
Chapter 14

My eyes fluttered open at the foreign sensation bathing my body and I felt morning sunshine caressing my skin. Only it wasn't the only thing caressing me.

I felt him before seeing him. His tongue was tracing a small path on the inner side of my thigh, from my knees all the way up, stopping just before hitting the spot that needed his attention.

I murmured in appreciation and slightly wiggle with my hips, indicating what I want from him. A small chuckle escaped his lips and I felt his warm breath against my skin, sending goose-bumps all over my body.

"Good morning, sunshine."

I couldn't agree more when he continued licking his way around my pussy, teasing me.

My body instantly responded to him, not caring I was only half awake. I smiled when I replied,

"Good morning, indeed."

"Let's make it even better."

And with his words, he pressed his tongue firmly on my clit and sucked on it, making me instantly awake and pooling with desire.

I cried out in surprise and pleasure as he got me panting in no time. My body absolutely loved whatever he did to me and I've never felt like this before with any other guy.

I don't want to think now about how complicated this situation is. Not that I can think about anything else when he is like this, my focus was solely on all the parts that he was touching, teasing, licking, sucking... God, I can't wait to feel him inside me again.

His hands roamed higher over my belly and slowly rubbing my nipples, making them hard under his touch, while never stopping sucking and licking my clit in the most torturing pace. I felt every stimulation of my breasts shooting straight down to my core and with one final hard press of his tongue I cried out in pleasure when orgasm rippled through me.

He pushed one finger inside my pussy, feeling me still throbbing from my high and he started pumping it, adding another finger, not letting me recover.

I didn't need recovering, I was clenching around his fingers in no time, pulling them deeper, not wanting to let go and with another flick of his tongue on my sensitive spot, I was on the brink of begging him to fill me and let me come again.

"Jake, I need to feel you, I want you inside. Are you hard for me?"

He climbed up, looking me straight in the eyes and lowering his lips to mine, capturing my lower lip between his teeth. I felt him adjust between my legs and he spread my wetness with his fingers all over my entrance, preparing me for him. Before I could take another breath, he surged in, filling me to the hilt and making me cry out his name.

"Hard enough for you, baby?"

I just moaned in response, closing my eyes and let go to the feeling of him moving inside me with lazy movements, but each time harder and deeper with utter precision.

"Open your eyes, I want to see them when you come again. I want you to see what I'm doing to you. Swear I'm the only one that will be doing this to you from now on."

I opened my eyes, burning from inside listening to his words. He got me so feverish, I knew I will combust soon. But his words hit me deep. He wanted me, he wanted to possess me. Does this mean what I think it means? My heart started beating faster.

"Swear it, Jess. This pussy is only for me, these luscious lips mine and your screams when you come only with me. Say it!"

His words had an incredible effect on me. I felt the pressure in my core, knew I'm about to come.

"Fuck, I love it when you are about to come. Say you are mine. I'm not letting you come until you say it."

"God, Jake, I was yours since the first time you touched me. I don't want to scream for anyone else. Now fucking make me come, I want to scream for you."

I was crazy with lust and I needed him to move. He growled with satisfaction at my words and he started pumping faster, holding me firmly to him, his lips pressed to mine. I cried his name when I came, so mind-shattering orgasm I couldn't believe possible and he followed right behind, stilling for a second and then coming so hard, his eyes piercing mine with pure pleasure agony all the time while riding out his orgasm.

He collapsed down next to me and we were panting, breathing heavily, not uttering any words, but just the feel of his hot skin next to me was enough to feel warm.

After long minutes, he turned towards me and gave me a slow sensual kiss on my lips before getting up. I saw him pull the condom down and head towards the bathroom to discard it. His gloriously naked ass was tensing with each step and his back was rippling with muscles. He really was every woman's dream come true.

Only then it hit me, I didn't even ask for the condom. My mind was jumbled and once again I would be careless with him if he wouldn't be more responsible. I can't believe I'm like this around him.

I'm falling for this guy hard and fast and I still don't know if he wants anything or not.

His words while we had sex were so possessive and he wanted me to be his, but they could only be the words said in the haze of lust and pure man-cave ego.

I really shouldn't make my hopes up. But I want this guy, I want him bad. Why did he have to be the bad boy and Brian's best friend that was clearly told to stay away from me? And what is it with all his other women? He wanted me to be only with him, but never once he said anything about himself.

Before I could decide if I want to deal with this situation or just bolt, dress up and go home where I can think clearly about this without smelling him all around me, he opened the doors of the bathroom and leaned on the threshold, his arms crossed over his chest.

He was wearing only his black boxer briefs and with all his defined muscles, bunching on his legs, abs, chest, arms, everywhere, he looked like he ran out from an underwear photo-shoot. Delicious!

His eyes were looking at me intently, and expression on his face was giving the impression of a mathematician trying to solve a mysterious puzzle. Which in this case, was apparently me; lying naked in his bed, covering myself with his sheets and with confusion written all over my face.

He pushed himself away from the door, walking towards the bed and stopping with his face inches away from mine. He kept on looking me straight in the eyes and slowly leaning closer, closer and then turning his head and suddenly I felt his hot breath on my ear.

"Are you ready to talk now?" I shivered at his words and he gave me a small peck on my cheek before lifting up and asking me if I would like some coffee.

I nodded and he started walking out the door. When he left, I quickly went to the bathroom and try to make myself presentable again, washing my face, putting toothpaste in my mouth and rub with my finger. I've put my hair up in a ponytail and then slowly returned to the room to put on some clothes.

I didn't want to put my heavy clothes from yesterday on and I was contemplating wearing his shirt that was lying on the floor where it landed yesterday when we... I blushed at the memory. God, this was better than in my dreams.

I quickly pulled up his shirt that reached to the mid of my thighs and his scent enveloped me. I couldn't help but inhale deeply, fully knowing how pathetic I was.

I slowly walked out of the room and towards the kitchen, where two cups of coffee were standing on the shiny counter. Jake was leaning on the island and checking something on his phone, his eyebrows furrowed and he didn't look pleased with whatever he was looking at, but when he heard me approaching, his head lifts up and a small smirk appeared on his mouth.

I looked at him shyly and reached for the cup.

"Good morning. Thank you for the coffee."

The corners on his mouth quirk up slightly in half a smile as his eyes roamed from my bare feet, up to my naked legs, and over his shirt, stopping a bit too long where the shape of my breasts was showing and finally landing on my eyes.

"If you are dressed like this when drinking coffee, you should stay over more often." His mouth broke in a full-on grin this time, making him look playfully boyish. I melted.

"Considering I'm wearing your shirt, I guess I can do it only if I stay over at YOUR place."

He put his coffee down and lean on the counter with his forearms, getting dangerously close to me.

"Let's go over this one more time. I don't believe it sink in well yesterday... or today. If you drink your morning coffee standing half-naked, wearing only a man's shirt, it's going to be MY shirt and with me. Only me."

I felt something dangerously close to butterflies erupting in my stomach hearing his words, but I didn't want to jump to conclusion and keep my hopes up. So I tried to keep it cool, remembering how many women actually went through this kitchen after a night like this. I hated it picturing him with someone else.

"A little possessive for a womanizer like you, don't you think?"

I moved a few steps back, putting some space between us. I put the mug to my lips and take a sip of my coffee, all the time keeping our eyes locked. He was regarding me closely, clearly deciding how to proceed.

In one swift moment, he stepped around the counter, took the coffee mug from me, and crushed me to him. His fingers went through my hair, holding the back of my head and suddenly I felt his mouth pressed firmly against mine, leaving no objections.

His other hand was holding me for my waist, not letting any space between us whatsoever. And it was the best place to be.

I was hot for him in seconds, and I moaned when he opened my lips and thrust his tongue inside, fiercely connecting with mine. Why my body reacted this way to him was beyond me. Not one man till him was able to make me burn inside out as Jake does. It's like my body is on fire when he touches me.

He moved his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks and then slowly break the kiss, looking at me with hooded eyes. His expression softened, however, and he murmured next to my lips.

"Since that incident on Halloween, the only woman in my head is you. And the only woman making me hard without even trying is you. If I really was a womanizer, my womanizing ended when I saw you lying on my desk, panting, wanting me to take you. And the first time you let me fuck you..." he trailed off, his eyes getting even darker with desire, "you blew my mind. For fuck's sake, I forgot a condom with you. That's certainly a first."

He stepped back a bit, giving us some room to breathe, even though his right hand still rested on my cheek. I couldn't help but lean to it, and I slowly turn my head, biting lightly on his palm and then pressing a small kiss. He was looking at what I'm doing without blinking, and his erection was pushing against his boxer briefs. I was relieved to see I'm not the only one affected here.

I looked him in the eyes and replied, "You are confusing me. You are saying all those things, having sex with me like there is no tomorrow, looking at me possessively, but I still don't know what is it that you want. The last few times that we started something, you pushed me away as soon as you had a second to think." He looks down for a moment and when he looks up and tries to say something, I stop him.

"Wait, please, let me get this out." I swallow and continue, "I think it's quite clear that I'm attracted to you. Since the first time at the coffee shop that I saw you, I was attracted to you. And I understand you are trying to honour the word you gave to Brian and yet, here you are. Making me squirm and hot and making me come more intense than I thought possible. I know you don't want anything serious, and I'm not going to make you change something that you don't want. But I would like to get a repeat of the things that happened today."

I blush slightly. My heart is pounding for what I'm proposing, but I don't want to pretend anymore. It's not exactly something I was planning on doing, but I can't handle being turn down. So I'm giving him the easier option, my preservation kicking in, hoping for less chance of a broken heart when this ends and well, a few more times of the most incredible sex in my life.

He tilts my chin up so I look him in the eyes again before he speaks.

"What exactly are you proposing?"

"I'm proposing that we should have a good time. Together, I mean." I manage a small suggestive smile. "I'm not sure I want anything serious at the moment, and I'm pretty sure that's not what you want, so let's just keep it casual. Enjoy it while it lasts and when one of us decides to move on, we talk, keep it civil and move on. Even stay friends if possible, since we'll be practically in the same family. If not, I'm pretty sure we are both adults enough to act normally if necessary."

He keeps on looking at me, his eyebrows drawn together, trying to say something, but closing his mouth. After a full moment of just staring at me, and me getting nervous that he might not want to continue with me, he finally speaks up.

"You just want to have some fun then, huh?" His tone is serious and I'm getting worried that maybe he just wanted a one-night stand and that's it.

"Oh shit, sorry. Were you planning on finishing things today? Shit shit shit, I'm so stupid." I step back so he's not touching me anymore and try to pass him to go to the bedroom and dress. He stops me, taking my elbow and pulling me back.

"Where are you going again? And what are you even saying? Of-fucking-course I want to continue. So, casual sex is what you want?"

His eyes look at mine expectantly. At that moment, I'm not sure this is exactly what I want, but I still nod.

He nods back. Then give me a smile that doesn't really reach his eyes, pats my butt, and releases me from his hold before replying.

"As you wish, Jess." He looks away before continuing, "I have to go to work, we should go and dress up."

I give him a half-hearted smile back and head to the bedroom.

He just agreed to my proposal. So why am I not feeling as ecstatic as I should?

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