
Who's Your Fiancee?

Facing the man, Longwei pulled his hands off his shirt. Fixing his shirt, Longwei stared coldly at Jian.

"What you were thinking."

Hearing Longwei's answer, the anger in Jian flared up. "What?! I dare you to say that again if you have the guts."

"What I do is none of your concern. After all, is it wrong of me to kiss my fiancee?"

"Fi...fiancee? Who's your fiancee?"

"Your sister of course."

Staring daggers at the man, Jian pointed his finger at Longwei as he shouted.

"My sister is not your fiancee. She has not agreed and neither has my parents or me. So don't go assuming that my sister will willinging be your fiancee. You don't know her and she don't know you. You may not be aware of it but CEO Li, my sister doesn't like you."

Narrowing his eyes, Longwei smirked as he stared at Jian's red face.

"You may not know yet, but your parents have already consented to my engagement to Li Hua, and you say she doesn't like me? Yes you may be right President Neng, but that doesn't mean it will stay that way. I will woo your sister until she agrees to marry me willingly."

Shocked at Longwei's words, Jian pulled out his phone to call his parents.

"Hello? What is it Jian?"

"Mom. Did you and dad agree to let sister marry CEO Li?"

"Oh. Well, yes. You dad and grandfather just talked about it and we all agreed to it. We haven't got the chance to tell you yet, but it seems you have found out. Are you at the hospital? Did Longwei tell you?"

"How could you guys agree to it without asking me? I'm Li Hua's elder brother. I should have a say in this as well. How could you guys willinging agree to let her marry this man. Do you even know what sister thinks of him? What will you say when she wakes up and finds that she has been betrothed without her knowledge?"

"Neng Jian! How dare you talk to your mother that way!"

Neng Chao could hear Jian's shouting through the phone and took it away from his wife. How dare this unfilial son of his tell them that they had no right to betrothed his dear daughter without his consent. Did he think it was an easy decision for them as well? Stupid son.

"Dad! I…"

"I don't care what you think or feel. You mother and I have talked to Mr. Longwei about it and your grandfather has talked to Mr. Jing about it as well. We have all agreed to it and have decided that if once Li Hua wakes up and wishes to cancel the engagement she can do so. You unfilial brat! Return home this instant and stop bothering your sister's rest."

Hearing his dad's words, Jian hung up his phone and glared at Longwei. The man was smiling as he waited to hear his next words.

"Hmph, it seems like you were right this time CEO Li, but know that once my sister wakes up she will dissolve this whole marriage/engagement sham. So don't be too happy yet."

Saying those final words, Jian left the hospital room and headed back home.

After Jian left, Longwei returned to sit next to Li Hua and held her cold hands as he kissed them.

"No one can take you from me."


Five days have passed since Li Hua fell into a coma state. Longwei never left her side other than to clean himself and attend meetings. Neng Chao and Neng Fang have come to see her a few times the past few days to see how she has been doing before leaving in tears. Grandpa Huang have come only once to see his beloved granddaughter before leaving in distraught, and Neng Jian had come every chance he could to keep watch of his sister from Longwei.

One the fifth day, Li Hua's best friend, Xi Mei Xing, had come to see how she was doing. Mei Xing had been abroad for work and had only return to hear that her best friend has fallen back into a coma for the last few days.

Entering the quiet room, Mei Xing sniffed as she walked towards her best friend.

"Li Hua. You traitor."said Mei Xing as she sat next to the bed and held Li Hua's hand. "You should have called me and told me you weren't feeling well. How dare you keep this away from me. Aren't I your best friend? Why didn't anyone tell me until I returned back. I've been so worried about you the last couple of days after not getting a hold of you. You're the worst."

Covering her face, Mei Xing cried. Just six days ago she was talking to her and now here she was, sitting in a hospital room next to her friend laying on a hospital bed.

"You traitor. If you don't wake up soon, I'll...I'll marry your brother!" shouted Mei Xing as she continued to cry.

"Who...who will you marry?"

Hearing a raspy voice, Mei Xing raised her head quickly and turned to see Li Hua glaring at her from her bed.

"Li...Li Hua. You...you."

"Mei Xing. Who did you say you will marry? Cough. Cough."

Realizing that she wasn't dreaming, Mei Xing quickly hugged her best friend as she cried.

"Li Hua. You're awake. Do you know how scared I was when I found out you were in a coma again? You worried everyone."


Pulling away, Mei Xing quickly got a cup of water and gave it to Li Hua.

"Drink first. You must be so thirsty. Wait here. I'm going to call the doctor and your parents. Everyone will be so happy to know you are awake again."

Running out of the room, Mei Xing quickly called the nurse to inform the doctor that Li Hua was up before calling Neng Chao, Neng Fang, and Jian.