
Our Love Story in Kwata

In the ancient land of Kwata, there was a mighty kingdom, ruled by a powerful king, who was married to a beautiful queen. They had 2 children, Prince Tango and Princess Tanya. One day, the young Prince decided to go hunting unaccompanied and there he saw the most beautiful girl ever. He tried going close, but she seemed like she was in a hurry. He held her hand, but she quickly removed hers, leaving behind a beautiful brown bracelet in his palm. Before he looked up, she was gone. Will Prince Tango ever find this beautiful girl or was he day dreaming?

susan_odigie · História
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 1 Kwata, One of the Six Kingdoms.

Many years ago, far West, there was an ancient Kingdom on an island, located between two mountains, Mount Kebi and Mount Cas. It was well known for its prosperity and neighbouring kingdoms often sailed the Black Waters, to come and trade in Kwata. It had rich soil and brought forth the best food in all the six kingdoms. It was well known for its rich oil palm, groundnuts, olives, coconuts and it's fresh vegetables and herbs. It was the envy of all the kingdoms.

Kwata Kingdom was ruled by a fair and just king, King Sol and his beautiful wife, Queen Eula. They were blessed with two wonderful children. Prince Tango and Princess Tanya. They were the pride of the king and queen. The children grew and the kingdom flourished. They had everything they wanted.

In total, there were six kingdoms. While Kwata was located on an island, the other six could be located after crossing the Black Waters which separated Kwata from them. They were all on land, and each too was vast and powerful, each with its own royal family. They coexisted peacefully and each kingdom traded its strength. While some were well known for their iron and bronze, others were well known for their coal, others for their gold and ivory, others for their wildlife. Each kingdom had its stronghold and no one Kingdom dared rise against another, for it was sure to lose the battle, given that the other kingdoms would most likely not take its side. They were finally in an era of peace and wanted to keep it that way.

The six kingdoms all spoke one language, Garth. This was a unifying force for them all. However, each kingdom had its own individual language. At meetings, the Kings would speak Garth, but in their Kingdoms, they could decide not to, depending on their mood.

Fate was fair to all the kingdoms and they prospered.