
Chapter 19

At this time, Cocoyasi Village was no longer as desolate as before; it had transformed into a bustling hub of activity.

The once-feared Arlong group now lay roasted and buried in the sea by Nami, who had undergone a remarkable transformation.

"Nami, why have you changed so much? Have you experienced a growth spurt? It's amazing... Oh, and who is that silver-haired heartthrob?!"

Nojiko, ever inquisitive, stood beside the industrious Nami, who was busy distributing and calculating wealth among the villagers.

"I suppose you're only interested in Seph. Everything else is just a coincidence..." Nami responded, her eyes rolling with amusement.

Nojiko blushed, her intentions laid bare, while Genzo, the village sheriff, let out a deep sigh. Reflecting on the memory of the striking silver-haired man, he couldn't help but acknowledge the challenge of keeping his daughters grounded amidst such allure.

Nami explained that it was her friends who had helped her grow stronger and attain this newfound power. To commemorate the hard-won peace and express gratitude to their benefactors, each family brought forth ingredients they had once hidden to avoid Arlong's raids.

Under the skillful hands of the village's renowned chefs, a plethora of special delicacies unique to Cocoyasi Village were prepared.

By that time, the crew had already joined the party. True to form, Luffy transformed into a black hole, ceaselessly devouring the food laid out on the table, his mouth and stomach bulging with each bite.

Sanji found himself surrounded by a bevy of beautiful girls, his happiness so overwhelming that tears threatened to spill from his eyes. Usopp regaled the audience with tales of his legendary adventures, recounting the myriad creatures and soldiers he had defeated.

Zoro, content with a glass of local wine, reclined comfortably on the ground, savoring the moment.

The villagers, caught up in the excitement, eagerly shared in the joy, adding to the vibrancy of the banquet.

Amidst this lively atmosphere, two individuals slipped away unnoticed. Nami and Seph, responding to Nami's continuous winks, stealthily disappeared from the festivities, their presence concealed as they made their escape.

"What's wrong, Nami? Are your eyes bothering you?" Seph teased, his fingers gently massaging her temples.

Nami glanced at him with a pout, her arms wrapping around his neck. "Quit teasing and kiss me already!"

Seph obliged, lowering his head to capture her cherry lips.

Their lips met in a sweet embrace, sending electric sensations coursing through their bodies.

As their tongues entwined, shameless wet sounds filled the air, echoing their passionate embrace.

When the fervent kiss finally broke, Nami took a deep breath, her eyes brimming with love and desire.

She seized Seph's hands, leading him to her house with an unmistakable urgency. "Come with me!"

Seph, equally eager, held her close in a princess hug, and in an instant, they teleported to Nami's bedroom.

As for what happened next...

Nojiko, finally liberated from the villagers' cheers, suddenly realized that her sister and the silver-haired beauty were missing. Her eyes widened as she entertained a thought.

"No way?"

With her suspicions aroused, she couldn't resist the urge to confirm her suspicions. Stealthily, she slipped away from the banquet.

Arriving at her house, she was met with loud moans, smacking sounds, and splashing liquids. Her face flushed with embarrassment, but she pressed on, hastening into her room. Approaching the wall, she noticed a small hole she had made as a child—a communication channel between her and Nami.

Through the hole, she witnessed a rather intriguing scene.

"Oh my goodness! It's so big! How did Nami manage to take it all?!"

"Huh? Why is she using her mouth? Can it be used there too? Well, you learn something new every day..."

"Nami's chest has definitely gotten larger, but even so, it can't hide that monstrous thing..."

"No, no... Nami, that's not the right opening hole... that's dirty..."

"Nami looks like she's in pain, but at the same time, she seems to be enjoying it!"

Nojiko's hands unknowingly moved towards her lower body. Her lower half was in disarray, her thighs soaked in juices from the excitement of the show.

Seph and Nami, of course, had noticed her from the start, but her presence only heightened their arousal, adding to the intensity of their sexual act.

The next morning...

Nami sat on Seph's lap as they shared a nutritious breakfast. Nojiko sat across from them, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Nami, feeding Seph, glanced at her sister. Nojiko exuded a mature charm, that of a woman.

"Nojiko, you're so adorable... Don't worry too much, sister won't take it seriously..."

Nojiko glared at Nami with gritted teeth.

"Don't forget, I'm your big sister! When did you become so shameless?!"

Nami laughed playfully, planting another kiss on Seph's lips right in front of the almost exploding Nojiko.

Seph gently patted Nami's head with a sense of helplessness.

"Stop teasing her. I understand. I'll give you a serum drop so that she can protect herself. There's no need for you to force yourself."

Nami was taken aback, gazing at Seph with eyes brimming with emotion.

"As expected, Seph, I'm truly in love with you!!"

With that declaration, another passionate kissing scene unfolded before the helpless Nojiko. However, she was also perceptive enough to realize that her sister's intentions in binding her with Seph were purposeful.

"As a loving sister, I can't imagine Nojiko marrying anyone less than you. So, to avoid such problems, we sisters have decided that we'll both marry you in the future."

Nojiko nearly choked on her juice, her eyes widening in shock as Nami spoke.

Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and apprehension, but she struggled to contain her emotions. However, with Seph and Nami possessing super senses, her attempts to suppress her feelings were both cute and amusing.

As they exchanged glances, Nojiko realized that her fate had already been decided by the two of them.

As the breakfast came to an end, Nami hurried off with a serum drop to accompany her sister's transformation. She understood the value of such a treasure, knowing that Seph used it to strengthen the crew. Despite being lovers, Nami was assertive and chose to encourage her sister's connection with Seph, wanting to avoid any impression of being greedy and also possessive. After all, there is kaya before.

However, in truth, the serum contained thousands of drops and wasn't as precious as Nami had initially thought. Yet, Seph couldn't help but appreciate another side of Nami. Her reluctance to reveal her greedy nature demonstrated her deep love for him. After all, Nami's nature was that of a money enthusiast and a thief.

"Nami, I'll be taking the crew members to a special training location. I've left a key on the table. It's a tool that will teleport you to the same place," Seph's voice echoed through the room.

"I understand," came Nami's reply from the other side. The crew had grown accustomed to such magical occurrences, and Nami herself knew that Seph harbored many secrets. After all, she was the first to encounter him at sea and had saved his life.


"Seph, where are you taking us this morning? I haven't had enough sleep," Sanji inquired, observing as Seph pulled Luffy and Zoro's legs while he was also guiding the drowsy Ussop.

"It's definitely an interesting place. Here, not only can you grow stronger, but your cooking skills will also reach unbelievable heights," Seph replied, his words sparking curiosity in Sanji.

"Really?!" Sanji's eyes widened in astonishment. He had complete faith in Seph's words, given his background in technology and understanding of the serum's capabilities, surpassing even his lineage factor.

As they approached the Merry, Sanji harbored some doubts but followed in silence. However, upon entering the training facility, his expectations faltered. It appeared to be the same training ground as before.

With resounding slaps, both Zoro and Luffy were jolted awake.

Luffy bounced up from the ground. "What's wrong? Is food ready?!"

Zoro's eyes opened slowly as he rubbed his face in pain. "Damn, Seph, your slap hurts more than Hawkeye's full sword attack..."

Sanji kicked Ussop awake, stirring him from his drowsiness.

Suddenly, a portal appeared in front of them, catching them by surprise. However, Sanji soon grew excited.

"What's on the other side?" he asked Seph eagerly.

Seph replied, "Behind that portal is a very interesting place. Do you want to explore it?"

Luffy's eyes sparkled with excitement, while Zoro also showed interest. Only Ussop took a step back, his cowardice evident. Despite his protests, he was pushed by Seph, and amidst his cries and pleas, he was the first to pass through the portal.

Zoro and Luffy laughed happily as they followed suit, accompanied by Seph and Sanji.

"Merry, I give you permission. If you're interested in testing your weaponry mode, you can also enter," Seph said.

With that, he disappeared with the crew into the portal, leaving the suddenly teleported Merry in the training facility. Intrigued, she decided to give it a try and entered the portal herself.

On the other side of the portal.

Ussop fearful sounds resounded.

"What is this place?!! Seph, take me back!!!" Ussop's panicked voice echoed through the vastness of space.

As the four appeared in this surreal setting, they finally understood why Ussop was scared. The backdrop was nothing short of shocking—it was outer space. The universe sprawled out before their eyes, a breathtaking sight that filled them with awe and wonder.

Even the fearless Luffy couldn't help but show an expression of deep awe at the sight of the vast cosmos.

Seph, ever the guide, began to explain. "This is the universe, or more specifically, outer space. Do you see that blue ball? That's the world we live in. And that one is the moon. And the ball of fire over there is the sun. Each floating ball here is a world in its own right."

The crew listened intently, deeply impressed and shocked by what they were witnessing. It was a profound moment, one that seemed to usher a change in their mentality.

For Seph, bringing the crew here was intentional. He wanted to expand their horizons and open their minds to the vastness of the universe. While his dreams transcended the confines of any single world, he understood the significance of broadening their perspectives.

After all, One Piece was just the beginning. He had a sense that this universe would one day become his domain, and training a group of capable allies was a step towards that grand ambition.

At that moment, Nami and the stunning Nojiko also joined them. They listened intently to Seph's explanations and were profoundly shocked.

Only Merry was missing, as her authority was given to her, granting her access to all the information needed. She was already bombing islands with her newfound power.

"Alright, snap out of it. We'll begin our Will training next. Which planet or world should we use?" Seph inquired, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Luffy pointed enthusiastically toward the sun.

"Let's head to the sun for some fun!"

Nami promptly smacked his head, her intelligence shining through.

"Are you out of your mind?! Do you realize how scorching hot the sun is? It's millions of miles away, yet its heat can still make us swelter in the summer. If we went there, we'd turn to ashes."

Sanji couldn't help but cheer for Nami's sensible response, while the others nervously wiped their brows, grateful they hadn't been persuaded into a dangerous journey.

Nojiko chuckled warmly at their banter.

"Well, let's start with our own planet first. Later, I'll grant you access to this virtual world, and you can explore wherever you want, even the sun. It'll be good for your bodies to adjust to the sun's temperature gradually."

The entire group erupted in shock at the mention of a virtual world.

"A virtual world?!"

"Yes, this is a training facility. Here, you can train and fight to your heart's content. Allow me to introduce your opponents."

In an instant, the scenery shifted, transporting them to a deserted island with a vast expanse of sea and a clear blue sky. They all breathed a sigh of relief, finding solace in the simplicity of the desolate island.

As they looked ahead, figures began to materialize before them, each of varying heights and statures.

Luffy's face registered shock as he exclaimed, "Grandpa!! Shanks!!"

The crowd was taken aback by Luffy's exclamation.


Seph answered casually, "It's Hero Garp. He is Luffy's grandfather."

Such a revelation made the crew even more shocked, not because of Luffy's grandfather, but because Seph seemed so omniscient and omnipotent.

Zoro murmured in recognition, "Hawkeye!!"

Ussop shivered in fear, his voice trembling, "Who are these people?! They're so intimidating!!"

Sanji took a deep drag from his cigarette, his gaze fixated on the young Big Mom with intense admiration.

"What a beautiful lady..."

Nojiko and Nami instinctively embraced each other, their hearts racing with trepidation. The silhouettes before them exuded an overwhelming aura, and some possessed physical attributes similiar to them such as the formidable figures of Kaido and Big Mom.

Nami muttered in shock, the same for Nojiko.

"Is that man with the white mustache the legendary Whitebeard?!"

The gathering comprised Marines Admirals, Marshal, Hero Garp, Four Emperors, and the Greatest Swordsman in the world.

Using the details of Hawkeye as a reference, along with his memories, Seph easily created models for these formidable figures and synchronized image training with the facility.

Each of them appeared even stronger than their true counterparts, imposing a daunting challenge for the crew.

Seph was also excited. He was determined to modify his stats to the same level as Nami's. He even blocked his super reflexes that could literally stop the world in his cognition, and sealed his super brain to avoid easily discerning the pattern of their attacks.

"I will pass the Will Arts to your mind, and we will train ourselves amidst the fight."

Hearing this, everyone became excited. After all, they were difficult to kill with their body regeneration, not to mention, this is a virtual world.

With a brush of his charm field, the information about Will Arts was planted in their heads. Seph also started to train for the first time while keeping his 'comprehension field' active to help the others improve quickly. He took his sword and easily imbued part of his monstrous will into the blade.

In the shocked eyes of the crew members, he launched an attack towards the group of powerhouses.

Those figures didn't seem to be stupid and only know how to fight.

Shanks even laughed heartily. "What a bold young man!! I'll be your opponent."

With that, Seph and Shanks met in mid-air, their swords clashing with tremendous force, causing the whole island to vibrate under their power.

"Nice Attack! Your haki doesn't look like that of a beginner at all," remarked Shanks.

As the duo continued to fight, each thrust moved tens of thousands of tons of power. Suddenly, Shanks was injured, showing a surprised expression.

Seph felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry, my sword is special and comes with a 50% critical attack rate. I'll change it as soon as possible!"

At the same time, his mind moved and he healed Shanks, who looked at his sword with interest.

The fight continued.

Garp looked at Luffy with interest. "Little brat, you actually ran away to become a pirate. Today I will definitely beat you up. Until you accept becoming a marine, there is no running away."

Luffy exploded. "Grandpa, I'm no longer weak!! I will definitely beat you today!!"

Sanji chose Kizaru, the seemingly scary mantra provoking him.

Nojiko also chose Aokiji, who seemed to be friendly.

Nami looked at the beautiful Big Mom with hostility as she also attacked her.

The desolate island soon transformed into moon craters island.

Flashes of various power attacks were thrown all over, lighting up the island with vibrant colors - violet, red, blue, gold, black, green, and orange lightning shook the landscape with their intensity!

The other powerhouses watched with keen interest as Kaido transformed into a massive dragon and launched an attack on both Luffy and Garp.

Sengoku in his golden 'Buddha Form' swiftly joined the fray to halt Kaido's rampage, while Sakazuki launched a sneak attack on Zoro and Hawkeye.

The entire island was thrown into chaos as battles erupted on every front. Even Ussop found himself in the sights of Whitebeard, who repeatedly approached him, urging him to become his son.

Nami, wielding her godly scepter, kept Big Mom at bay with her formidable attacks. Her training continued unabated, and she successfully infused her will with the scepter's power, amplifying her abilities even further. Despite Big Mom's formidable presence, she found herself somewhat vexed by Nami's strategic maneuvers and increased strength.

Nojiko, despite being seemingly the most ordinary among them, displayed remarkable resilience. Her robust body resisted Aokiji's freezing powers to a certain extent, and she even seemed to be adapting and growing immune. Nevertheless, as an inexperienced young girl, she took a considerable beating from Aokiji, relying on her durability and resilience to endure. Fortunately, Aokiji showed a degree of restraint, making their fight appear somewhat conventional.

Amidst the chaotic and intense battles, conquerors' haki was unleashed, permeating the air and contributing to the crew members' rapid improvement in mastering their Willpower.

Sanji, facing Kizaru's light-based attacks, he took easily with his body, and he couldn't help but mock the concept.

"Light attack? Your speed is about 15-20 times the speed of sound. What kind of nonsense is 'light attack'?"

Kizaru's expression darkened, realizing it was challenging to deceive individuals with a more scientific understanding.

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