
I've never felt better!

Dino's eyes stayed transformed all the time and they guessed that it is a permanent transformation.

He was standing outside the cave looking at the horizon. He saw many energies ascending the sky. After a few minutes the sky was full of chaotic energies. He watched it frowning. Max joined him and Dino pointed in the direction he was staring, asking him if he saw something. Max focused his gaze but couldn't see the chaotic energies in the sky. What Max saw was smoke.

They both had a bad feeling about it and called everyone out. They could only see smoke rising in the horizon of the forest.

Just as they were discussing if they should check it out a bunch of people appeared, running like  their lives depended on it. Some of them even used treasures like flying swords or tamed beasts. More and more people came from that direction with horrified expressions.

They ignored their group and just kept running. Until a boy with the same black flood dragon emblem as them stopped and shouted something at them. He saw the lack of reaction from Jonas and the rest and started to sprint away shaking his head.

"What the hell is going on? Why are all of them running for their lives?" Asked Claudia.

Dino's gaze never left the horizon. Than he spoke, "We should run too."

After saying it they all felt the ground beneath them starting to shake, first it was weak, but with every second that passed it grew more intense. Faint roaring sounds reached their ears.

"RUN!" Shouted Jonas.

All of them started to sprint in the direction all the people were heading.

They ran with everything they had, but the roaring sounds grew louder behind their backs.

Koray asked while running, "Holly sh*t! Are those beasts?"

Max looked back and answered, "It should be a beast horde and a big one, if not all those people would just join forces to kill them!"

They kept running, even overtaking some other people, but they could hear hundreds or thousands of roars coming near. Sometimes they even heard shrieks from humans for a moment.

A big shadow landed right before Koray. It was a 4 meters tall ape with four tails and three scarlet red eyes. Koray's muscles bulged and he unleashed all power he had. He punched out.


When Dino saw this ape he panicked, he wanted to warn Koray but it was too late. The big ape with white fur slapped out, hitting Koray with its backhand, blasting him away. Koray crashed into a tree, in which he stayed stuck without moving anymore.


They all shouted! Apo jumped and wanted to hit the ape with a superman punch.

Dino shouted ,"APO DON'T!!!"


Apo's unique power prevented the ape from touching him but its momentum was overbearing and Apo was blasted to the side by another powerful slap. Despite its massive body the reflexes from the ape made them shiver.


They discolored and avoided it, Max sprinted to Apo helping him up and Jonas ran to Koray and pulled him out of the tree. Koray's bloodshot eyes were staring at the big ape. The ape sensed his stare and pounced with an incredible speed at Koray.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Shouted Jonas in fright. Claudia moved in front of the ape sending a white fog palm at the ape. It ignored the incoming attack, but the moment the white fog palm hit its breast a large layer of ice formed on its body sealing it away.

They sighed in relief.


The ice sealing it exploded into bits. It punched right at Claudia. She couldn't react at all, it happened too fast.


Max and Apo punched both at the back from the ape. It was pushed 4 meters away, rescuing Claudia. It had a scorching mark and another fist mark on its back.

Koray was so angry, he didn't know why, but he never felt so angry in his life before.

Dino stared at the rear and started to sweat, "Guys, we are wasting time, more beast are coming and they are all strong!"


That shout made them all halt, it came from Koray. Koray's bloodshot eyes turned scarlet red, just like that of the beasts. His short spiky brown hair turned red and started to grow until it reached his waist, he looked quite like Radditz. A black horn grew out from his forehead. His once 1.96 tall body compressed until a height of 1.80 meters, his skin turned metallic silver.


After shouting again Koray took off. The impact blasted Jonas who standing beside him away!

Koray slammed into the white ape, blasting it into the sky.

"NO WAY!" Their eyes bulged out. Even the combined power from Max and Apo could only push it to the side and Koray's slam sended it flying into the sky.

They surrounded Koray with stunned faces. Koray didn't look human anymore. Even his two incisors grew and were now visible.

"Dino patted his shoulder, "Bro? How are you feeling?"

"I've never felt better!" A hoarse voice answered.

Koray could still think normally despite his demonic appearance.

Jonas was the last one who joined the group , "Good then let's get out of here the beasts are almost upon us!"

They started to run for their lives.

They only shook the horde off after running for over 6 hours. It was nerve wrecking and exhausting.

They climbed up a tree and rested on the branches.

They calmed down, happy to made it out alive. Koray had already transformed back to his old self. He could only maintain that form for 30 minutes.

Jonas started to talk, "There are a few reasons for that horde. First it was man made. Second a powerful King of Beasts controlled them, or this was a trial from this mystic realm."

The others nodded their heavy sweating heads. They relaxed and discussed about the horde and how strong that Stage 4 ape was. Of course they congratulated Koray for his breakthrough into the Third Stage.

Many people perished in that attack but their group made it out alive.

They stopped talking because they heard people coming. Two teens in purple robes came from the part of the forest were the beast horde rampaged. Both of them had satisfied smiles on their faces. One of them held a dark egg in his hands.

Dino's Eternal Eyes saw a mysterious dark energy pulsating inside the black egg.

A strange power washed over them, but only Apo and Dino noticed it. Both males stopped and looked up.

"Huh?" Max was surprised that they were found so easily. Apo and Dino jumped down landing before the two teens. Both of them looked at each other and they struck out at the same time. Purple Energy were shot at Apo and Dino. Apo slapped the purple beam away and Dino avoided it relaxed. When both teens saw this, the one with the egg started to escape. The other blocked the way. Now it was Max turn to jump down like a blazing meteor. He cut off the path of retreat from the teen with the egg.

The one facing Apo and Dino brandished his sword from his back and dashed to Dino. Under his Eternal Eyes his movements seemed slower and all his attacks only hit the air. Apo crossed his arms and watched from the side without interfering. The air around Dino grew hotter under his unleashed powers and he punched out, aiming at the head. His opponent doged without effort and countered with a vertical slash. Dino dodged it too and they fought like this.

Max on other hand was completely burning, he send a mighty fire fist to the teen. He blocked the attack with his palm. A purple energy was surrounding his hand.

Both sides fought without anyone gaining the upper hand. It was confusing, it didn't matter how they attacked both teens seemed to know when they wanted to attack. Dino's Eternal eyes catched a strange almost invisible power around them.

Jonas, Koray and Claudia were still sitting on the tree, following the fight with interest.

The teen fighting Dino shouted something and the faint image of a purple moon appeared behind him.

His footwork changed and he approached Dino who totally focused his Eternal Eyes on him.

The teen unleashed a barrage of ferocious attacks with a strange pattern. Dino started sweating, he was still able to dodge the with purple energy filled sword attacks from the teen. He focused completely  on avoiding, by a hair wide margin.

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