so happens that no one borrowed after you. Just take the psychology section," she said.

"Okay," answered Respati. He walked towards the part that Mbak Riche said. He passed Mbak Endang, who was still tidying up the messy shelves.

Mbak Endang suddenly said, "What's your famous classmate's name, Res?" she asked.

"Shakarta," answered Respati uncomfortably. He came here because he wanted to avoid any topics related to that name. Even actually, there's no difference.

"Oh yes, even though the name is similar to the capital of this country, I forgot," responded Mbak Endang with a small smile. Maybe at that time, she imagined how handsome Shakarta's face would be, which could make other men fall in love.

Respati said again, "And then, Shakarta is not my classmate. Our classes are right next to each other, but that's all. I don't even know him personally, and he certainly doesn't know me either."

"Respati, why is your voice so harsh like that? Do you have a problem with him?" asked Mbak Endang, wanting to know.

Having problems with someone like that will only bring more problems into my life, Respati thought, pinching the spot between his eyes. "I decided not to get too close to a kid like him."

"Why?" asked Mbak Endang again. Because Respati was an acute bookworm who never missed a visit to the library for a single day, his relationship with the two librarians could be said to be close enough to be called acquaintances. They are good friends.

Respati found the book he was looking for. He turned around and leaned against the shelf. While opening several pages of the book in his hand, he answered, "Being too close to the light source can make us invisible, right? I don't want to doubt my abilities and existence just because I'm too close to someone like him."

Mbak Endang responded, "Wow, it seems like you're the only one at this school who thinks like that, Respati."

Plop. Respati straightened his body again and closed the book in his hand. He said, "No problem. It's better for me to be alone and continue to shine with my light rather than just asking for someone else's light."

"Usually, if you say you don't want to at the start, in the end, it becomes inseparable," commented Mbak Riche, who had been eavesdropping on Mbak Endang and Respati's conversation.

Respati immediately smiled a little with a crisp laugh. He replied, "Hahaha, what are you talking about, anyway? I truly believe having a relationship with someone like him at any time in my life is impossible."

Yes, that's right, thought Respati as he walked back to class. He continued, Shakarta and I were like reflections in a mirror. We are both human but very different in many ways. Impossible to put together.

BRUUKH. Because he was daydreaming too much while looking down while walking, Respati fell because he hit someone.

He immediately straightened his body while still looking down, "Please forgive me. I wasn't careful."

The person he had just bumped into, someone taller than him, bent down to see his face covered in messy bangs from below. He said, "Why are you the one apologizing? It was my fault for walking backward quickly without looking around. Are you okay?"

That was the first time Respati saw Shakarta's face this close. Not only that, Shakarta, who was like a half-angel, even invited him to talk. Ask about the situation.

DGUB DGUB DGUB. Why is my heart suddenly beating so hard like this?!

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