
Finding love again

back, far back, in the Mist's of time when the world was very young,

there lived a beautiful princess called Evelyn. and Evelyn was madly in love with a handsome young knight called Bradley .when the king found out about it,he was pleasantly surprised and happy,too,for the quite liked Bradley .

king" inform the whole kingdom!knight Bradley and princess Evelyn are to be married next fully - moon.

and so, Bradley and Evelyn were to marry after two weeks and the whole kingdom was ecstatic. Now as per the royal law, the bride and the groom aren't supposed to see each other from the date of the announcement till the day marriage. But such was their love, that they couldn't stay away from each other.

princess" oh, Bradley! My knight shining arm our. Each passing day without holding your hands my heart weak. These 14 days feel like eternity.

Bradley" Evelyn!

princess" Huh? Bradley?

The two lovers embraced each other.

princess" Bradley,you know it is against -

Bradley" I know , my love! But I cannot live without seeing your face.

princess" Did anyone see you?

Bradley" No.

the two lovers spent some time together and then it was time for Bradley to go. But at the balcony there was a pot of cactus plant that Bradley did not see and hurt his hand.

Bradley" Ah!

princess" you are bleeding!

Bradley" it's fine .Don't worry about it . I will see you tomorrow.

And then, the knight left. Evelyn moved the cactus plant pot behind the other pants. Thirteen days passed and the lover met every night secretly.

Bradley" Only one day stands between us and then you are becoming mine Forever!

But fate had something else written. On the fourteen day, Evelyn sat on the royal carriage to go to the river to take a traditional bath that every Bride in the kingdom took on the eve of their marriage. But on the way, a wheel of the carriage came out of its Axel.

princess" Ah!

And the carriage collapsed.

King" no!

queen" My daughter!

princess Evelyn was severely injured... The whole kingdom went quite as the sense of festivity Evaporated.

Bradley" How is she ?

king " The doctor are tending to her,but they say that the... that the chances of her ever seeing the light of day are very... very slim

Bradley " No! it can't be! My Evelyn! Doctor? what is it?

Doctor" she... um... she has slipped into a coma. Her head has been severely injured.

Bradley" How long will she be in this state doctor?

Doctor" Either she will come out of it,or she won't.

queen" No!

News spread around the kingdom that the princess was fighting for her life,and every one prayed for her well - being. Bradley stayed by her side all day staring blanking at her face. Days passed and on one bright sunny day, princess Evelyn opened her eyes.

princess" Huh!

queen" Evelyn?

king" huh!

princess" Mother? father?

queen" oh, my child!

king" Guards , call the doctor!

Doctor" well ,my king, prepare for a grand feast,for Evelyn is now out of danger.

Bradley" Evelyn!

Bradley who had just heard the news rushed to see her.

Bradley" Evelyn,my love! you ... you did it. I am so happy to -

princess" I am sorry, but... who are you?

Bradley" what? I ... I am Bradley your love. we were to get married and -

princess" I am sorry,I don't know what you are talking about..

Doctor" Evelyn, lie down please... don't strain yourself. we need to talk. Evelyn has come out of coma, but the injury has taken something away from her. Her recent memories.

king" What!

Bradley" what do you mean?

Doctor" it is called retrograde amnesia. She doesn't remember a part of her past. That's way she remember her parents, the language she speaks, and her motor skills are still intact, but the last few years have been erased from her mind.

queen" will she never get those memories back?

Doctor" chances are very small. it will take a miracle. I advise you to not put pressure on her. the happier she is, the faster her head will head. keep her happy and pray, something triggers the recovery of her past thoughts.

Bradley found himself flanked by contradicting emotions. He was happy and was shocked.

king" Bradley, I can only assume what you must be going through, but you heard the doctor. we all want her to recover. Take a month off go travel. come back and hopefully she will heal completely by then .

Bradley with tears welling up his eyes, his priority too was Evelyn health.

Bradley" take care of her . I will come back after a month.

the young knight took a deep breath and fighting his emotions left the place... Day passed and princess Evelyn began to recuperate.

One day. the prince of the neighboring kingdom. prince Louis, came to visit them upon the directive of his father.

prince Louis" father sends his commendation to princess Evelyn for her strong will.

king" I am very thankful, prince Louis. Ah! my daughter is here. Evelyn! meet prince Louis of the Bolta kingdom.

prince Louis" Hello , princess! your beauty surpasses the tales of it.

princess" Thank you, prince Louis.

king" Daughter, would you be able to show prince Louis around this is the first time he has come to our kingdom.

princess" sure, father!

in the following days, Evelyn and Louis bonded strongly the prince was was head over heels in love with the princess. Evelyn too started to feel her heart skip beats around Louise.

king" I have not seen her so happy ever since the misfortune.

queen" indeed, dear! I just hope that his time fate doesn't

king" I won't let that happen. I have asked Louis to extend his stay here and he has agreed.

while Evelyn and Louis were growing founder of each other with every passing day, Bradley, unbeknownst to the development at the palace,was gearing up to return to the kingdom.

Bradley" A month without you. A whole month! and we couldn't stay without seeing each other for a day . How cruel is lice that it make us kneel down in front of its course. but I am coming now, my love!

Bradley entered the kingdom and went straight to the palace. but what awaited him there was something that he was not prepared for.

prince Louis" huh! I want you to meet my parents.

princess" I think I would like that, Louis.

prince Louis" oh, Evelyn.

A terrible storm raged inside Bradley's heart, his feet weakened.

prince Louis" um, who is that ? hello?

Evelyn looked at Bradley and immediately recognized him as the man she had seen when she had woken up from come. something inside her heart shook.

prince Louis" hello, Mr.? I am talking to you!

Bradley" l-l...

king" oh, he is someone I had called for some

work. Must have lost his way around here. come, young man! lest discuss about the work.

Bradley" l-l...

king" come.

Evelyn watched Bradley walk away with her father and suddenly a strange feeling of sadness overtook her.

prince Louis" hy, are you okey.

princess" um... yes, I am fine.

king" I am sorry, Bradley, her memories have not come back , but she is very happy with prince Louis and I cannot take happiness from her again.

Bradley" WHAT am to do ?

king" leave the kingdom. the treasurer will give you plenty of money. settle somewhere else and find someone for yourself.

Bradley" but - l

king" you don't want to see her happy?

Bradley did not reply. of course, he wanted to see her happy. Meanwhile, Evelyn had came back to her chamber feeling very emotional without knowing reason for it. she stood her balcony and watched Bradley leave.... suddenly she notice that cactus plant.

princess" what's are these red-

Evelyn picked up the pot and looked at the blood stains. her eyes winders. it was as if a thick of dust that had sheathed her mind, suddenly got cleared, in a flesh, her past come back to her. she screamed in disbelief?

princess" No!

The king,the queen and Louis ran to her chamber.

king" what is it? Evelyn!

princess" I remember....I remember everything. where is Bradley going, father? where is he going.

the king told her everything and Evelyn at once ran out of the room

princess" Bradley?

Bradley" huh! Evelyn!

princess" Bradley!

Bradley" Evelyn

princess" oh Bradley, I remember everything now, my love,

Bradley" what?

princess" please don't leave. I cannot live without you,

Bradley" never😊

so Bradley and Evelyn were Finley reunited. the king went up Louis to apologize.

king" I am so sorry Louis please accept me sincere apologies.

prince Louis" I really wanted to marry but,you know? I was going to come to ask you for her hand in marriage.

king" I kwon, but she doesn't loves you. she loves Bradley. would you want to marry someone who has no love for you.

Louis understand what the kings meant. he accept his apologize and left for his kingdom. and on the night of the full - moon, Bradley and Evelyn were married in a grand wedding. and at the feast, the Doctor" said. strange thing the mind is we think the heart is responsible for love, but no, it is all the deed of the mind . the heart unnecessarily carries the disrepute. HAHA....