
1. The Main Role

"Auriqa novella!" Snapped a middle-aged man sitting on his dining table chair. Even though he is a three-headed man, the middle-aged man still looks dashing and youthful at the age of 40.

"Did the father. Vella said, wearing his school shoes, he was none other than the main character in the story, Novella Ayuriqa.

Novella, a high school student at the famous Favorite school, Cempaka Jaya. Her beautiful face like a goddess with dark brown eyes, milky white skin, jet black long hair and mischievous with all her intelligence above average, makes everyone amazed just by looking at her aura. The only daughter of a general, Malik San galpa Ayuriqa and Alina Elgetera, a dentist who specializes in dentistry.

Her life is so perfect, it doesn't make Novella arrogant and big-headed. he has one friend who is always there for him, Arifa Tiana.

"You are Vella, what time is it? Can't you see the sun is already hot! Why are you still at home, hurry up and go to school!" Said the angry father, his mother who was busy preparing her daughter's lunch could only smile and shake her head when she saw the debate between two people nearby.

"Yes, yes, Father, Novella is leaving now." Said Novella, reaching for the hands of her parents, Alina handed her a lunch box complete with a water bottle.

"You just have breakfast at school, you'll be late.." Said Alina smiling.

"Okay Mam Ski. Dad, Vella goes first, By Ayah Mama.." Novella waved goodbye after kissing her parents' hands.

"Be careful dear.." Said Alina, waving her favorite child.

"Hmm.." Nodded Malik, his father.

Novella walked out, just a few steps she stopped and then looked behind her where her mother and father were sitting eating.

"Mom..." Novella called.

Both of his parents spontaneously looked at him, "What's wrong dear?" Her mother asked softly.

"Last night Novella dreamed An-"

"Don't talk too much Novella, go away!" Cut the father glared at his son shooing away.

Novella scowled, Even though she intended to tell them that their son had a dream last night to exchange souls with an ugly ancient girl, Novella walked away stomping her feet in annoyance.

Novella left her house while carrying her sling bag and car keys with a bit of annoyance. She walked quickly towards the open garage which had been provided by the maid at her house.

"Good morning, Nonna..." He greeted Novella.

"Hello, mang Jarwo..." Novella replied smiling, entering her heated car.

Novella started her car engine, confirmed the way through the rearview mirror and started it. Novella, the girl has already passed the main gate of her house. he drove his car on the asphalt road shiny from last night's rain, aiming for his school building.

"Nanananana.." Novella hummed nodding her head coolly without intending to turn on the music.

The shady trees, the smell of car perfume, and the many drivers on the highway add to the sunny atmosphere today, he occasionally shakes his hand in the air enjoying the favorite song in his mind.

It was a 20 minute long journey, Novella arrived at the gate of her school. The gates were completely closed and silence enveloped the school building. It all becomes a gloomy sight for the novella. He thought he would be a little late.

'Bimm Bimm!!' The sound of the horn sounded loudly in front of the school building gate.

"Ouch Atuh Neng, the barrel is noisy!!" Shouted the school security guard in surprise, because he was startled by a loud noise that suddenly greeted his eardrums.

"Sir, open the gate!" Novella shouted, popping out of the car window.

"Grandma, what time is it? The gates have closed five minutes ago-"

"Idiot sir, quickly open the gate!" Cut Novella patting the windshield hard.

"Oops, madam, I'm afraid." Squeaked the security guard, it was a rule that every student who was late was not allowed to enter the school.

"What are you afraid of, sir, open it quickly! Vella's hands are numb.." Said Novella, a little annoyed.

"Sorry, bro, I really can't open the gate. Easy, it's better to just go home." The security guard refused.

"Haishh..." Novella snorted. He turned the steering wheel of his car back on the asphalt road.

Novella didn't come home, she drove her car in the wide yard of the shop behind her school building. It has become a habit, Novella always bribes the lady of the stall to leave her car parked until the school bell rings.

"Thanks ma'am." Novella smiled, she immediately locked her car and walked leisurely leaving a trail.

Novella, the girl is now looking at the high wall with shades of Teracotta, she intends to enter her school by climbing the wall. Novella squeaked, she didn't really like climbing. However, because the UTS score this time was very important, he had to be willing to scratch and try hard to climb a higher wall above him.

The girl looked left and right, her eyes roaming all the spots she saw to make sure no one noticed her actions this time. "Safe." He said smiling.

Novella looked at the wall intensely from the bottom up, silently she accidentally gulped her spit to find her madness this time. he slowly backed away, putting some distance between him and the wall.

"One..." He counted.

"Two..." Novella prepared.

"Three!!" Novella ran fast.

Right in the middle he pushed his left foot on a wooden branch to increase the repulsion to help his hands reach the end of the wall more easily.

"Succeed!" Novella shouted happily, she was now on the wall as wide as her feet.

"Eh eh.." He lost his balance for a moment, he slipped.

"Aishh hurts.." Novella groaned sitting on the grass, she grimaced when she found herself falling free from a towering wall.

"Who is there?" Asked someone faintly walking to his place, from his voice it was a male voice.

Novella was surprised, there was someone behind the school. He thought, Who is he and was about to answer. But, the girl didn't, she was lazy to be punished for now. Novella stood up hastily ignoring the pain in her buttocks and legs. he had to go, he thought.

Novella walked quickly while holding her buttocks, she walked in a quiet hallway because the lesson had been done a few minutes ago.

"Vella!" Called a student approached Novella.

Novella was startled again, she immediately turned around to find out who had called her. His chest breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be a shoulder-length haired girl who was none other than his best friend, Arifa.

"Vella? Cam-"


"Ahss.. why hit me? It hurts, you know." Asked Arifa, stroking his hand in pain. with no morals, Novella clapped Arifa's hand a little hard.

"Who told you to scare me, I thought it was Satan who called." Novella replied.

"Hey.. It's good for beautiful people to be played with the devil, if I'm a devil then you're the devil's friend like that?" Asked Arifa annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm an indigo, my friends are all demons." Novella said laughing and then walked past Arifa who was now dumbfounded.

Arifa looked at Novella's back, which was far away from the distance, she immediately covered her mouth still in disbelief. His best friend was always annoying. But, he loves.

"Vella Vella.." Said Arifa chuckling.


Axel's room (L), a special class for every Genius Cempaka Jaya student, a class full of pressure on calculations and history that only allows a handful of students who have above average thoughts, such as Novella who is given special rights to occupy one of the chairs in the room.

The silent and tense atmosphere constantly haunted the minds of every student in the class, there were many sounds of grinding teeth of concern combined with cold sweat pouring down their eyes to witness the silence of their grades this time.

"Today is UTS, right?" Asked Arifa scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably, sitting in the class chair with Novella.

"No, said who?" Flat novella.

"I'm serious Vella.." Said Arifa annoyed and worried.

"Want me to be serious about it?" Asked Novella, smiling seductively.

Novella saw, the girl named Arifa was now blushing. Hey, Novella just kidding. The name may be, a beautiful girl like herself really gives loose change to her own best friend.

"Yes! That perverted face of yours is Vella, I don't want to turn a corner just because of you." Snorted Arifa.

"Halih.. I'm just joking." Said Novella.

"But, your joke is ambiguous, my monkey.." Arifa was irritated.

"Monkey Monkey.. I poked your eyes just to know the taste." Novella annoyed with the word Monkey.

"Huwaa.. I'm sure my grades will drop. Vel.." Arifa swayed her body on the table.

"Just take it easy." Novella chuckled.

"Yeah, you're the one who's relaxed. Me? I'm not you who has the brain of a genius." Arifa sneered, her lips pursed cutely.

"Well, you've been in this class since the 2nd grade of high school just like me, you're also smart like me Arifa." Said Aleya, frowning in surprise.

"Tch, don't pretend to be stupid, I'm in this class too because of your help first." Arifa chuckled annoyed.

Novella laughed softly, Her eyes narrowed to give her lips time to curl. Laugh. It's true, he used to help Arifa pass class L. However, Novella never cheated on the school by giving cheats, instead she helped Arifa by becoming a private tutor without being paid.

Novella is aware that she gives free guidance to Arifa because the girl used to look confused due to the economic crisis. His best friend came from an orphanage which made him only rely on scholarships. even so, Arifa is a sweet, polite and funny girl. However, Arifa's intelligence is not comparable to that of a Novella, making her often ostracized. because people think Arifa is only using Novella's intelligence.


"You Bitch!" Someone shouted behind them.

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