
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs


The video continued!

Galan promoted Doll to Vice-Admiral and sent her to a base in the Grandline not far from Wano, G-14. He also sent everyone in that base somewhere else, filling it to the brim with only Galan's Special Unit soldiers…

This place was most likely the strongest Marine Base on the sea.

He looked at her file and everyone saw a string of killings full of scumbags, rapists, murderings, pedophiles, etc.

He nodded to himself, the apple didn't fall far from the tree indeed! He was happy that his daughter was a better version than him!

However, he never told her that he was her father.

Doll asked about Kujaku and Galan said that if she wanted her to be a civilian then she would be protected. Doll actually wanted her to be a Marine to protect herself and not end up alone like herself.

Galan froze up and closed his eyes, promising that he would train her himself. Doll was surprised and happy, leaving with light and relieved steps.

[Doll: I'm such an idiot! Of course he's going to train her himself…]

[Diana: You can't be blamed, you didn't even know.]

[Kujaku: AH! No wonder… My training was so much tougher.]

[Prince Grus: Hahaha! Should we call you Princess Kujaku now?]

[Kujaku: …]

[Doll: ??? Are you flirting with my daughter???]

[Prince Grus: ????]

On the screen

The 5 Elders told Galan that Doflamingo would be given Warlord status so he had to remove the barricade on Dressrosa. Galan told the 5 Elders that it wasn't a problem but it would be smoother if he evacuated the Royal Family and the citizens beforehand.

The 5 Elders said that it wasn't necessary but happy that he was so thoughtful as to clear the way at their order. They hung up and Galan made a call telling his Unit to kidnap the Royal family and plant an evil pirate in an alleyway. They were to paint the pirate in White Amber paint along with a few rats and let them loose.

He hung up and told Tsuru over the phone to leave Dressrosa, forget about the barricade, she asked about the people but Galan was cold telling her to ask the 5 Elders if she wanted before hanging up.

He leaned back and clenched his fists. He thought about it and sent them to Prodence Kingdom, mostly because 3 out of the 5 Royal Family members were women! Galan leaned over his desk, knowing exactly what happens when pirates and women meet.

He looked at a Bounty of Doflamingo before tilting his head, maybe he should send an Emperor after him…

[Doflamingo: IT WAS YOU! YOU #@#%&#%^^&!%&! I WILL KILL YOU!]

[Riku: Oh wow… Thank you, Fleet Admiral…]

[Viola: Thank you, Fleet Admiral. I… I don't know how to repay you.]

[Bruce Wayne: You're the Royalty?]

[Scarlet: That's my sister. I also have a daughter… I can't imagine the consequences…]

[Kyros: If you ever need anything, Fleet Admiral. All you need to do is ask.]

[Izuku: I don't get it…]

[Pain: Children don't need to know these things.]

[Shoto Todoroki: This Doflamingo is really a scourge!]

[Nico Olvia: Hahahah! He'll be dead soon enough. Run, Flamingo-chan! Hahahaha!]

[5 Elders: You are dead, Galan.]

[Doflamingo: Fufufufu~ Fortunately now I know where they are… even your daughter, Fleet Admiral.]

[Tony Stark: uh oh…]


The entirety of Marineford was locked down with a terrifying Conqueror's Haki.

Galan's voice echoed around the entire island, "Nobody moves until the Video is over."

The video went on.

Galan made the order and left, going to the Seastone block, Olvia asked Rosinante to make a barrier for them. Rosinante did it and Galan screamed soundlessly, beating the Seastone block violently, blood splashing over his hands.

He couldn't save everyone on the island, this was undoubtedly a failure!

Hours without end as the block visibly filed with cracks from his bare hands! Olvia came out and told him it was enough, but she received a backhanded slap in the mouth! She smiled and asked him if it hurt, holding his bloodied hands.

Galan told her to leave him alone but she ignored him, tearing her own short to strips, wrapping his hand asking what happened today, he told her it wasn't her business and she replied that it must've been something bad.

Galan grabbed her neck and lifted her in the air, glaring at her with clear anger, his face expressing emotion for the first time in a long time as he shouted at her, asking if she was deaf he wanted her out of his life, he didn't understand why she insisted on staying with him! He didn't need her pity!

She simply smiled and ignored his words asking if he wanted to talk about it. Galan seemed to be even more angry as he tightened his grip telling her that he would really kill her. She laughed in his face and gave up resistance as if telling him to do it. He grit his teeth and dropped her to the ground, telling her that she should've stayed with Dragon, she was just a burden on his life and goals. She should run as far away from him as she could to not get affected by him.

He told her to take everyone with her and go find her daughter, he didn't care where she went as long as it was away from him.

Olvia simply revealed that she knew everything, telling him that if she really did, he could watch them with his Buzzards like Robin, so that he could protect them in the dark and not feel anything? He wanted her to leave because he was scared of these feelings appearing in him, it was the same 2 years ago!

She continued that it didn't matter how hard he hit her during training or what he said because everything was fake! It was all an act and she knew it! She knew everything about what he was doing for Robin and that she had been here for 12 years, he couldn't fool her anymore.

She started crying saying that he drowned himself in liquor and all these other things because he couldn't handle everything on his back, everything he had to do, he didn't want to do, but had to do! He drank so he could sleep and it hurt to see him like that. When he screamed and slammed the block, he was letting out his emotions so that he didn't have to deal with him!

She pointed out that to him, there was no difference between himself and the scum that he killed! He thought he deserved to die as well! She couldn't handle this and told him that he didn't have to love her, he could hit her, beat her, kill her… it didn't matter as long as he didn't hurt himself anymore, it made her too sad…

She told him that she didn't want to see him dehumanize himself and devolve into an animal like the people who made him like this. She even begged him.

Galan slowly replied that everyday he hopes someone finds out the truth and the Elders find out, every day he hopes someone walks into his office and kills him! But it never happens!

All the battles he's been in, he never dies! He suspected he was cursed to live this nightmare forever. The man who did this to him became a martyr and Galan wanted to just sink into the sea and disappear forever! But Dragon told him that there was a bigger target so he continued living.

He revealed that he thinks he died many times but the Angels refused to let him into Heaven and sent him back to this living Hell. But they don't know that Galan's Hell is like paradise.

Every evil bastard he kills makes him happy, he loves cleaning evil. He wants to die but at the same time he doesn't!

He didn't understand what he was living for. What was his purpose, why was he alive, why did he feel like this?

He added that he couldn't even see anything anymore, everything was ashes and flames. He looks at the ocean and sees his mother, he looks in the mirror and sees a corpse, he looks at her and… He stopped talking and changed the subject, saying that he shouldn't have taken her here.

He shouldn't have given her the opportunity to fall in love with him. He should've left her with Dragon, he should've left her on O'Hara.

Olvia hugged him from behind and said that she would've never met him if that was true. He retorted that she'll never have him. He was made only for war and death, he couldn't love or be loved. It was impossible. When his war was over, he would be dead, asking her if she was capable of losing the person she loved again.

Olvia didn't answer and he sighed, telling her to find someone else. She didn't have to hurt herself like this. He simply wasn't worth it. Olvia asked if this is why he never told his daughter and Galan replied after a brief silence 'Yes.'

Olvia cried and told him that it was impossible to stop herself from loving him. At first she thought he was just a tough guy but after learning more about him she really did fall in love with him. She loved everything about him, she couldn't change to anyone else, it was simply impossible.

She didn't know when it was that it happened, it just did. He suffered so much and endured so much more, but everyone abandons him one after the other. She didn't want to be one of those people. He pushes people away but hopes that they stay with him, she knew how he felt. She loves the bright and hopeful feelings inside of him and she didn't care how he saw her, as long as he saw her, she was happy.

Galan touched her hands and asked with a sigh 'Why.' she smiled warmly and replied 'Because I love you.'

[Question: What does Galan see when he looks at Olvia?]

[Galan is prohibited from answering.]

[Starlight: Ahh! Olvia! You're my idol! God!]

[David Lieberman: I'm crying!]

[Doll: Daddy, you…]

[Nico Robin: Mom…]

As everyone was discussing, Olvia looked at Galan, who was frowning with annoyance. She smiled gently and leaned on him, saying "I still feel that way." He replied "I don't care…" though his tone was a bit strained.

Hancock felt like a third wheel, sitting there… Though she was touched by this intense love.

Ochako looked at the screen and clenched her fists, typing.

[Ochako Uraraka: He sees an Angel!]

[Bruce Wayne: Girl, you're too rash. He clearly despises God.]

But the system gave him a big slap!

[Congratulations! Ochako answered correctly!]

Galan closed his eyes and Olvia looked at him lovingly, he held his forehead and she kissed him deeply. Hancock covered her mouth and looked away, blushing as she fantasized about Luffy kissing her so passionately.

Her head started emitting steam as she turned pink!

[Reward: Quirk Upgrade- Issho's Gravity Fruit Powers!]