
Chapter 213


As the fight went on, Swift seemed to be getting faster and faster. It seemed he was holding out less and less and so, to counter his speed, Sanji and Zoro were working together.

Sanji's body was able to take the heat from the surrounding area and turn it into his own energy to boost his abilities. It was a temporary boost, but it was needed to keep up with the enemy.

And luckily, both Sanji and Zoro had enough sparring matches to know how to use that to their advantage, so when Zoro was shooting out flames, Sanji was trying to absorb it into his body so that he could gain speed.

Zoro might not be as fast as Sanji or Swift, but his reaction time was very fast and with his honed battle instincts he was able to keep up… barely. But, Zoro didn't like it one bit, he didn't want to fall behind again. Not when he had the dream of becoming the strongest swordsman. Unknowingly, his resolve for strength was setting his sword on fire through sheer will, and that wasn't all because of Nozarashi. His flames were getting stronger and stronger, with a green tint to it.

Swift again avoided a few close calls, but seeing it becoming more difficult, the ex-CP agent called out.

"Let's turn it up a notch!" Swift said, as his hair started to spike up with sparks of electricity running up his body, his blue hair standing up and eyes shining with lightning.

Both Sanji and Zoro tensed up, seeing the overwhelming power. One didn't need to have Observation Haki to know that.

"Try not to die, 'kay?" Swift grinned as his figure vanished.

He moved fast, delivering a punch to Sanji's gut before both of them could react! The punch was covered in Haki, making Sanji's exoskeleton crack as the wind was knocked out of him, his body bending inwards because of the punch. But Swift wasn't finished as he grabbed onto the back of his head, kneeing him in the face, hearing the satisfying crunch of Sanji's nose breaking.

He was going to follow through with another attack but Zoro's sword got dangerously near his neck, so Swift was made to back off. Swift wondered if Zoro had gotten faster but quickly shook his head.

Internally, he was a bit pissed off that he couldn't finish off the cook. So as Zoro's figure neared, trying to strike him with wild swipes, he sent a close-ranged Tempest Kick. "Take this!"

Zoro crossed Sandai Kitetsu and Nozarashi to block the attack, but his figure was still sent flying toward the sky due to the powerful wind blade that carried arcs of electricity in it. And Zoro had no time to catch a breath either as Slender Swift appeared right to his side, delivering a punch coated with his Haki right to his liver.

"Ugh!" Spit and saliva came out from his mouth as Zoro's body bent from the force of the punch. Unlike Sanji, he didn't have any exoskeleton, so the swordsman could feel his insides being ripped because of the punch.

"Let's finish it off, weak one!"

And Swift slammed his other fist right to Zoro's skull, also coated with Haki. Zoro had no time to react as his body crashed into the ground, creating a small crater.

Swift followed up with one leg outstretched trying to stomp on and crush Zoro's head, but Sanji made it in time to attack him from the side, saving the green-haired swordsman.

"Red Tempest!"

A large flaming Tempest Kick charged with hot flames made its way to Swift. But the speed user kicked the flaming Tempest Kick in half with his own kick, appearing right near the blonde cook.

"You look pissed! Why don't you cool down?" Swift grinned grabbing onto Sanji's leg when he tried to attack. Blue arc of electricity passed through Swift's body as he shocked the cook, snuffing out Diable Jambe in the process.


"Shocker! Right?!"

Swift tossed Sanji's limp body up into the air as he cocked back his fist, with his index finger pointed, the tip covered with Armament Haki, trying to deliver the finishing blow. But he had to blitz out of there as a mad angry man charged at him.

"Ushi Bari!" [Bull Needles] Zoro attacked.

"Woah! Woah! Calm your tits, ladies!" Swift said ducking under a sword slash from Zoro and delivering a Shigan to Zoro's exposed stomach, which the three-blade wilder blocked with the side of his sword. Zoro didn't look good, but he had to push himself.

Countering Swift's blow, he charged onward with the attacks, leaving Sanji to recover for a bit.

"Yo! I thought it was just my imagination but you did get faster!" Swift said as he delivered a punch to Zoro's face, but in the process, one of Zoro's swords was able to stab into his stomach. "That won't do anything…"

Sanji tried to capitalize on Swift being distracted, —even though his body wasn't responding well because of the electricity running down his system— but his kick was also easily blocked by Swift.

"See, I told you!" he grinned as he kicked off Zoro, the sword coming out of his stomach, before bashing his fist onto Sanji's face. "But I don't like getting hurt either!"

With one arm grabbing Sanji and the other grabbing Zoro, electricity ran through both of their bodies as he threw them both to the ground, creating two craters.



Both Sanji and Zoro had the wind knocked out of them, and yet they had little chance to recover as Swift was on them yet again.

But this time, Swift didn't go for Sanji. "I will take care of the weak one first!"

Zoro felt a twitch of anger for being called the weaker one out of the two. But he had more concerning things to do, like avoiding getting hit by the kick that threatened to decapitate him!

Unlike before Sanji didn't rejoin the fight immediately, it seemed that the electric attack did quite a bit of damage to him. But on the bright side, Swift didn't seem too eager to kill Zoro either.

Blades met fist, steel met flesh, and yet Swift remained unharmed due to his Armament Haki. "Sahahah!"

Both Swift and Zoro crashed with each other. Creating small explosions of sparks and electricity.

Shortwaves that destroyed everything that was aroun.d But with each strike Zoro was getting pushed back.

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