
3. New Moon Wish

Weeks had passed, and while it was completely boring on this little island, I kept my mind and body occupied with testing my abilities.

I found out several things about what I could do. Other than the super strength and endurance, I could also transform like Maui.

I could call my mythical fish hook to my hand and when concentrating in the form I'd like to have I could become that form.

It was honestly exhausting at first maintaining the transformation. The bigger and more powerful the creature, the more stamina it uses up.

I could maintain the size of smaller creatures for much longer periods, and I found that while in the water, those forms can last forever if I wanted them to.

I became a shark for awhile and hunted fish around the island for fun sometimes but I also ran into a scary sea king that tried to eat me.

It was too powerful, but I also found out that while in the water in my base form I could swim at very high speeds and never have to come up for breath, so fleeing from the sea king was no problem. It felt like I was basically Aquaman.

I gotta say I'm pretty happy to have become Maui since I was born into the ocean world of One Piece.

Anyway, I also happened to find out what time period I was in. I bribed one of the news coo with a big fish and it gave me the latest newspaper.

The date is the final month of 1521 and 1522 is the year that Luffy would set sail, so that should happen in a few months. I remember this detail because I read a lot of fan fiction of One Piece otherwise I would never remember such a detail.

I dont really care so much about Luffy or his companions. I intend to leave them alone for the most part.

I won't go out of my way to mess with them but there are a few things I plan to do that might alter things, but honestly I believe Luffy's journey will proceed much the same regardless of little things I change.

One of those things is Arlong. I found out I'm in the East Blue and fighting Arlong will give me a good grasp at how strong I currently am in this world.

But before I do anything I need to prepare for my voyage.

I had made 3 wishes in the last few weeks. The first two failed since I tried wishing for an Infinity Stone for my first wish to test the limits of Moon God's Miracle.

The second wish I made failed when I tried to wish for a longinus sacred gear. It seems the more powerful and complex an item I wish for is, the less likely it is for the wish to be granted.

My third wish on the third week did get made fortunately.

In my hand I held a compass encased in a ornate black cover, a compass that doesn't point north. Tia Dalma's Compass, the same one that Jack Sparrow used in Pirates of the Caribbean. The compass that points to what the user desires.

I figured having this would be better than just relying on my ability. Sure, I could wish for most things I desire, but that would take all the fun out of my life.

Using the compass, it would be impossible for me to get lost, as long as my destination is where I desire to go.

I also made a pouch out of fish hide, stuffed with grass as a portable nest for the magikarp egg. I can feel it moving from time to time and seemed almost ready to hatch.

I was currently a fish swimming along a school of identical looking fish. I wanted to find out the things they eat so I can prepare a nutritional meal plan for my pokemon.

If I want magikarp to become a Gyarados, I'll need to make sure he/she gets the best food and training.

I found many types of foods the fish in the area like to eat and identified some sea worms that the fish absolutely love in comparison to other foods.

I caught a ton of these worms and began grinding them into paste and then adding some berries I found I made a few types of food pellets.

Magikarp will be able to let me know which ones he prefers and then I can make more of that type for it.

Once I was done with my adventures as a fish, I went back to my island. This was the first day of a new week and I had a wish to make tonight.

I brewed up a tasty fish stew and ate it while watching the sunset. My days on this island have been peaceful and I have felt relaxed this whole time.

It was a welcome change of pace to the long days and nights I spent in that law office.

No more deadlines. No more stress and lack of sleep. Yes, this is the best.

But lately I have been getting anxious. While my mind and soul have been healed from this mini vacation, I just cant sit still.

It's like a dog chasing a car in that way. Now that I have my freedom, I dont really know what to do with it.

"A month or two should be enough..." I said out loud while thinking about when to leave the island.

While I watched the sunset, my thoughts drifted to the other discovery I made. The sea is like the sea from Moana in the way it has a consciousness.

I sometimes see a blob of sea water rise up and "look" me from time to time.

I talked to it one day and it played charades trying to talk back.

The funny thing is I actually understood the gist of what it was saying.

It greeted me and told me it was happy I was here. It offered me a fish as a gift and then disappeared.

I didn't know for sure but I suspect the wind and other other elements might have their own spirit or conscienceness.

Further testing is required.

"Ah finally!" The moon began peaking over the horizon and the darkness of night began falling on the world around me.

As the moon reached it apex, it was time to use my ability. I had plenty of time to create a wish list of items that will be useful to me.

Some of those on the list include weighted training gear that grow heavier as I grow stronger, a storage ring or bag, a ship with decent size that can be pulled by Gyarados, and finally some pants.

Mini Maui didn't like the idea of me wearing shirts since then he and my other tats wouldn't get seen. I wasn't affected much by temperatures so I guess I'm gonna end up as a shirtless character from now on.

But I still want pants because this grass skirt doesn't cover much and my godly tool just flops around when I move.

The last thing I want is to get a bounty for indecent exposure, and I'm sure the parents of children I come across would be thankful for not flashing my junk.

The moon steadily reached its apex in the sky and it was now time.

My wish for today will be made...

I stepped into the clearing I've been using for this. I made a little stone alter out of boredom and began by getting into a prayer position.

I dont actually have to do that but it feels wrong not to.

"Ahem... I wish for... a training manual for learning Observation and Armament Haki."

This was important for my journey. I am a demi god and have 2 origins, god and human.

My godly side requires faith to increase divinity which would strengthen my innate powers as a god. But my human origin gains strength the same way as everyone else.

I feel strong now, much stronger than normal humans, but I know I'm not anywhere close to the monsters that are found in New World.

I might be able to scrape by the first half of the Grand Line but without Haki, going into New World would be like a hot woman walking into a men's prison.


The moon glowed brighter and the familiar moon beam hit the center of the alter. After the glow died down, a book with a tattered leather cover sat there.

[Haki for Dummys - Created though the soul-memory of Gol D. Roger]

"Yaaaa-hooooo! A book made from the experiences of the former Pirate King. Luck-eeeee!"

I giggled to myself like a school girl. One has to know that Roger, the man who became the king of the pirates had developed his Haki to the extreme and any insights he has on the subject were bound to be incredibly helpful.

I picked up the book like it was a priceless treasure and went back to my cave to do some light reading after I sing a goodnight lullaby to the magikarp egg.

This is done to increase my connection to it and definitely not because I'm lonely!

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