

When Alexander heard what the old woman said, he became dumbfounded.

By what Lillian said, he understood that he was special. When he used his ability to comprehend the scrolls instantly, alongside with the affinities, he expected the woman to react with shock or try to detain him to see how he works.

He thought that the trembling was pre-cursor to some violent outrage, perhaps she would react hysterically and monologue like some cheap villain as he read on those novels?

Asking him to become her apprentice was a thing that he didn't expect. He looked towards Lillian that was equally stunned, and he nudged her with his finger.

Lillian broke out of her reverie and looked back at him, at the old lady and back at him again as if contemplating their next action.

Seeing as how the both of them remained quiet, the old lady decided to advertise a bit:

"Look, my boy, that bird may be slightly stronger than me but there's not much that it can teach you in regards to magic. While I- on the other hand-"

She paused and waved her hands in an exaggerated motion toward the front side of the shop and the warehouse and said:

"-I not only have the sufficient materials to provide you with, as I practically own an alchemy shop; Just think about it, different spell scrolls up to the Grand Magus rank, not to mention the superior magical equipment and various potions to help with your breakthroughs."

She paused and pointed her thumb at herself with a proud look and said:

"I, myself have quite a bit of fame on the magical community. My alias is <The Frozen Rose.>." She cringed a bit at that and continued "Somewhat cringy, I know. Anyhow, I have quite a bit of fame as both a Grand Magus and an Alchemist, I am also the last descendant of the house of <Cristalle>. A long line famous for its Mages and Alchemists, I carry an honorary title of Countess, If you like, I could get you into a prominent magic academy as well."

She saw that there was still a slight hesitation on his face, and to be honest Alexander felt really hesitant; All of that seemed too good to be true, he didn't know what the old lady, Rose, Wanted from him, And while he didn't feel any malice in her look, he hesitated.

Rose seemed to be able to read through his thoughts, which she might as she was more experienced in life due to her age, she sighed and spoke again:

"Look, my boy, Having reached my age, I feel really grateful for what I have. I have seen many places, defeated many competent Mages and Warriors, All in all, I've had my fill. When I look back though, I was always arrogant because of my accomplishments. I've placed no man in my eyes and never taught anyone as I found them below me."

She looked deep within his eyes, her blue eyes meeting his own brown ones. He could see a deep pride shining in her eyes, but deep within, they held sadness and loneliness. She broke the eye contact and slumped her shoulders a bit, talking again:

"Oh stupid I was. I may have accomplished much but so what? I have no descendants, no disciples. On my family line, I am the last one left. All my acquaintances either have children to pass their art or disciples. But I nothing. So ask I ask you once more, would you please become this old woman's disciple?"

Alexander felt really bad at the old woman's predicament, Observing her eyes that were full of pride, he couldn't find any deceit. He had to admit that this is a rare chance, He could get magic equipment and guidance on his magic, not to mention to having a noble as your master, it would allow him to access one of those magical academies. But it wasn't his choice to make because he wasn't alone. He gave a slow glance over to Lillian, and when their eyes met, she talked in his head:

'Take it.'

Alexander widened his eyes in disbelief and said back:

'Huh? But we don't know her. She could be tricking us..?'

While he said that, he didn't believe it himself. And so Lillian snorted in his head and answered:

'Ha! You don't believe that yourself. Look at her eyes, does she look like someone that would lie? Besides, I'm here, aren't I? Seriously! I can't believe your luck. How come you are so lucky to chance someone like this?'

Alexander didn't bother answering her question and just turned his head over, he looked deeply into the old lady's and with a nod, he bowed his upper body:

"This disciple greets master."

The old lady broke into a happy smile that looked like spring had arrived, her eyes squinted into happiness making her few wrinkles fold but, that didn't ruin her image. Instead, it made her look dignified like an icy rose shedding its ice and revealing its real beauty. She squealed like a girl and went over to Alexander, lifting his bowing body and giving him a tight hug, laughing out loud she said:

"Hahaha! Get up, get up! I have a disciple now! And he's so talented. I want to see the faces of those old farts, always bragging about their children and disciples all the time. Hmph! Who can surpass your talent? Having all of the affinities? They'd be lucky if they have two of them! Close to an apprentice in 2 days? They'd wish to achieve that!"

Alexander felt like he was going to suffocate from the strong embrace, he tapped his master, Rose, to the back and spoke in a muffled voice:

"Master, this disciple...this disciple is going to suffocate. Please let me breathe."

Rose understood her blunder and pulled him off from her embrace, still holding his shoulders. She looked at him with a sincere smile and said:

"Good disciple, do you have any parents in this world?"

Lillian perked up at that, they hadn't gotten the chance to talk about their background, and he seemed to be avoiding the subject, his lack of common sense made her interest spark considerably.

Alexander was a bit startled at the question. His parents were still alive on earth, but he tried to not think about. Just making the thought that he would never see his parents again, made him incomparably sad and that showed on his face.

Seeing his sad face, both Lillian and Rose misunderstood that he was orphan, Rose's shining eyes dimmed a bit. While it wasn't uncommon for many children to lose their parents on this world, as it was one where the strong preyed on the weak, it still made her sad that it happened to her student.

Rose's eyes suddenly lit up, and her smile widened even further, she lifted his chin and caressed his cheek, asking with a sweet tone:

"Would you... like to become my adopted grandson?"

Alexander's eye widened comically at that, it was just too much to take. He just accepted this woman as a master, and now she wants to become his grandmother? He felt his voice stuck in his throat at the surprise.

Rose saw his speechlessness and thought he was emotionally burdened, being orphan and getting a grandmother suddenly must be quite the shock. She reaffirmed her conviction and said:

"Come, come. Call me grandma Rose."

Alexander still felt like his voice was stuck in his throat, nothing would come out. He looked at Rose's eyes that shone with expectation, and he didn't want to betray her. He gritted his teeth and said with difficulty:

"Gra...Grandma Rose"

Rose gave a smile that surpassed the previous one when he acknowledged her as his master, she pulled him into another suffocating hug and laughed aloud, saying:

"Hahaha! Good grandson! I'll call you little Alex! What a great day, I not only get a student, but I get a grandson too!

Lillian felt happy for Alexander's sake from the side, but she started to feel awkward, she coughed twice startling Rose out of the hug, she grabbed his hand and dragged him while beckoning Lillian to follow over to a small coffee table in the side of the room.

She sat him down on a chair and pointed Lillian to another, she grabbed a tea set and served them all one cup, even Lillian to his wonder. She assumed a very kind smile and asked them:

"So? How was it that you two met?"

And so they started to explain. When Lillian reached the part about the weird tree, Rose sat up in panic and grabbed his hand in fear, she shouted:

"Are you okay? How did you feel after eating it? Is there any discomfort?"

Alexander was moved by her behavior, they met just not long ago, and here she is worrying like they were always grandmother and grandson. He accepted Rose a bit more in his heart and replied:

"I'm fine ma-Grandma Rose."I almost slipped, he thought."How did I feel...? I guess I felt like all my lost energy was suddenly rejuvenated... and maybe a bit more clear-headed?"

Rose widened her eyes a bit and talked with a small amount of amazement in her voice:

"Just clear-headed huh...? Listen, Alex, There is a myth regarding the tree, While nobody knows how the forest of darkness came to, there is a story."

She took a small sip from her tea and started:

"Around 1000 years ago, There was a legendary warrior that had transcended the power ranks we know today, one strike from his sword could split the seas and cut the clouds. Even the Dragons didn't dare offend him casually, His race was unknown. That very same warrior had left on a lonely trip to extinguish the |Shadow King|, the ruler of the dark forest.

"The Shadow King was a great Demon Lord that had achieved a never seen before mastery with the darkness attribute, his ability was so great that he could even control the odd shadow creatures of the forest. He had expanded the domain of the woods to an incomparable degree, he aspired to rule the world with the monsters.

The Warrior set out to his journey for that same reason. The Demon Lord and Warrior finally met at the center of the forest and had a terrible battle, their fight was so great that it caused the land itself to tremble with every strike.

The Warrior managed to behead the Demon Lord after 4 days and night of non-stop battle but at a high cost. He was gravely injured, the mastery of the Demon Lord's darkness attribute made his spells extremely corrosive, marking the Warrior's injuries as irreversible.

As such, knowing that he wouldn't be able to survive, the warrior flared his Aura and communicated with the world's consciousness, making his plea:

"O World, I implore you to take this pitiful vessel of mine and make a landmark. Establish a seal upon this land that will suppress this foul forest for the generations to come!"

And so, the great Warrior's body exploded in light. The world moved by his great sacrifice blessed him. The light gathered, taking the form of a great tree. That tree stands guard there even to this day."

She took another sip from her tea, taking in Alexander's excited look with a smile and went on:

"The reason we call it the Sage Tree is due to the fruits it bears, it is said that when a sufficiently strong Warrior or Magus, they get enlightened on their elements or a move they were stuck with. That's where the odd part comes in. If someone who isn't strong enough takes it, the explode because of the wild energy within the fruit."

She looked at him weirdly, not knowing how to explain the fact. It was at this moment though that Lillian pitched in on how they got contracted.

When Rose heard about his weird eye prowess and how it works, she felt proud at her grandson's ability to reign in such a powerful contracted companion but felt even more curiosity at his talent.

She muttered with a voice that was nigh-inaudible:

"Yes, maybe if it's because of his comprehension. He did say that he felt clear-headed from the fruit, perhaps his ability interfered? But what level does it place it in if even us, the Legend-rank individuals can barely handle it?"

Because her voice was low, they didn't hear the second part of her voice, making the both of them look at her questioningly.

She looked up with a smile and said:

"Nevermind how it's possible, all that matters is that you are now well! What plans did you have to come here? The beginner dungeon?"

Alexander felt touched that she didn't question him any. Further, he wouldn't know how to answer himself regarding his abilities, he also didn't feel comfortable confessing that he came from another world yet. It was Lillian that responded to the question:

"Yes, we planned to register him to the adventurer guild then head to the dungeon and get him some practical experience. After that, we would just roam around the Human territory."

Rose assumed a thinking posture and answered with excitement a couple of seconds later:

"Okay! Let's get you settled in one of the rooms here. I won't take no as an answer! We will equip you for your first dungeon dive tomorrow."


Yaaay, another chapter done. Granny Rose isn't a Grand Magus?!

Leave a comment if you'd like to see something or have any suggestions!

Any positive or negative comments are much appreciated. Enjoy!

No chapter on the 13th of December, The day was a bit tiring and while I've written a chapter, It'll be too short. I will post a bigger one on the next day. As always, thanks for reading this amateur work.

elfrichecreators' thoughts
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