

Black and white. It couldn't keep its eye open for long, as the blinding light of the multiverse was… well, blinding. It had to find a host, quickly. It could sense a compatible and tasty host nearby. Good. Soon, it would have a suitable and hopefully powerful body to use.

Dream was… well, recuperating after a round of fighting with his brother. Why couldn't he see that the corruption was eating away at what remained of him? It would make him pure negativity! He didn't want his brother to become like that. Dream had to help him get rid of the corruption! Yeah! And he would become the same brother he always was before, and they could be brothers and friends again. Maybe he can…

Dream was too deep in his own thoughts, and he didn't notice the emotionless octopus-parasite crawl closer to him. Perfect. Now, all it needed was for him to lie down. Good, now it could jump into his body.

Dream sighed. Why did his brother get so prickly over a human as well? He had to save her! Nightmare usually knew if t was time to give up someone, but he seemed on keeping her no matter what the cost. If he couldn't save his own brother, then the least he could do is to save a human. However, Dream has no idea where his brother's home is. Multiple AU's had negativity barriers around them, so Dream had no ability to enter any of those.

Also, that human was pretty tall. Tall enough so that he could see her...

Suddenly, Dream's eyelights extinguished and his face turned a neon yellow. A chance! The parasite jumped into one of the eye sockets as some steam started rising off dream's skull.

"Wha- get out! What are you doing? GAH-"

Dream curled up as the parasite ate his soul, and used itself as the catalyst. Golden Delicious species of apples and honey, pretty nice-tasting for a monster soul. Of course, bravery souls tasted like butterscotch, the parasite's favorite flavor, but that's for later.

Paraseam slowly stood up, with a newly-developed visor in front of their eyes, summoning nunchucks with knives attached to the ends of them. Who is this "nightmare" and why does he look so tasty?


Why is this current outfit so gay-looking? Paraseam would have a wardrobe change after this.

That plan was put away for later.

It was time to go hunting.

(It's me, A/N yet again! For any of you wondering why I put the text as "Who is this nightmare and why does he look so tasty?",

It was a base instinct. Every time I look at a nightmare, I have the instinct to devour him in all his takoyaki-able glory. Also, I wouldn't mind the bitter taste. Eating bitter melon helps a lot. I think that nightmare would taste like black Arkansas apples, honey, and tar. Also bubble solution. )