
ABDUCTION! And mild horni

Yggardael was bored. Really, really bored. Their assistant went off and got a husband while their daughter had THREE. At least those two got a fine set of mates. In all actuality, Yggardael has been taking a liking to a specific void-goop skeleton named Gaster. They could take all the void magic, in which is fertilizer and nutrients for them, and make Gaster a part of her creator's mindscape permenantly by giving him some of their creator's inspiration! Heck, They could even choose the finest ones that are still stuck in the deep dark depths of the void without any repercussions, because they would only exist when their creator actually used their motivation to make them!

A swap? Nah, too energetic. Classic? Probably not, bit too emotionally constipated. Fells are a bit too rough on the edges, and somehow more emotionally constipated than the Classics. Maybe... the legless or the mouthless one? Screw it, might as well

In the void...

Xtale gaster was busy watching his family, as usual. Maybe he should go and use his overwrite button? That way, his disappointment of a son would be LESS of a disappointment and more of a good soldier. But... he had better things to do anyway. He tried to travel to one of the less-warlike universes, but something grabbed him midway. Gaster knew of a few beings that could take him midway, and the only tree one was long dead. So, what was this entity if it was outside this multiverse? He would find out, soon enough, as the root was dragging him up to the bright light above.

Epic¡Gaster had been strolling around his AU, carefully monitoring his AU. He had become a bit attached to the antics of his subordinates. His son was a bit silly at times, though he was more powerful than most of the others. So-

A root abruptly interrupted his thoughts, dragging him up quickly. Was it absorbing the void from him while dragging him up to the suspiciously bright light? Interesting. He may have to investigate THAT later.

Yggardael dragged up their future mates using their roots, while absorbing the strong void energy. All of the excess energy made their leaves glisten and all the souls caged within their branches glow with magic. Hope died down quickly, though, because they knew if they were mildly influenced by the energy their captor would receive an even larger power up. So, they went back to lying on their cages, unable to even 'fall' into death's embrace.

Held up in front of a large plum tree with crystalline eyes, the Gasters weren't able to move. Their minds were still struggling against Yggardael's power, but being the background fathers they were, their power was shunned in the sheer influence and intent that oozed out from the tree.

"My, my, what feisty little blobmen."

Epic!Gaster took offense to that, since his bones were the equivalent of extremely toned muscles, with greater strength.

"I'm not a void puddle like the others! I am much stronger and more handsome!"

"Hand'some, heh."

Epic!G looked incredulously at XtaleG, feeling offended that his bout at narcissism was interrupted by the legless him making a pun.

"What? Like you're any better as you're showing off your looks to a literal plant, and that you don't have a mouth!"

"Well! You don't have any legs so are you any better? I can still talk!"

"I can still move even without my legs. Can you even eat with that edgy face of yours?"

The two bickered in front of Ygga, a big mistake as Yggardael represented their creator, and their creator always hated fighting and would always shut the loud fighters up with force or with harsh insults.

So, Yggardael used the second option.

{Yes, I know you're both physically crippled. But is your mind deformed to the point of arguing in front of a higher essence of being?}

The roots gripped tighter around the skeleton-men, near crushing their bones.

Then, the tree's trunk split open to show a bubbling pool of corrosive sap.

{that ought to shut you up. You can argue later when you're in my flowerbed.}

The skeletons didn't like the implications of that. Not at all. They felt like the flowerbed that the tree was talking about was going to be the very thing that trapped them here. Not like they could run while in this multiverse, anyway.

The vines clasped around them, taking the place of the roots. The roots in question dug themselves back underground to absorb more of the void underground.

Yggardael used their vines to hold them above the flowerbed, as they were about to inject the skeletons with the very essence of this world, binding them here.

The vines tightened and wrapped themselves on and inside the skeletons, becoming more slippery as time went on.

{Now, onto the binding... oh, the slime the vines create are made to increase sensitivity...}

Ygga cackled at their growing despair, as they may or may not.... ahem, have their cherries popped by a tree.

The tree then produced a homoninculi to 'ease' the worries of the two by a little bit.

It only served to unnerve them more.

{Don't worry, little skeleboys. I'll make this enjoyable.}

Enjoyable for Yggardael, at least.

(A/N) No big horny yet, as I am not experienced writing that yet. But be assured, it was very, very wet and full of penetration. You can work your imagination here from this base.

The two tired men were caressed in the embrace of the nymph-eque body. Yggardael was a master at aftercare, as they had too much experience when they played around a lot with the souls in their grasp. Yggardael wasn't an exibitionist, as they used the flowers in the field to muffle the sounds and to block the view.

Their clothes were wrinkled from the bedplay, while they were covered in magi-sweat. Ygga knew what to do, as they connected their roots to an underwater reservoir. All the other things could be used later. Ygga could be patient, they had all the time in the world they lived in, anyway.