
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

60: Grumpy Crown

"You seem kinda blue, young one."

I thought I can be alone here. But a woman wearing an apron and maid dress approached me.

"I'm sorry. I just want to be alone."

"Don't waste your beauty in loneliness. Here," she offered a pure and tiny chocolate, "its the comfort food of woman."

I took it and she sat beside me; her smile is sweeter than this chocolate when I ate it.

"I am the gardener in this mansion. And it happened to be that I found you mourning here." I keep my eyes on the waters falling on the fountain. "I may be a stranger, but as long as I can hear, I'm here to listen."

. . .

. . .

. . .

"I feel... less important to someone I care the most."

"Disappointed? Or jealous?"

"Am sorry to say if I have both."

She giggles, "That's a cliche matter for single adults. Especially for a woman."

"You must have felt the same, what did you do?"

"I admit that's a difficult challenge. I want to be with that man for the rest of my life, but that's impossible.

Just think about this, you're a beautiful maiden. Someone deserves you better than that person you look up too. But, you will remain unloved if you focus to that wrong one.

The world is so big, don't just bind yourself to someone who can't make you their priority. Stop clinging; that's what I did. And that is also how I found the right one.

Yes it's hard, but it may be harder if you insisted yourself to that person.

Anyway, you're still too young to react for such things. It is only the beginning of pain. It would be even painful to lose a child."

I look at her—without sympathy, "You did?"

"A daughter, a very sweet and warm daughter. She's still a child, who loves sketching of us and stuffs. She inherited my smile. And ever since someone killed her, I am craving for that smile."

"Does it feels like losing a parents? A home?" I asked.

"Everything. Especially when you put your whole heart for them."

"Then I can't afford to lose him. He's the only one left for me," I responded with a certified answer to my anxiety.

She smirks, "If that's what you want, then don't blame me in the end."

We both remained silent after that last words. I stare at the coins underwater, thinking about if he's doing good or not. I was mourning for his absence the whole time.

While watching my reflection, I noticed something strange.

She doesn't have reflection.

Agitated; I stood up abruptly but in the end, I fell down through numbness. I can't move too much until I wasnt able to move at all. I can't summon!

"I was pondering if I made the right choice. Should I increase the fire, or shut it." She took the advantage to walk closer to me while lying numb. She sat down and held my cheek. I witness her face and skin slowly unwrapping and falls.

She's a fake! She is Queen Aronah!

I saw a dome of barrier around us. And there is Veursula, smashing and enchanting powers to break it. But she can't.

"I mean no harm. You're in pain already. I want to be of comfort to you. When you feel unloved and loss, come at me. I can console you."

"Shut up! You're the one who took everything from me!" I can partially speak!

"I will help you. Don't be afraid. My arms are always stretch forth for you."

The waters from the fountain are risen and splashes the Queen away from me. After that, she vanished. The cloths are the only thing left on the ground, even the dome is gone.

However, I'm still feeling weak. Aishmalen is here and he held me on his arms and took me out of here.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

They offered a free room for us—for me. King Roshan asked me several questions about my case for investigation. Aishmalen remained at my side for guardian, even though I'm casting him away.

"Should I be grateful to you?" I asked—often in a grumpy way.

"No. I don't need a mandated gratitude."

I sighed. I'm sitting on the bed with duvet cover hiding my thighs. I was still pondering when he stood up and conversed with me.

"I wish we all have that chain. Just to keep you with us. You're always separating yourself."

"Fool. I just want to deal with my own business."

"Even if it kills you?"

I kept my mouth shut.

"That Queen... is she the one Haris wanted to arrest?"

I shrugged my shoulder as for response.

"She didn't harm you, rather, she talked to you. What is it all about?"

I pinch the cover without giving him an eye contact. "She spare me to warn everyone... that they will destroy this nation like they did to ours. She wants us to surrender, and be under as her subordinate."

"I see. So this nation is next. Let's change the atmosphere; we're leaving this kingdom."

I removed the cover, "All right," I said. And I was about to leave this bed when he halted.

"I don't mean 'now'. You take a rest."

"It's a waste of time. I'm not tired nor wounded to rest!"

"But at least you should rest your mind. We can stay here for the meantime and leave another day—"

"And when?!" I raised my voice unintentionally. "Sorry..."

"Fine! Seems like you don't care about yourself, only for Haris."

He left me scowling my forehead. Before he totally close the door, I follow him.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

We caught the rest of our members talking with a woman with an eagle on her shoulder. And she's so buoyant in speaking, especially childish.

We're now here on a roofless train station. The clatter of the drills and engines quivers me. I want to rush and leave this place!

"Uugh! I wanna ride a train~ I'm so sick of dragon!" I heard the mischievous Princess' rant.

"These trains are ways for transporting goods to other kingdoms and small villages. But it's impossible right now." She conveys a daze at the crystal barrier after her statement.

"Let's get out of here," I said—and they ignored me.

"Are you the provider for this nation?" Mishuzyňel asked.

"No. Everyone offers an exchange of products, and we're the wealthiest when it comes to nature and natural foods!"

That was too obvious with their land fields. I summoned Maruwie, that automatically sink in to their heads that we're leaving.

"What's your name?" asked the lady.

"I will tell you if you tell me yours," I responded.

"I am Ridley, the Queen of this Kingdom."

They all stared at me after her simple introduction.

"I am Jexica—"

"Really?! I thought you're Queen Elizabeth." Then she sparked a laugh. On the other hand, I don't see the point of her joke.

"Alright! Let's go!" Aishmalen took his cousin on his back whilst she's ranting; complaining about the monotonous ride.

I found the eagle messenger leaving the place, that is when I hop on Maruwie.

"Be careful! Just follow that bird!"

She didn't have to instruct me! Perhaps she's the queen but she look like a haggard mother.

I remained silent during this flight—thinking about what Queen Aronah offered me. I can't deal with her unreachable pride, trying to help her own victim!

They're making noise, but my brain doesn't accept such disturbing sounds.

When we passed above the barrier, we found the Callions trying to hike on the slippery wall. Some of them are destroying the forest.

And for worst, they are very countless.

As we go farther, I noticed a Callion looking and chasing us until its neighbors does the same. We keep our track to the messenger, and if we still proceed, they'll find our destination.

I summon another dragon and told it to confound them. It changed its course and we hid ourselves above the clouds.

In other words, we follow the messenger above it.

"That was a great idea. But I hope you'll have the peace of mind," the Merfen Prince bothered again.

"I will. If you stop interfering me," I said.

He gave a jot of laugh, "There are too many barbaric queens, please don't increase their population."

He joins the mischievous conversation behind me again after his wasted advice.

Whenever I keep myself in silence, I can't stop replaying and pondering in my mind about Queen Aronah. We crossed on a small village. And they are very defenseless.

After a long motion of the clock's hand, we reached the Greendland Kingdom. And unlike before, this kingdom have walls and knights guarding the borders.

The clouds are gradually accumulating and turning blue.

A fire together with the clouds!

It fires against us, after the three attempts and success of evasion, the cloud drops rain of fire.

"Veursula, stop it!" Davih screamed.

"Moron! It's not my doing!"

She built a shield above us, and the sad thing is we lost sight of the messenger that will prove our innocence.

I summon two knights to shield us from the arrows fired from the rampart. And a single shot caught my agitation, there is another knight with a silver bow and arrow.

He released the arrow and destroyed my two Mounts even Veursula's shield. Mishuzyñel stood in a higher height, waving at the people from the rampart.

Shouting, "Hey! It's me! Don't forget this face!" she huff.

When the archer recognized her, they ceased the firing. Maruwie disappeared when we reached the rampart. And immediately, Mishuzyñel grasp and shakes the man's armor.

"Please tell me where is Elizell! I wanna see her again!" she insisted.

"I've seen you before... even you," he's pertaining to Aishmalen. "But first, you need a consent from the Queen."

They led us to their living room inside the castle. They have lots of visible defense and knights. Every single room has it. And I noticed that Knights are dominant in this kingdom.

After the long-enough wait, the door opened and the Queen entered. She's wearing an armor dress, chin-up, holding the scroll from the messenger and every steps she make creates soft knock of the heels.

"I've read the messenger from—"

"Shuu!" A little princess barges in.

"Aaahhh! Elizell!"

The two kids interrupted the greetings. They jump and hug each other, screaming their assimilation. They are now the center of attention.


They did as the Queen commanded. I stood and spake to break the long silence in this room.

"If you've read the message, please make the action urgent."

She's looking straight and firm to me, and then she walk closer, making her steps slow.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I am Jexica, from foreign kingdom."

"Foreign?" She smirks and walk away from my front. "Another evacuee," she said, and that boosted my anger.

I lost my temper and summons Nello to give a strike of a spear to her shoulder, yet her armor cannot be tamed.

"I'm just concern about this nation! Yes we may be a stray ones but don't treat me like an amateur!" I exclaimed.

She smirks again, and I really abhor it! "Not an amateur? Then prove me."

She grips the spear stuck on her shoulder, she yank it and twists behind her to land a blow on Nello's chest. He was moved backward yet Queen Elizabeth made a follow up blow on his stomach then face.

Nello's knees dragged him down.

I was worried about him and forgot about myself, I only remembered when she's about to bash me the spear; Davih defended me. But he got hurt.

"And you, what are you?"

"I'm a human. Her friend. And I apologize on her behalf."

"On her behalf is not a sincere apology. I decline it." She released the spear from her clench, then I also release Nello.

The Queen commanded her knights to take us inside the AppleEye room. Since I have no idea was it was, I scowl.

The little Princess ranted about it, even the knights are doubting.

"Take them!" She compels.

Wherefore, they comply and took us inside a huge room, a room with dining table and sofas around, it has a porch on the walls and there are archers watching us.

"One wrong move and they'll shoot you. Just obey the rule and all of you will be safe," said the man from before.

"Rule?" Davih asked.

"Why here?! I wanna play with Elizell!" She pulling back the tears.

"This is an elegant cell, in other words, a prison. The rule is simple, don't use your gift. And we will only free you according to the Queen's order."

He left us and locked the door. It is uncomfortable to move or make noise because of these archers keeping an eye on us.

"Oh who is that man anyway?!"

"The name is Zandro, as far as I can remember..." Aishmalen answered.

"Oh now what?! This is the fault of your pride, Princess Jexica!" Davih insulted.

"She's underestimating me!"

"Try to be humble, that must be the essence of a princess," he gave me another advice; and he's consoling his cousin in his arms. How immature!

"Princess, they are the rulers, we're just the visitors. Know your place," Davih added.

And there Veursula spake out her complain, "I'm starting to hate this job."

"Fine! Sorry! I'm sorry, okay!"

Their lips remains shut after my yell for few seconds.

. . .

"Come on humans. She only lacks love. A short-tempered person tends to develop such countenance. I may not be a human but of course I'm always interacting with them so I made some compilation about it."

"Nothing will happen if we keep blaming her. Let's just try to be humble sometime."

Aishmalen concluded the argument.

This room really is a prison. A place for probation. They gives us foods and other supplies are in here, even the boredom. We were imprisoned for a long time.