Curiosity killed the cat is a phrase that can sum up the catastrophe that a group of scientist had brought upon the planet. The group of scientist were hired to explore an ancient burial ground which is said to be the tomb of one of the most cruelest and most despised ruler ever known. Through out the exploration the Pandora box (door) was found in the deepest part of the place. As soon as the scientist made the findings known to the world, hundreds upon thousands of monks have showed up to stop them from opening it. Despite the pleas, and the protests that the monks have done. The government officials in charge of the scientist paid no attention nor did they believe the stories they were told. And thus the end begins
somewhere in a jungle deep inside you can see a man and a woman running as fast as they can, despite being pale from exhaustion, their faces were also filled with bruises and scratches. the man was middle aged, bald headed with a long goatee wearing a white robe and prayer beads around his neck. As for the woman although she was cut up and bruised she was beautiful, extremely beautiful, with long black hair reaching her waist with aqua colored eyes so pure that people can easily get lost within them.
as they kept running the female began to lose strength, and any hope she had within her was slowly fading away which showed on her face as she abruptly stopped running.
male: "keep running don't stop!!"
female: "I'm trying but I can't!! I can't!! here take him"
with the woman saying that she removes part of her clothes to reveal a small little baby boy sound asleep sucking on his thumb.
female: " keep going I'll try to hold them up but whatever you do please protect my baby"
male: "what!!? what do you mean by this?"
female: " look I know you know who his father is and my people are trying everything they can to find him and kill him, and if they use my son as bait I know he will not show up which can lead to my sons death."
the female said with a sad but still filled with disdain face.
the man hearing this fell in a dilemma
male: " I know but what makes you think that he will be safe with me I'm just a monk?"
female: .... " please"
male: ....
female: ....
male: fine but I will raise him away from everything , he will never know who he really is.
with that being said the man grabs the baby and holds on to him as he bowed towards the female before running away again.
as the man was running away the female began to shed tears.
fixing her face she turns around filled with anger and determination, as she chants a few words which then a beautiful blue sword appeared out of nowhere.
female: I know I won't be surviving this so might as well give my son a few extra minutes to run away.
as she said that a few silhouettes appeared in front of her. because the female was ready to fight to the death she jumped right at the people in front of her.
in a frenzy state she began to slash at the people but whatever she did she was never able to land a hit.
A few minutes later she falls down to her knees with blood gushing out her chest as the last thing in her mind was the smile of her child. remembering that innocent smile she also lets out a smile as she thinks to herself "I hope you'll find happiness in life my son".
her life slowly disappears as the people began to run towards the direction the monk took.
a few hours later silhouettes reappear.
Person 1: "damn I can't believe we lost them"
person 2: " relax we'll find him even if it takes us years"