
Otherworldly Enterprise

Juanito, who thought his life ended meaninglessly, found himself in one of the most outrageous novel tropes ever, transmigration. And of course, adding one cliche' to another, he receives a system but to his dismay, it was not as heaven-defying as he thought it would be. A Supermarket System. Yes, an absurd ability that he has to utilize to keep himself afloat in a world strewn with fantastical creatures, ancient mysteries, and secretive factions warring behind the shadows. Follow Juanito as he finds himself uncannily wrapped up in all kinds of bizarre situations, and along the way, gained invaluable encounters which redefined his perspective in life. Note: This story heavily focuses on multiple points of view and might be too slow-paced for some. Nonetheless, I appreciate everyone for dropping by.

TaciturnDaoist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chain Quest

[Quest Title: Upstart Hurdle!]

["The true quest has begun, my greenhorn compatriot! Unforeseen challenges might trip you along the way and will test your faith. But fear not! This trial is nothing but a preparatory stage to give you a taste of entrepreneurship and hone your skills.

Calm your heart, and remember, profit is not everything! However, a pocket brimming with gold is always better than an empty one."]

[Part of the "Rising Star" Chain quest (1/3)]

[Quest Objectives:]

1. Sustain a daily gross income of 2 gold. (Not met)

2. Have at least 30 recurring patrons. (Not met)

[Quest Rewards:]

1. 50 gold.

2. Random Luxury Item Selection Chest (x1).

3. Unlocks the 'Beverages' and 'Canned Foods' Tab.

4. Additional items will be added to existing shop tabs.

[Time limit: 21 days]

What do you want to do?

[ Accept / Reject ]

Juanito's full attention was taken over by the new quest he just unlocked after the construction of his shop.

Without further ado, he accepted the quest heartily.

Juanito literally forgot about the unopened quest in his journal as he was so enamored by the novelty of his newly opened store. Only now, after ensuring every square inch was spick and span, did he recall such an important matter.

'Uhm..doesn't look that hard,' Juanito mused.

'I could probably do door-to-door sales myself, but I can't leave my shop unattended. And what incredible timing for winter to be here, such a wet blanket that dampened everything that exists.'

This means that traveling during winter was a notion only fools would entertain. Furtheremore, there'd be much less traffic in his surrounding area and a drastic drop in business exposure.

In a feudal era where steam power and gas engine remained untapped, and only wheeled vehicles in the form of wagons and carriages was the only mode of transportation, traveling became a cumbersome endeavor

'Also, what in the world are those twins doing, anyway,' Juanito thought glumly.

Juanito sent the twins to run a short errand, but it seems that it had turned into a long expedition, instead.

The task was by no means difficult, nor was it time-consuming. All they had to do was distribute some slabs of bread, and a few bundles of fruits as if they were handing out rations.

'It isn't that difficult, right?' he wondered as an awful possibility crossed his mind. 'Don't tell me, they've succumbed to their carnal desires and ate everything?!'

Although the idea was not outside the realm of possibility, Juanito prayed that the twins would cling to their sanity and fight the temptation. Otherwise, it would be a shame, since those products were meant to serve as a preliminary advertisement that cost him a fraction of his funds.

As much as possible, he wanted to avoid direct marketing, as it would defeat his aim of projecting himself as a being shrouded in mystery. To knock on every doorstep was unthinkable and he was not desperate enough to do it.

After all, he firmly believed that one's image is a form of product itself. He shouldn't act so undignified as to seek others out just to see good results in sales.

'Never sell yourself cheap.' This he had learned from spectating countless negotiations conducted by his superiors in his past life. Doubly so when he possessed such incredible leverage; a System.

'Just one customer is all I need, and the ball would start rolli-'

*Cling clang cling!*

Like a chime from the heavens, the tune of riled decorative doorbell reduced Juanito's reverie into a short-lived one.

"Pardon my intrusion," said a man draped in an overcoat.

Despite the man's calm demeanor, his minute actions displayed his amazement.

"I reckon I did not interfere with any ongoing business," The man added as he wiped the lingering snow clean from his garments.

The man sported a ruddy hair that was a bit feral. Yet despite his unkempt appearance, he exuded the coolness of a reticent hero who just came back from an arduous adventure.

Chiseled face and high nose, languid emerald eyes that would surely ruffle the heartstrings of young maidens.

In short, a deplorable stud. Juanito automatically gave the man his seal of disapproval.

"None at all," Juanito flashed a modest smile, one that wasn't too eager nor callous, and asked, "How would I be of help?"

"So warm..ehem..I don't think I've seen you before, are you new here?"

Ignoring Juanito's question, the man shot a question of his own while removing his mittens. At a glance, the weathered protective gear told a story of hardship. Juanito also caught a glimpse of the man's hands – rough and calloused.

"Yes.." curtly answered Juanito, "In fact, I am a foreigner to this land."

The man intently surveyed Juanito whose divergent features were a reasonable cause of suspicion. Like a rare specimen on a microscope, Juanito felt the man's piercing gaze dissect every bit of data from him, although it was something his psyche could handle.

After a few seconds, the man abruptly averted his as his oscillating pupils gradually stabilized. "So where are you exactly from?" he queried.

The line of questioning fired at Juanito sounded like an interrogation, but he was magnanimous enough to spare his patience to satisfy the doubts of his first potential customer.

"In a profoundly diverse and advanced land." The timber in Juanito's voice dropped a notch and continued with a mysterious air around him.

"Even I am in the dark as to how I ended up here. Must be the sporadic whims of the Gods at play, I guess?" That was not a lie.

"The Gods, huh."

The man's mumble faded in the background as his interest was single-handedly drawn by the sophisticated objects around him.

"hmm..If you don't mind me asking, what exactly…is this place?" the man asked.

"..This humble store sells merchandise from my home world. But as you can see, the variety is evidently lacking, though I assure you the quality of each item is nothing short of faultless."

Juanito paused before stating what might sound extremely unbelievable.

"Each item is priced independently based on its intrinsic value, and regardless of external factors, the prices will remain fixed," Juanito stressed.