
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · Anime e quadrinhos
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56 Chs

Back to the Main Event!

[Ryu: Hahaha! Nice one!]

[Urano: Hehe…]

[Sasuke: Wait a second! Dad, you knew that the Uchiha clan would be massacred?]

[Uchiha Fugaku: Dad?]

[Ryu: Hm? I told you, Sasuke. Forget about fighting against fate, it's not possible. Not to mention… Orochimaru, are you ready yet?]

[Orochimaru: We're starting? I wanted to watch Sasuke-kun fight…]

[Hiruzen Sarutobi: ??? Starting what?]

[Ryu: Kill you of course, what else?]

[Konoha: ?????]

[Hashirama: Junior, what are you talking about?!]

[Ryu: Hehe… This village has a sickness and it's called Sarutobi! As of today, the Sarutobi clan will be no more! Hmm… Konohamaru can live. Asuma too I guess…]

[Orochimaru: How splendid, a live audience.]

[Jiraiya: Ryu! Stop!]

Everyone looked up at Ryu, who looked at Hiruzen without emotion, saying "You know what you did to deserve this, trash. Let my flames be your end."

Hiruzen frowned and said angrily "This is treason, Ryu!" Ryu sneered, "Treason? Hahahaah!"

[Ryu: Let me tell everyone a nice little secret.]

[Hiruzen: STOP! I declare Uchiha Ryu as an S-Rank Rebel Ninja!]

[Onoki: Oh my! How juicy! I want to hear this news.]

Ryu looked at the giant barrier that trapped Hiruzen and laughed, looking at all the Jonin staring at him maliciously, he said "Take a good look at the chat, fools."

[Ryu: Konoha was founded by the Uchiha and Senju clans. Both these clans have disappeared from the Village with Tsunade being the last survivor of the Senju clan. Her brother and lover died inexplicably on the battlefield. How could this be? Dan was nearly Kage level in strength!]

[Ryu: Not to mention, Hatake Sakumo was a Kage level ninja who had good relations with most of the village! There was a time where people were talking about him becoming Hokage. What happened to him? He went on a mission to kill a missing-nin but abandoned the mission to save one of his team from an ambush. When he returned, his team slandered him and the entire village went from praising him to slandering him. Claiming that he was a joke of a ninja, a traitor to Konoha, a stain on the Will of Fire! From Jonin to Civilian, all of them knew about this covert mission.]

[Ryu: hahahaha! You tell me, does that make any sense? Any sense at all? The White Fang of Konoha was forced to Suicide! Not only this but his son Kakashi was rounded up in Sarutobi's Anbu. HAHAHAHAH! The most heinous crime isn't this. But listen closely…]

[Hiruzen: ENOUGH!]

[Ryu: Hahahaha! On the night of the nine tails attack, an intruder came to the village. First of all, how did they know that Kushina was giving birth that day? Secondly, how did he instantly know where to go to find Kushina giving birth? You think about that. At any rate, Hiruzen was nowhere to be seen as Minato-sensei fought the Nine Tails all by himself, finally dying with his wife and saving the village.]

[Ryu: How did he save the village, you ask? Only natural, he split the Nine Tails in two and sealed one half in himself with a Grim Reaper Seal. The second half went into his newborn son, Uzumaki Naruto. Before Minato-sensei's corpse was even cold, Hiruzen showed up saying that it was a pity and such a shame. Of course, I took Naruto with me and raised him myself, but tell me, did any of you know that Naruto was the son of Minato, the Fourth Hokage?]

[Ryu: NO! None of you knew, but everyone knew that Naruto was the Jinchuriki, despising him for being the Demon Fox of the village. He shouldered everyone's hate for what reason? The son of the Hero who saved the village was sprayed in the streets like a rat! How about this one, where did all of Minato and Kushina's savings go? Were they broke? Was the Fourth Hokage poor? Why do I have to beg for Naruto's savings from Hiruzen? Where did all this money go?]

[Ryu: Hm! You know what else is funny? You civilians with no chakra or strength to speak of actually dare to even speak ill of ninja! How funny is this?! I'm dying of laughter! All of you extras are only in the village to make up numbers, don't get confused. You are here to be manipulated and used. You were used to kill Uncle Sakumo and spray verbal diarrhea on Naruto while shouting praises for the Sarutobi scourge. How long was Minato-sensei Hokage before Hiruzen was Hokage again? Why did Minato-sensei not have an Anbu of his own?]

[Ryu: All you disgusting filth make me sick. Even looking at you fills me with the urge to vomit. If not for Kakashi, Guy, Anko, Sasuke, Hinata, and Naruto I would leave this trash village. How about this? The Thunder Village came for peace treaties, on the side they kidnapped Hinata to get her Byakugan, Hinata was rescued but one of the Thunder Village reps was killed. Didn't this stupid fuck Sarutobi kill Neji's father as an apology? Hahahaha!]

[Ryu: All of you in this garbage world, listen to me very closely. After today, if a single one of you losers come anywhere near Konoha, I will annihilate your village! I will single handedly come to the Mist, Cloud, Sand, Rock, wherever the fuck you rats are from and kill every single person! After today, the soft Konoha is no more. If you want a war I will make Konoha the only village in this world! Anyone who has a problem, come and test me. I hope you can handle the heat of the sun!]

[Ryu: Especially you two, Onoki and A. I know exactly where you are. Reign in your pathetic pride otherwise I will kill you! This is a very real threat. Haha. Will of Fire what a fucking joke. The Will of Fire is whatever the current Hokage wants it to be. Sorry, Hashirama. Your idiotic brother ruined this village entirely. Your idiotic clan rules are even more laughable. Uchiha are evil so let me make some disciples that hate Uchiha while I die, letting them loose. Nothing bad can happen!]

[Ryu: Oh! Also, while I'm at it, let me make the entire Village hate Uchiha by making them the police force. How could this possibly go wrong!? Idiot! This is so retarded, I'm confused by people who call you a genius. Did the Uchiha ever have a chance to be Hokage? No. But who cares about that? The problem is, the Hokage changed from Hashirama to Tobirama and then Hirzuen who was Tobirama's disciple. Then originally Orochimaru was supposed to be the next Hokage but it fell on Minato, who was Jiraya's disciple but also Hiruzen's grand disciple.]

[Ryu: Does anybody see a pattern here? This is what we call 'Keeping it in the family' right? Oh no, someone is gaining reputation? What? He's a pillar of the village? Well, we can't have that! What about all the children Danzo kidnapped and used for experimental subjects to recreate Wood Release? How about all the brainwashed slaves in the Root? How about Kabuto who's adoptive mother was deceived into forgetting who he was and sent to kill him? How about Danzo threatening to kidnap children from the orphanage and refuse village approved donations if Nono Yakushi didn't return to the Root as a spy?]

[Ryu: Every single one of these sins has motivated me to tear out the rotten roots of this village and plant a new tree. The strongest village reduced to this pathetic state because of a rat infestation. Hahahaha!]

[Hashirama: This… This shouldn't be true!]


[Izuna: Well, well, well. As expected of Tobirama! I'm in awe of your efforts! You exterminated both our clans! Seems like yours was first though, right? Hahahah!]

[Tobirama: Sarutobi. You tell me immediately, this is not true.]

[Orochimaru: Ah… Just ask him yourself in person.]

[Hashirama: Ayo? Sarutobi, I can see you!]

[Madara: Hashirama, you idiot! You were reincarnated!]

[Hashirama: Aha! No wonder! I thought it was weird, one minute I was in the Pure Land, the next I was alive.]

[Izuna: …]

[Madara: …]

[Urano: What a funny guy!]

[Naruto: This can't be true!]

Ryu left the confused and hesitant Jonin behind, going to the Roots for Danzo as the Sand Village troops attacked the 4 Elder Council clans. Annihilating them in an instant, after all… All the Jonin were at the arena and the Sand Village was prepared for a long time. They didn't know that Orochimaru replaced the Kazekage…

Well, not before anyway, but they already started… So…

Oh well!

Kakashi sighed and flickered away, looking for Sakumo's old group.

Everyone else looking at the chat was silent.

Most of them didn't understand anything at all, but they smelled a deep conspiracy here. If what this guy said was true then this Third Hokage guy was a real piece of work!

As that was happening…

[Playing Injustice Corrected Part 2!]

[Starlight: Finally! My husband is back!]

[Mt. Lady: +1!]

[Mirko: +1!]

[Mei Terumi: +1!]

[Rukia Kuchiki: +1!]

[Nico Olvia: ???????????????]

Galan looked up and frowned, he would rather not have his future also revealed… His past was bad enough.

But the screen continued.