
One piece the grey beard Story

Destined to be king

SenpaiArtisthan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Sengoku: Garp you can't bring people in just because you want to

Garp: hahahaha Sengoku it'll be fine I'll keep the other two

Sengoku: what am I going to do with you

Garp: hahahahahah Shoji I want you take in Atlas and Train him since you are a vice Admiral now

Shoji: tch why do you always place your burdens on me Garp

Garp: Cause you owe me a lot hahahaha


On the navy ship

Shoji: oi Atlas was it ?

Atlas: yeah

Shoji: it's yes sir Cadet

Atlas: whatever so where are we going ?

Shoji:Tch... we are going to a island in the calm belt I'm the head of Cp1 and today you will be joining them.

Atlas: boring

Shoji:Tch.. kid I really do hate you

Atlas: hey who's that guy Chained up

Shoji: Tch.... that's Silas he's my prisoner don't worry about him I only allow him to come out when I need a enforcer

Atlas began to think to himself when Old man Atlas Was telling him the history of the grey beards he remembered The part about a man named Silas they called the Devil of the grey beards but the man Dexter was looking at was a coward and weakling he couldn't be the same man

Navy solider 1: Sir We've made it to Justice Island

Shoji: Ahhh Home sweet home Take the prisoner to his Cells and show our newbie here his bunks

As the navy soldiers started to unload the Ship soldiers led Silas to the tower , Dexter watching closely to where Silas is being taken notice how huge justice Island really is. A Castle shaped building stood tall on the mountain top with a thriving town below it

Shoji: You see that building up on that mountain .. that's mount Justice and that building is my home listen since I'm in control on Cp1 your training will be harsh I'm not sure your even capable of learning anything.

Atlas: Tch

Atlas Walks off the boat and heads towards the city center

Shoji: Tch I hate that kid

Night Falls

Atlas sneaks away from his bunks and heads towards the tower where Silas was token. As he begins dashing through the yard the tower is in view also a patrol of guards as he gets closer he teleports inside the tower. The tower is huge and deep but only contains one cell as he notices Silas sitting in front of him.

Atlas: hey you coward wake up

Silas: who are you

Atlas: I'll be asking the questions.. what happened to you ?

Silas: I can yell for the guards you know

Atlas: you would've alerted them of my presence the moment I teleported in here

Silas: Ha I see why Shoji hates you.. why do you want kid

Dexter: You where one of my fathers Special Experiments huh ? Devil of the grey beards

Silas gives Dexter a deadly glare

Silas: I don't go by that name anymore

Dexter : I can tell your just a shell of the man who protected the great Dexter grey beard my father

Shoji: *hmph* Dexters son died on grey beard island along side his father kid

Dexter teleports inside the cell staring Silas in the face as there eyes meet Silas noticing the distinct coloration in his eyes ..

Silas: Red iris , and a distinct black color on the cornea you really are his son .. where have you been ?

Dexter: you remember Atlas ? He trained me my entire life after we fled grey beard island I'll break you out of here and Rebuild the grey beard pirates

*distant clapping sound*

Shoji: aww what a Reunion we have here hahaha the grey beard pirates are together again… your surrounded kid CADETS FRONT AN CENTER

Four cadets Run towards Shoji standing by his side

Shoji : Let me introduce to you Kito, Farren, Lucas, Thomas and There leader Hardwin Grail !!

Hardwin Slowly appears from out of the shadows a tall man with short black hair muscular

Dexter stands up and looks at the creature before him

Dexter: Guess you saw through my plans huh You traitor

Shoji: You aren't strong enough to handle all of us you think just because your body has been modified that'll be enough haha your mistaken child

Dexter teleports him and Silas out of the cell and outside the front gate of the tower before they can gather themselves they are surrounded by Lucas Farren kito and Thomas

Dexter: You guys must be related you all look like

Lucas: hahah is that your only concern right now ?? We can kill you in a blink of an eye who wants to go first ??

Farren walks forward the female of the group she has long blonde hair and Claws where her nails should be

Farren: I will take on this abomination !

Dexter assumes a stance his feet spread apart his left hand sticking out in front of him

And his right hand Grabbing his wrist

Dexter: one thing about being an Abomination

As he teleports in front of Farren and places his left hand on her stomach

Dexter: We have skills that not one single person can grasp "JUPITER CRUSH !!"

as a force of energy escapes his palm it shoots Farren all the way towards mount justice Shoji's face in complete fear as he witnesses what grey beard accomplished…

Silas: He did it your his completed project..

Dexter: I know he wanted to create a devil fruit where the user can generate his or her own energy and use it


Silas looks at all the guards rushing to Dexter Jr he closes his eyes and an enormous earthquake starts to shake the island

Shoji: Kill Silas now he can't be allowed to do that

But it was to late Silas has broken free from his chains and a Warrior Spirit emerges from his body

Silas: let me show you his other completed project spirit spirit fruit : iemochi Kha the great warrior of the underworld

As everyone looked on in terror Hardwin leaps into the battlefield staring down the two creatures of grey bread island

Hardwin: So do you both want to come at me or do you want to take turns either way you'll both die

Dexter: I'll ..

Silas: stay back kid he's mine

Dexter: are your sure ? Your limited with out the herbs or your sword ..

Silas : haha I'll be fine (at most i have at least enough spirit energy to keep iemochi out but after that….) listen kid you'll know what to do when you see your opening..

Silas begins to walk forward as Dexter is stuck with what he said trying to figure out what he meant the battles has already begun. Silas dashes forward punching Hardwin in the gut

Hardwin: is that all ? I don't even have to use my powers

Silas leaps back ..

Silas : you ready iemochi .. FULL CONTROL

Iemochi slowly begins to form around Silas his Golden armor slams tight on to Silas his Red and Gold helemt slides on to his head

Silas/ iemochi: this is our True form the Devil of grey beard island

Hardwin: *licks his bottom lip* this should be fun

The two warriors dash at each other causing an massive impact creating a crater under there feet.