

As Sam, Jay, and Riya walked down the path they had trodden countless times during their childhood, their laughter echoed in the quiet afternoon.

The air was nostalgic as they reminisced about their carefree days, trading stories of misadventures and escapades.

They spoke of tree-climbing races, the secret hideouts, the games they invented, and the little quarrels they had, all underlined by an unbreakable bond of friendship.

Amidst the friendly banter, Sam decided to probe the matter that had always been present, albeit unspoken.

The chemistry between Jay and Riya was palpable to anyone who knew them well enough.

He steered the conversation to that, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"So, what's going on between you two?" Sam asked abruptly. "Are you guys not going to get together?"

Jay froze mid-laugh, his face a mask of surprise.

Next to him, Riya blushed, her cheeks taking on the color of the setting sun.

"What the hell are you talking about, Sam?" Jay stammered, flustered.

"You guys better figure out your status," Sam advised. "Or else there might be endless regret later in life."

Leaving them with his profound words, Sam decided to give them some space.

He knew they needed time to process his words and perhaps have a conversation they had been avoiding.

He left them on the path with a final wave and headed back home.

Back at his house, the aroma of spices wafted from the kitchen, tickling his senses.

His mother and Aunt Rina were busy preparing dinner, their movements synchronized in a practiced dance of culinary skill.

Eager to help, Sam rolled up his sleeves and joined in, chopping vegetables and stirring sauces, losing himself in the simple pleasure of cooking.

As the sun began to set, Jay and Riya returned.

One look at how they glanced at each other with a newfound understanding, and Sam knew he had succeeded.

They looked different, their usual camaraderie replaced by a silent, intimate connection.

The tension between them seemed to have dissipated, replaced by a comfortable silence.

"Dinner is ready!" His mother's voice rang out from the kitchen, and Sam glanced over his shoulder to see a table laden with steaming dishes.

As they gathered around the table, an air of contentment settled over the household.

Everyone chatted and laughed, the atmosphere full of warmth and shared happiness.

Through it all, Sam couldn't help but glance at his friends, a smile on his lips.

Tonight, they had not only shared a meal but also, in a way, embracing the future with open hearts.


The following day.

The trio, Sam, Jay, and Riya, had taken advantage of their time together, deepening their bond and creating new memories to cherish.

They indulged in a lazy morning, explored the nearby forest, revisited old haunts, and talked until the evening.

They cherished these moments of respite from their usually busy lives.

In the evening, as the sun began to cast long shadows and the aroma of freshly cooked dinner filled the house, Sam decided it was time to break the news.

He had tasks awaiting him in City N, the supercomputer project, and the OrionOS that required his attention.

The clatter of cutlery paused as Sam cleared his throat, "Everyone, I'll be going back to City N tomorrow," he announced, his voice steady.

His mother's face fell, her fork suspended in mid-air, "So soon already? Why not stay a few more days?" she asked, disappointment clear in her voice.

Sam shook his head, meeting his mother's gaze with a soft, apologetic look, "I have a company to run, Mom. Many people are relying on me. I still have some issues to resolve there," he explained.

In the ensuing silence, an idea sparked in Sam's mind. He turned to his parents, a hopeful expression on his face, "Why don't both of you come with me?" he suggested.

Ryan and Maya exchanged a long glance.

The possibility of leaving their familiar surroundings, friends, and home seemed daunting.

But, looking at their son, his eyes gleaming with hope, they couldn't help but reconsider.

After an eternity, Ryan said, "We'll head to your place in a few days, son. Let us take care of some things here."

A rush of elation filled Sam at his father's words.

His smile stretched wide, "Okay, Dad. This is great!"

The rest of the dinner passed amidst excited chatter, plans being made, and a newfound anticipation for the coming days.

Once dinner was over and the decision had been made, Sam retreated to his room.

His mind was already shifting gears, thinking about the tasks that awaited him in City N, his responsibilities, and the thrilling prospect of having his parents by his side.

Yet, as he began to pack his things, the village's tranquil calmness seemed even more poignant.

In the quiet solitude of his room, Sam decided to make a call to Eva.

The soft glow of the smartphone illuminated his face, casting long shadows that danced around the room.

The line connected, and Eva's voice echoed through the silence, "Sam, what's up?"

"I need you to secure three apartments that Gaia located," Sam started, getting straight to the point.

Eva's voice held a hint of confusion, "Why the sudden need?"

Sam couldn't suppress his grin as he replied, "My mom and dad are moving to live with me. I can't have them staying at my old place. How's everything else there?"

Sam found himself reassured as they continued their conversation, discussing the company's current state, their competitors' probable strategies, and future plans.

Eva's efficient management and sharp insights were invaluable to him.

He mentioned his plan to grow slowly but steadily, careful not to get too ahead of themselves, "I don't want to fly high just to know mid-air that the engines are failing or enemies are attacking. I will bide my time. If we want to make it big, like really big and powerful, we wait for our chance."

Eva seemed amused by his strategic caution, "I don't get what you think and why you think this deep, but right now, the company is doing good."

As the conversation moved to hiring new staff and managing funds, Sam felt a pang of guilt, aware of his recent spending habits, "Just giving it back to the community as support. It feels good for sure."

A burst of light-hearted laughter rang through the phone; Eva's voice held a playful tone, "Other than you splurging money, the accounts are good."

It showed Eva's efforts, "No worries at all; in the end, you are a shareholder of 1%. How was that for the deal? You are essentially a millionaire now."

Eva's laughter was replaced by a quiet sigh, "Sometimes I wonder if I had rejected your offer, I would still be running everywhere for a job. Thank you for offering the deal."

The conversation became more serious as Sam proposed a share transfer contract for two of his childhood friends, Jay and Riya.

Eva was shocked, but her surprise only reaffirmed Sam's belief that his friends deserved the shares, "People like you are so rare that values friendships."

Sam ended the conversation with a chuckle, "Just prepare those things for me, Eva. Then I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Okay, I will get it ready. Goodnight, Sam," Eva said, her voice filled with admiration and amusement.

The call ended, and Sam was left staring at his reflection on the smartphone's darkened screen.

His thoughts were filled with his parents moving to City N, his friends becoming a part of his company, and all the exciting challenges that awaited him.

His heart was filled with anticipation and joy.

With a smile, he switched off the lights and went to sleep, ready to face tomorrow and everything it had to offer.


The morning sun cast a warm golden glow over the village, and Sam was up earlier than usual, bags packed and ready to leave.

After a hearty breakfast, lovingly prepared by his mom, he lugged his bags towards the waiting taxi outside.

His heart was heavy with anticipation and a bittersweet feeling of leaving home once again.

He was stuffing his bags into the trunk when he noticed a small crowd forming at the entrance of his home.

It started with a few neighbors and friends, but soon, he saw the entire village gathering around his house.

It felt like the heartbeat of the entire community was synced with his own, creating a rhythm of unity and camaraderie.

"Lil' Sam is already leaving. Take care of yourself, Sam," came a familiar voice from the crowd.

Mr. Patel, a pillar of the village community, stood there with a genuine smile on his face. The warm wishes of the older man touched him deeply.

Even the children, who usually spent their time running around playing, had stopped to come bid him farewell, their innocent faces clouded with disappointment.

"Uncle Sam is leaving already? I thought he would play with us," one little girl murmured, her small hands clasping his tightly.

All around him, the air buzzed with well-wishes, goodbyes, and the unspoken promise of waiting for his return.

Seeing his entire village coming together to wish him luck was enough to stir the most profound emotions within him.

Sam knew their gratitude was partly due to his contributions to the community. Still, the sincerity behind their wishes was not lost on him.

This was more than just about what he had done for them; it was about the bonds he had forged with them.

Feeling a lump in his throat, Sam thanked the villagers for coming out to bid him farewell.

With a final glance at the sea of familiar faces, he got into the taxi, the emotions overwhelming him.

As the vehicle pulled away, he looked out the window, watching as the villagers, his family, and friends waved goodbye.

The sight was so intense, so charged with emotion that for a moment, it felt like he was headed off to a battlefield.

The village receded into the distance. Sam watched as the familiar sights gave way to miles and miles of lush greenery.

He had no idea when he would be back, and Sam knew things would be different the next time he did return.

But as he settled into the backseat, watching his childhood home fade into a distant blur, Sam knew in his heart that no matter how far he went, he would always have a home to return to.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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