13 Yue clan's tournament and new weapon

---Yue residence,fourth branch---

Morning,a new day has began and the light illuminates the room.Yue Yang is sleeping soundly when he feels two small hands gently shaking him.

"wake up, today the tournament will begin and you can't be late"

Yue Yang doesn't answer and continues to sleep

"I know that you like sleeping but you can't do that now. you will have to wait until the tournament ends"

"..Mm.. can't I sleep for a little bit longer?"

"I am afraid that if I let you sleep even one more minute you will never wake up in time"

Yue Yang slowly opens his eyes and lightly stretches.When he does so he sees two figures in front of him

"good morning girls,how long have I slept?"

"It doesn't matter how long you have slept,we need to go to the tournament and we are almost late"

'you can't be this relaxed when you already slept so much'

"well, let's have breakfast then"

"we already had breakfast,you are the only one who hadn't"


"master, today you slept more than usual.I had tried to wake you up earlier but to no avail"

"is that so? then what are we waiting for? let's go"

'why did I sleep so much? something is strange.During the year I lived in this world I never woke up this late.. when I was on Earth I usually woke up late but since I absorbed Yue Yang I no longer slept so much so what is going on? could it be just a coincidence?'

"system notification.For the duration of one week the new banner 'new year's tournament' will be available.The possible rewards include items and characters belonging to events similar to tournaments such as the holy grail war.in addition a set of missions will also be available for the duration of the banner"


- participate in the tournament

reward: randomly draw one item of R rarity

- reach the finals

reward: randomly draw one character of N rarity

- defeat the other finalist

reward:UR ticket (the next draw will be an item or character of UR rarity)

- find the assassin who hides in the crowd and kill him

reward:+10% speed and strength"

'So it was no coincidence that I slept late.turns out the system was introducing a new banner'

after reading through the banner Yue Yang rushes to the tournament

---Tournament's field, open area---

Yue Yang, Xue Wu Xia and Saeko are seated among the crowd, looking towards the center of the arena

while waiting for the declaration that indicates the beginning of the tournament Yue Yang sneakily looks towards the crowd and he notices three individuals wearing black robes that are currently looking at him.After looking at them he smiles and looks at Wu Xia

"who do you think will win the tournament?"

she looks at him and after a few minutes she answers

"probably you,but it is not guaranteed"

'you are right but I have my ace, Saeko! if I use her nobody will be my match in the tournament.it is a pity that I decided to only use my spitting thorny flower'

"you shouldn't underestimate yourself so much,you are powerful too, you know?"

"Powerful?I am not even able to take on a beast that you easily defeated by yourself"

Yue Yang shrugs his shoulders and no longer speaks, after all he is the only one to know that beasts such as that will no longer be a threat to her in the near future

after a little while Yue Hai appears in the center of the arena, he is smiling

"Good morning to all of you, dear guests.

I welcome you at this new year's tournament and hope that you will appreciate the matches to come.the tournament will hold 32 competitors.the last eight remaining will then battle to determine the two finalists"

"there are no particular rules or restrictions however trying to kill the opponent is forbidden.the transgressor will be punished"

"all participants are invited to head towards the rooms that have been prepared for the occasion"

"as the Yue clan's head I formally announce the beginning of the tournament!"

'private rooms?well,it seems that I will be able to use the gacha without having to worry that someone sees me then'

after deciding what to do Yue Yang stands up and turns towards Wu Xia

"what are you waiting for? should you not come too?"

"I have something to discuss with father. you go on ahead"


---Tournament's field, Yue Yang's private room---

after entering in the private room Yue Yang looks around himself and he cannot help but be disappointed.

the so called "private room" is a room with no decorations and it barely has a bed, a table and a chair.

the room itself is quite small and dark.in addition there are cracks in the walls.

after examining the room and making sure that nobody could see or hear what happens inside from the outside Yue Yang sits on the bed and enters the Gacha.

he looks towards the missions and notices a difference right underneath the first one

- participate in the tournament

reward: randomly draw one item of R rarity

- Mission Accomplished

after confirming the state of the mission Yue Yang touches the "reclaim" button and a silver chest appears before him

the chest opens and at the same time an announcement resounds in his head

Summoning results:R Kakuya

weapon description:

"Kakuya is a longsword created by using Kanshou and Bakuya as materials. it contains within itself the souls of an old chinese blacksmith and his wife"

after looking at the description Yue Yang examines the sword

the hilt is white and on the part of the blade connected to it a yin-yang symbol is depicted. the blade itself is composed by many exagons black and white in colour. on the borders of the black ones there is a thin red line.in the two halves of the yin-yang symbol the shapes of two faces are visible.

after examining the sword Yue Yang puts it in the sheath on his back and prepares for his first match

at that moment someone knocks his door and a calm voice enters

"participant Yue Yang, please head to the arena. the match will begin in thirty minutes"

Yue Yang stands up and exits the room

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