
Other Worldly Community

Being transmigrated definitely isn't what I would expect, not only that I was transmigrated but also in the body of one of the main supporting cast of Frieren Stark! As if it wasn't terrible already! In the very first day of this world I met the little psychopath Ūbel! Thankfully I have the community to save me from being bisected, so let me show my other worldly life!

Emiyanii · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

I'm Stark?!

'Run away from here!'

'You have to live.'

'Goodbye Stark…live a life without me.'

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the beautiful moon above, however at the moment the moon was the last thing in my mind as I'm very confused.

"Where am I…?"

After all the last thing I remember was me laying at my bed scrolling through my phone looking at some social media pictures.

And suddenly I'm here…?

It's quite normal for a person to think about something like this, no?

From what I can see I'm in the middle of nowhere, deep inside a forest alone.

My first thought was someone abducted me, however thinking about it logically there's no way it's possible for someone to abduct me for I would remember being taken away from my room.

Unless of course they have a way to make me forget how it, ugh.. seriously…anyway I should-

Wait…I noticed something as I stared at my hands.

"Why the hell are my hands so small..?"

After that I started panicking as I started to touch my body and realized that I'm smaller than my usual-self.

In the middle of my panicking I saw a small pond nearby, quickly I ran towards it and stared at my reflection.

"Haha..what the hell…" I laughed but it was devoid of any amusement.

Instead it was closer to despair actually, the person at my reflection isn't me, but someone else.

It was a kid with short red hair along with some black in the middle.

There's no doubt about it, as someone who reads a lot of books, especially light novels.

I'm pretty sure I got isekai'd, that or transmigration.

Instead of being excited I feel anxious, being transmigrated isn't as fantastic as the books described after all those are mostly wish fulfillment situations.

Unlike them I haven't met god to get some cheat skills or items, but straight up being transmigrated without any knowledge or what I thought so.

All of a sudden a surge of memories that aren't mine appeared in my mind. I couldn't stop myself from groaning in pain because of the headache that I'm experiencing after seeing several years worth of memory in a span of a second.

It took a minute for me to regain my bearings and look at the reflection of the kid in a different light.

"Holy fuck, I'm Stark?!" 

I couldn't stop myself from shouting, after all this kid, which is the body I'm currently inhabiting, was someone I'm very familiar with, heck I watched the series about this guy last night.

I can't believe I transmigrated in Stark's body, this was one of the supporting characters of a series called Frieren.

Knowing this doesn't exactly make it better after all, this world is very dangerous as it's filled with demons that don't have any compassion towards human life in general.

They're unfeeling, cruel, sadistic, man-eating monsters.

There's no 'if' or 'what' with these monsters, they are simply born that way.

"Okay, okay I should calm down first.." I forcefully try to calm my raging emotions after all panicking here won't help me at all.

It took a few minutes but I succeeded. "Alright, now that I know where I am and whose body I've transmigrated as. I have to be careful especially when I know a demon could find me anytime."

Then I recalled the last memory of the boy before I switched with him. 

"It seems like the timeline I'm at is when Stark's clan was wiped out by demons and currently running away from that place." 

No wonder why he's in the middle of nowhere. Right now I should prioritize getting away from this place and find a populated place because it's not safe for me to be alone, especially when I'm currently helpless.

Compared to the original Stark from the series, I'm not as strong as him, yet. 

I should start moving, the earlier I find a settlement the better my chances of survival.


"I'm so fucking tired and hungry…" It's been several hours since I've been on the run. I've finally realized that I'm in a body that gets easily tired and hungry.

It is a given considering I'm a literal child right now, my endurance wasn't as good as my previous body.

Despite wanting to just give up and rest, however, my rational mind kept reminding me that if I do that there's a high possibility that I would be in danger.

After all, I wasn't the Stark of the future, I couldn't protect myself against an enemy.

Right now I'm feeble and weak, that's why I don't have the luxury of resting as I'm in the middle of a danger zone.

I kept moving until my hard work paid off and saw a town a few hundred meters away from my direct.

Seeing it, I almost cried. "Finally!"

I quickly moved my little legs to get there, however as I took a step suddenly I collapsed. "Huh….?"

I was confused as to why, however it didn't take me long to realize that my child body was exhausted beyond belief not to mention I was starving and thirsty at the same time.

Slowly I was losing my consciousness, thankfully someone was near as I could hear some voices.

"-ey, kid ar..yo..alr..?"

I couldn't hear them properly as it sounded gibberish in my head, knowing that I'm now safe I finally closed my eyes and let the darkness takeover me.

And after I did something happened.

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"Ugh…my head…" I slowly lifted my head and looked around.

I was in a small cabin, resting in someone's bed as far as I'm aware, thinking of this I realized that this was no dream after all.

"I really did transmigrate…" 

I don't know what to feel at the moment, it feels complicated after all I still have some attachment back on earth, who knows if I can even make it back there.

I let out a sigh, I felt like crying but I held it as there's no point to it, however I can't stop myself from being emotional.

"This sucks…!" 

It really is, however at the same time I'm quite grateful that I wasn't transmigrated to more dangerous worlds like 40K Warhammer or Fallout.

Thinking about it made me shudder, if I was transmigrated in such world the first thing I'd do is commit suicide, no point living in a world where you could die any second.

Worse, you'd get tortured or enslaved by some sick entity, either way being in this world isn't too bad at least I won't have to worry about surviving every second of my life.

Although it's going to be inconvenient living in this timeline as this would be equivalent to the middle age back on earth.

Countless convenience from Earth would be no more, there's no internet, phone or a modern toilet.

"How am I going to shit comfortably from now on…?" Honestly it's the least of my worries but I can't help it to cope with my current situation.

Suddenly I noticed something in my line of sight. "What the hell is this…?"

The more I look at it, the more I think it looks suspiciously similar to a digital mail app online. It even has an exclamation mark indicating there's a notification!

Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel hopeful hoping that this would be my 'cheat' . I wasn't really hoping for something OP I just wanted something that could make my life a bit convenient.

That's all I would like to ask, as I was about to touch and open it to satisfy my curiosity, suddenly a voice called out startling me.

I shifted my gaze toward the culprit and saw that it was a woman with a green hair age around 17-20.

Looking at her I couldn't stop myself from gazing at her face like an idiot. I know that this is an anime world, but what the hell?

Is everyone this beautiful here…?

Looking at Stark's memory, I realized that it was probably the case because I can't remember anyone in his memory that wasn't handsome or beautiful.

Honestly I don't even know if she's considered beautiful in this world's standard, but on earth she'd be at par with some international top actress or super model.

The woman realized that I was staring intensely at her, she couldn't help but ask in a worried voice. "Is there something wrong with my face..?"

I blurted my thoughts without a filler. "If being too pretty is wrong then yes, there's something wrong with your face."

The woman was surprised for a bit before smiling brightly. "My, thank you for the compliment. I didn't think you were quite a charmer!"

"Ah- no, I-" I cringed to the point I was speechless. I wasn't meant to say that, however I'm glad that she wasn't offended at least.

"Fufu~ how cute, I didn't think that the boy I saved was such a flirt."

What the hell is this situation..? It's like some sort of play between a milf and a shota in some anime!

Oh wait, I'm technically in an anime right now and worse I'm a shota!

Shaking my head mentally, this isn't time for me to have some stupid thoughts, anyway I have to thank her.

"You're the one who found me right? Thank you for helping me Ms!" I bowed my head in gratitude. At least I could do this much towards my savior if she didn't help me I might have been a goner.

I was lucky that someone found me.

Greenette(?) smiled at my gratitude. "You're welcome, I can't just leave you right there knowing I could help."

"That's exactly why I'm thankful, you could have left me but instead you helped! If there's anything I could do to compensate for helping me-" Before I could finish my sentence, she cut it off and said.

"There's no need for that, I helped you because I wanted to, not because I wanted a compensation, just think of me doing this as an occasional goodwill, anyway I'm sure that you're very hungry right now so I will refrain from asking why you were in that forest alone, but after you're full then I will ask if you don't mind of course."

Seeing that there's no problem with that, I naturally agreed as it's only fair and I was already thinking of what my background story was going to be.

I followed her toward the dining room and as I did, she suddenly asked. "Ah, right I almost forgot to ask, what's your name?"

"Stark, what about you ms?"

"Ūriel, and don't call me Ms. I feel old just call me Ūriel-neesan or Big Sister." Ūriel said.

However for some reason her name feels really familiar, but I'm probably just imagining it, there's no way Ūriel is related to that 'girl' it's probably just a coincidence that she has a similar name and the same hair color as that psychopath.

But when someone arrived at the cabin, I shifted my attention toward the newest arrival and saw her.

'There's no way, you gotta be joking!' It feels like fate is laughing at me right now because this is really ridiculous.

Ūriel looks at the new addition with a smile and said. "Oh you just arrived in time little sister. Stark this is my sister Ūbel."

The girl who is at least a few years older than my current body stared at my face with her lifeless eyes, seeing it in real life was completely different from the anime.

I shivered a bit at how lifeless that gaze of hers is, in fact how the hell does a kid like here even have something like that anyway?

She's probably a natural born psychopath.

"Nice to meet you I'm Ūbel."

I replied with a strained smile. "Nice to meet you."

That's how my first day of being transmigrated ended.

Author Notes: That's a start, anyway this wouldn't be a Frieren only world story as he could transport to another world for 'quest' and like the anime from the start there would be timeskips at the first few chapters since I'm unwilling to make him a shota for a long time.

Anyway this is about him meeting characters earlier than the canon timeline, the majority of these characters are from the first-class mage arc.

Since some of you guys are going to ask this question in the future, yes this fanfic will be harem. 

But not just the pokemon catching type, because I dislike adding every named girl character to the collection. I have standards, you know?

I would make their relationship as natural as I think it is, the girls won't suddenly fall in love in just a single conversation or every girl loving the MC for that matter. 

Like some of the fanfic I read.

Anyway this is a complete F/M story, no F/F or M/M because I personally dislike them. 

Okay maybe a bit of F/F since they're going to be part of a harem. It would be strange if there's so occasional F/F.

Feel free to donate if you ever feel generous, every bit of donations help.

There's going to be an advanced chapter here.
