
our past,my present,your future

Qi Xiao came back five years before she died,looking at the girl in front of her she take a sharp breath and stand up to bow "miss Shen i am sorry for the previous blander i made,i just love him too much that i become selfish,but now i realized that he never belongs to me so as a woman who loved him deeply,i hope that you will make him complete and happy that i didnt managed to do" breathing deeply to stop herself from crying she continue "please take good care of him and please be happy" she straighten up after saying that and left with her determination.

Idlelayn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 40

Qi Xiao decided to bring her last work to the private room Long Shan has booked,

This time she didn't cover herself anymore so the staff was surprised and amazed and even felt pity because she has been working there for a year and yet only the boss has the privilege to see such a goddess.

2 years ago Qi Xiao can be said has an innocent yet alluring beauty but now her innocent face remain but her body become more sinful in short a face like an angel but with a body like a devil!

10 minutes before the meeting time Long Shan arrives with his still wretched smile,

Qi Xiao's mouth twitch and decided to ignore him,

Long Shan didn't mind her and sat beside her

"Where is your coffee?"

"Just ask for it"

She answers still not looking at him, Long Shan smile and just watch her after a few minutes someone knocks

Qi Xiao didn't look up thinking that it was a staff who brought her coffee,

Long Shan smiled at the 4 persons who came in and ask them

"You all came? come and sit!"

Qi Xiao look up curious about who came, but the moment she looked up her sight bumped into dark and very familiar eyes,

After being frozen for a few seconds Qi Xiao looked around and look at the annoying smile of Long Shan

"My darling meet the people who wanted to cooperate with us! are you surprised?"

Before Qi Xiao can say anything another 3 people came!

Qi Xiao finally react she stand up to greet the new arrival group but she was pulled back by Long Shan and said

"This miss please no attacking!"

Han Yun, who was so happy that she finally see Qi Xiao so she leap after seeing her but was suddenly stopped and even accuse her of attacking Qi Xiao?

"Where did this lunatic come from? which eye did you see that i wanted to attack my little Xiao?"

But Long Shan still take a step back and still protecting Qi Xiao in his back

"If not trying on attacking my Xiaxiao then why did you just jump out of nowhere?"

"Of course, i wanted to hug her you lunatic! can you just let go of her?"

Qi Xiao massage her head while the two is still bantering because the room is bustling so no one noticed the eyes of a certain someone who is getting colder and colder while looking at Long Shan

"Okay stop! please give me a moment with this crazy guy!"

Qi Xiao was about to pull Long Shan away but Han Yun stop her

"Little Xiao! just stay here okay? We've been waiting for two years now!"

Qi Xiao get what she mean so she sigh and look at the other people who came and apologize beforehand

"Sorry for being violent"

After a while, a scream and begging came

"Aaah! my darling not the face! please dear enough!ugh!no baby!ouch!have mercy! have mercy! i am sorry! i wouldn't dare anymore i swear!"

After a round of beating for how many minutes Qi Xiao run and hug her brothers

"Big brother Fan! big brother Yan! i miss you very much!"

The siblings hug each other while comforting her

Qi Xiao then turn to Han Yun and hugged her tight

"Yunyun i miss you a lot! i am sorry for leaving without informing you! i really missed you!"

"My little Xiao don't cry okay? i am a little angry but i am okay now when i see you! you don't know how badly i wanted to find you!"

After hugging Han Yun she looks at the others to greet

"Brother Mo, brother Ko how are you?"

The duo smile at her and answer

"We are fine little Xiao! we are just glad that you are fine!"

Qi Xiao nod and look at the other two

"Miss Shen!young Master Han hello"