
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Ryukt · Fantasia
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57 Chs

Hobgoblins (3)

"Grab him! Don't let that one escape!"

"Heh heh!"

"Heh heh heh!"

At my command, Buril and Rookie kicked the ground and sprinted at full speed. Impressive velocity. They caught the goblin in no time.


The pursued goblin looked back at us, showing utter despair.

And then, at that very moment!

"Come out! Imsoong!"

— Whoosh!

"Heh heh!"


Suddenly, from the bushes ahead, Imsoong and Gyuil and their group emerged!

"What the?!"

It was truly an excellent ambush. The fleeing goblin, startled by my subordinates suddenly coming out from the bushes, went into a panic, lost his direction, and tumbled over.

"It's the end!"

I seized that timing and jumped high in the air with all my might.

— Swish!

From the sky, I spread my arms and legs wide like an airborne free-falling trooper.


I landed on top of the fallen goblin.

"Hahaha! Stay still!"

"Gah! Gahh!"

Immediately, I held the goblin tight, applying great pressure. With a significant difference in our sizes, the goblin flailed about, but couldn't move at all. All it could do was scream, shaking its head from side to side.

In that state, I shouted!

"Guys! Hurry up and scare him!"


— Roar!

All my subordinates and Sharan rushed over, causing a commotion.

"Heh heh! Heh heh heh!"

"Heh heh heh!"


Buril and Rookie, furious, started tapping their feet like performing a tap dance while Imsoong circled around them, hopping energetically. The kobolds, meanwhile, started roaring as if singing.


Sharan, too, let out a loud, intimidating cry.


The goblin fainted.

"Demon control technique!"

I promptly launched the dark magic!

"Suck in!"

— Zap!

My power was flawlessly injected into the goblin's body.

With that,


The goblin became my subordinate.

"Phew! That was perfect! Good job, everyone! Hurray!"


"Heh heh!"

As I jumped up shouting a cheer, Sharan and my subordinates followed suit. By now, everyone seemed to have gotten used to Sharan, no longer fearing her as much. They were almost on the verge of giving her high-fives.


The goblin, who had been restrained, looked around dumbfounded.

"Whoa! This really works wonders!"

Having utilized and employed magic every single day, I was in a distinctly improved state compared to when I first arrived here.

The speed of deploying my domination magic had increased, my mana pool had expanded, and my proficiency in handling magic had also risen.

It was going very smoothly.

"Samhogi? Wake up."

"Heh heh…"

"Buril, check this guy's condition."



Buril, having given a salute, approached Samhogi and seemed to be making a gesture as if wanting to slap him while shouting something. As expected, I trusted Buril the most. I really liked the fact that he was quick to resort to a fistfight. This was how a monster army should be controlled.

With a violent creature like Buril, it would be easier to control the goblins.

"Alright, let's go find something to eat."


With that said,

After increasing my pack, I went hunting. If my domination magic worked, I'd make it a subordinate; if not, I'd make it prey.

When I seriously thought about this, it felt somewhat… cruel and malicious. But it was a necessary evil to grow my power.

The monsters scattered everywhere were both potential subordinates and potential prey for me. The sole criterion was whether my domination magic worked or not. With such thoughts, I realized I had truly become a demon. After all, I was originally Korean.


In any case, hunting became really simple at this point. If we charged together and caught even one creature, it was enough. After eating, we then engaged in other productive activities.

"Ah, eating really gives strength. Anyway, guys, if you see a goblin, it means there's a lair nearby. Let's roughly search for it."

Currently, our force consists of three goblins, three kobolds, one imp, a demon (me), and a dryad named Sharan, totaling nine beings.

Considering this, we were quite a strong squad. Given our strength, raiding a goblin lair would be no big deal. It was my first time raiding a goblin lair, but today seemed a good day to try.

"Alright, guys. Let's track the scent of the goblin lair."



At my command, the goblins and kobolds immediately sniffed the ground.

"Shaa. Shaa-shaa."

"Hmm? What did you say, Sharan?"


Sharan hugged my arm and said something, but I couldn't understand her. It was really inconvenient.

"Yes, yes. Our Sharan is adorable."


She seemed to like it when I patted her ears.

And then,

"Ha. Ha-ha."

Buril reported to me.


"Hmm… over there?"


Buril nodded as he pointed in a direction.

Well, we should head there then.

"Guys! Follow Buril!"


We immediately followed Buril, chasing after him like fools chasing after a disinfectant vehicle in town. As Buril moved, he kept sniffing the ground. We followed like this for what felt like several minutes.


A structure resembling a goblin lair appeared ahead.

"Over there."

The lair seemed small. Typically, a lair would have around ten goblins. It would be dangerous if there were exactly ten, but if there were fewer, it would be manageable.


Today, let's attack that place.

By conquering the lair, we would be able to get subordinates, prisoners, and food. Of course, by "subordinates," "prisoners," and "food," I meant goblins.

"Buril. Take Rookie with you and scout the area."


Buril, nodding his head, gripped the wooden spear and shouted something to Rookie. The two, armed with their spears, approach the entrance of the cave.

"Sharan. You work with Gyuil's group and Imsoong. Take Samhogi and stand over there. If anyone approaches you, just beat them up hard."


Sharan immediately led her subordinates to the right side of the goblin cave. Samhogi, who had just become one of my subordinates, followed Sharan, almost paralyzed with fear.

You couldn't use a butcher knife to kill a chicken.

I'd call Sharan if it got really dangerous, but I'd prefer her to just standby there. If she got involved, the goblins would be torn apart. I was thinking of killing a few and farm the rest as subordinates, but if Sharan intervened, they'd all be annihilated.


I headed towards Buril with my spear in hand.

"Keurek… Keurek-keurek."

"Don't worry. You have me behind you. Just do as I say."


And so,

We stopped a bit in front of the goblin cave.

"Buril. Ready your spear."



Buril and Rookie aimed their spears at the cave entrance. I planned to back them up from behind.




Loud shouts came from inside the cave.

"Guys! Here they come! Get ready!"


And then,


Goblins burst out from the cave! I quickly counted their number. Seven goblins in total!



Seeing another group of goblins, whether they were enraged or not, they charged at us mindlessly.


"Ke, keureung…!"

Buril and Rookie tensed and shook their shoulders. But they were aiming their spears perfectly, just as they were trained.

That was good enough!



Eventually, the goblins jumped to attack us, and I shouted.

"Stab them, you bastards!"

And then!



The goblin at the front was pierced right through the chest! It was Buril's spear! A perfect hit!



Rookie's spear missed!



Goblins immediately rushed and pounced on Rookie!

"Buril! Drop your spear! Beat the hell out of those bastards attacking Rookie!"


With one dead, six enemies remained! We could still win this fight! Buril immediately supported Rookie. I flipped my wooden spear.



I struck the approaching goblin's head. The one that was hit immediately fell to the ground, and I swiftly pulled my spear back.

In that state.

"How dare these little goblins try to mess with this Demon Lord!"

I rushed over and thrust my spear into the forehead of another goblin coming from the side!



The goblin's head toppled right over. Suppression complete. One for Buril, two for me. Three goblins were downed by my spear. And another one was being bashed by Buril and Rookie.

Only three left!

"Everyone except Sharan, come on! Crush these bastards!"

"Ke, kerkerk!"



Simultaneously, Samhogi, Imsoong, and Gyuil charged at full speed. After all, there were only three goblins left. With this much firepower, we could blindly bash them and still take them all down, damn it!

"Ke, kaek?!"


The remaining goblins, witnessing their comrades get annihilated, hesitated in their approach.

Of course, I wouldn't miss this chance.


I delivered a flying kick right to the frontmost one!



As the goblin was launched,




My subordinates charged at the remaining two goblins!


It truly was a perfect battle! Start by quickly reducing their numbers, then overwhelm them with an all-out assault! There was no way wild goblins could handle that!

"Kereyaek! Kereyaek!"


In just a few seconds, hell broke loose.

My subordinates brutally beat, bit, kicked, and pummeled the wild goblins. Holding my spear in reverse, I also smacked their backs and legs ruthlessly.




There was no way they could withstand such a fierce attack. The intense beating continued for about 5 minutes, and excluding the one that was killed by my spear at the beginning, the remaining six goblins lay sprawled out, severely injured.




It seemed they were beaten so badly they were totally drained, lying there twitching.

"We won!"

It was a total victory!

I quickly checked for any injuries on our side. Aside from Rookie, who was initially hit, no one seemed harmed.

"Damn, perfect!"

But first, I needed to address the situation before congratulating everyone.


I dashed to the bushes and grabbed the bag I'd hidden, pulling out the bundles of rope inside.

"Guys, hold them down."


I was going to tie these bastards up now.

"You guys did great. I'll handle the tying. Just watch."

It was time to capture the prisoners.


I laid the injured goblins face-down and tightly bound their wrists and ankles.

I intended to keep them as prisoners for now.

Currently, I could use my control spell up to three times a day. Yes, three times. But there were a total of six goblins still alive.

So, should I use the control spell three times and eat the rest?


I could keep them as prisoners, regain my mana, and then control them again. I could keep them in the dungeon and control them at my leisure.

"Hehehe, I'll have to build a prison in the dungeon."

And well,

Having monsters as prisoners could be useful in various ways. If the control spell didn't work, I could just eat them.

"This is the Aztec Meta."