
One Piece: Remastered

Join Luffy and his friends on their quest to fulfill their dreams!! Stronger Luffy, Stronger Strawhats, Stronger Enemies!! Strong, but not Overpowered Luffy. The Idea of this fanfic came from reading a ton of similar fanfiction and realizing that I could probably just write what I want to read at this point. Upload Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday *I don't own any of the characters or One Piece, if I did I would make the women look like different people*

ntc15 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs


Yo! It's a 'Loguetown' rematch!! The only reason why this isn't just a filler chapter is because I wanted to write fighting, so that's what I did. Next chapter is reactions from people across the 'Grand Line' and then we going to the sky!


Enjoy the chapter (^I genuinely do not remember writing that.)


Smoker narrowed his eyes at the pirate ship his warship was heading towards before suddenly condensing smoke in his right hand while covering it in 'Armament Haki', something Tashigi didn't miss.

"What's happening, Vice-Admiral Smoker?" Tashigi asked as she covered her hand in 'Armament Haki' and the hilt of her katana.

Smoker didn't even spare her a glance as his eyes were glued on the boy in the straw hat who just jumped towards them with someone wrapped up in his arm.

"They're coming."

"Gomu-Gomu no..."

Smoker saw that the pirate had one arm wrapped around his Vice-Captain and the other stretched back and covered in 'Armament Haki'. The Marine suddenly faced his right palm out towards Luffy.


"White Wall!!!"


A massive wall of smoke collided with the twisted fist, causing a large shockwave 10 meters in front of the warship.

Smoker scowled at Luffy, who had used 'Moon-Walk' to jump up after their attack collided before the Vice-Admiral raised an eyebrow when he saw Roronoa Zoro wrapped up in Luffy's outstretched arm.


"I'm gonna cut you someday, I swear..." Zoro muttered to himself after he was dropped on the deck, making Luffy put his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry, Zoro, I swear I didn't mean to." Luffy tried to convince Zoro, but it fell on deaf ears.


Luffy started backing away when Zoro unsheathed his 'Wado Ichimoniji' while slowly walking towards him.

"Zoro, we gotta beat up these Marines first." Luffy said as the sweat on his forehead grew as he kept looking between Zoro's pissed-off face and his katana now covered in 'Armament Haki'. 

Luffy breathed a sigh to leave when his words made Zoro hesitate before the green-haired swordsman looked over all of the Marines on the ship. He froze when he saw the copycat swordswoman Marine glaring daggers at him.


Zoro let out a sigh before he turned back to his Captain, who had been grinning at Smoker since they landed on the Warship.

"I'll fight her," Zoro said simply as he nodded at Tashigi, making the girl bristle in anger. 


Luffy let out a snort of amusement as he looked back over to his Vice-Captain with a mischievous smile that made Zoro put his guard up.

"You're gonna fight your girlfriend? Alright, sounds good." Luffy said, making both sword user's faces burn bright red.

"He's not my boyfriend!!" "She's not my girlfriend!!" They both shouted out, making Smoker snort in amusement and Luffy laugh.


"Shishishishi!! Whatever you guys say." Luffy said with a smile. He shut his eyes for a second before he snapped them back open, and with it came the presence of a king.



Tashigi looked around in horror as she watched their subordinates drop to the ground like puppets with their strings cut. Smoker just narrowed his eyes at Luffy.

"'Conqueror's Haki', huh?..." Smoker muttered before he readied himself when he saw Luffy swing his arm out in a familiar way.

"Gear 2nd"

Luffy's skin turned a light shade of red and steam started coming off of him, making Smoker remember the last time Luffy used this form during their fight in 'Loguetown'.

Luffy surprised Smoker by jumping up instead of at him. He didn't have much time to think when he saw Roronoa unsheathe his other two katanas and start walking towards him and Tashigi, making the swordswoman also unsheathe her katana.

"Gear 3rd!!!"

Smoker didn't have the time to think when he saw Luffy's inflated right fist, so he didn't. He just did what Vice-Admiral Garp taught him.

Punch it and if that doesn't work, punch it some more.

"Giant Smoke Hands!!!"

Countless giant fists made of smoke sprouted from Smoker's back and arms, but the man knew it wasn't enough for this pirate.

He gathered all of his 'Giant Smoke Hands' and condensed them into a single, massive fist and covered it in 'Advanced Armament Haki'. The Marine looked up to see Luffy shooting down at him with his giant fist covered in flames and 'Advanced Armament Haki'.


Smoker shot up at Luffy so the collision of their attacks wouldn't affect his Warship.

'Well, that wasn't possible with how strong we are, but it's better to minimize the damage.' Smoker thought to himself as he threw his massive smoke fist right at Luffy, who responded in kind with his massive flaming fist.

"Massive Smoke Fist: White Impact!!!"

"Gomu-Gomu no Red Roc!!!"


A massive explosion of smoke and flames covered the sky for a few seconds before it dispersed. 

Zoro watched as Smoker went further up to confront Luffy in the air, most likely to keep him away from the warships.


"Can you stop glaring at me like that? I didn't even do anything last time, and you were super pissed at me. Now, you're even more pissed. What the hell?" Zoro asked the Rear-Admiral, who was glaring a hole into his head. When Tashigi heard him, her glare got worse and her knuckles turned white from her grip on the hilt of her katana.


She didn't say anything in response as she shot in his direction with her hands on the hilt of her sheathed katana, both covered in 'Armament Haki'. Zoro sheathed his 'Wado Ichimonji' and 

"One-Sword Style: Cutting Timely Rain!!!"

"One-Sword Style: Lion's Death Song!!!"


The two ended up on opposite sides of each other, facing opposite ways with the sound of blades clashing echoing throughout the warship.


Zoro glanced behind him as he heard Tashigi cough up blood, but unlike their last fight, she didn't fall to her knees. She got stronger.

"You have gotten faster, but let me give you a piece of advice my master gave me..." Zoro trailed off as he unsheathed his 'Kitetsu III' and 'Yubashiri' and covered all three of his katanas in 'Advanced Armament Haki'.

"'Haki' is what will always decide the outcome of a fight." Tashigi barely had a chance to process what Zoro said before he stuck his arms out to his sides.

"Three-Sword Style..."


The deck of the warship cracked as Zoro dug his feet into it before he spun around at a fast speed.

"Black Rope Dragon Twister!!!"


Tashigi was able to block the attack in time, but Zoro's 'Advanced Armament Haki' easily overpowered her own 'Armament Haki', and that's not to mention the gap in physical strength. The attack sent the Rear-Admiral flying up uncontrollably into the air.

She straightened herself out with 'Moon-Walk' just in time to see Zoro jumping up at her with his katanas across his chest with the one in his mouth horizontally behind them.

"Three-Sword Style: Rengoku Oni Giri!!!"




The Marines on the warship looked at Vice-Admiral Dalmatian in worry and borderline fear when they heard the man growling as he glared at the pirate ship in front of them.

It didn't help when the man was always in his man-beast form.

The Vice-Admiral suddenly looked over at Smoker's warship just in time to see the man putting his palm towards 'Straw Hat' Luffy, who was charging Smoker's warship with something wrapped up in his arm.

"Gomu-Gomu no Rifle!!!"

"White Wall!!!"


Dalmatian couldn't help but nervously sweat at the shockwave the two attacks produced. That wasn't even mentioning the cloud of flames and smoke that covered the sky. He started sweating more when he realized neither of them used 'Advanced Armament Haki'.

'Monsters, both of them.' He thought to himself as he shook his head in disbelief. He suddenly looked in the direction of the 'Going Merry' and started growling again.


The Vice-Admiral narrowed his eyes when he saw 'Black Leg' Sanji coming right for him.

Sanji couldn't help but smirk when he saw the burn scar on Dalmatian's stomach.

"'Black Leg'!! You can't get away this time!!!" Dalmatian couldn't help but shout when he saw the smug look on the pirate's face. He covered his clawed hands in 'Armament Haki' and slightly crouched down.


Sanji couldn't help but sweat-drop when he saw the Vice-Admiral charging at him with 'Moon-Walk'.

'Well, the plan was to get him into the air to fight in an open space and not surrounded by Marines, so I guess this works.' Sanji thought to himself as he kept himself in the air with 'Moon-Walk'.


Sanji took a long hit of his cigarette before he flicked it away. 


"Diable Jambe Secret Technique: Satan's Foot"

The familiar white-hot flames and 'Armament Haki' on the pirate's feet reminded the Vice-Admiral that he couldn't mess around, so he switched into his Full Beast Form for the added protection and healing.

"I wondered where your flames came from in our last fight, but it was obvious when I saw your bounty poster!! You're a 'Vinsmoke' and a prince of the 'Germa Kingdom', I don't know what you were doing in the 'East Blue' or why you joined 'Straw Hat's' crew, but that doesn't matter to me at all. What matters to me is taking you and your crew down." Dalmatian kept going on and on about how it was his responsibility to catch Sanji after he lost to him last time, but the cook wasn't listening.

'It always comes back to them. I know everyone won't care when I eventually tell them about my family if I can even call them that, but god damn, does it bring up shitty memories when I hear about them. This damn dog runs his mouth too much.' Sanij thought to himself with his eyes shadowed and fists clenched.

"It doesn't matter where you go, you'll never be able to-" The Marine's sentence was cut off when Sanji pulled his right leg back.

"Satan's Foot: Flambé Oiseau!!!"

The Vice-Admiral was forced to dodge the phoenix-shaped attack made of compressed air and flames by using 'Moon-Walk'.

Having learned from their last fight, Dalmatian immediately turned around and swiped his claws covered in 'Armament Haki' and enhanced with 'Iron-Body' and 'Finger-Pistol' where he thought Sanji would attack from.

He turned out to be right as when he turned around; he saw Sanji spinning around and aiming a back kick right at him.

"Iron Body: Spots!!!"

"Bien Cuit: Grill Shot!!!"


"Hahahaha, I guess you didn't learn after all. Even if you can guess where I'm going to attack from, it's useless if you can't dodge or block it." Sanji laughed and mocked the Marine who screamed out in pain. Dalmatian clicked his tongue in annoyance and glared at him while holding his now-broken hand.


'I can't take any more hits like that. This kid's 'Armament Haki' is stronger than the last time we fought, so I'll have to take a risk to get the upper hand.' Dalmatian thought to himself in alarm. Even if his wounds were slowly healing and he had only been hit once, he was already in a tough spot.

Too bad the Vice-Admiral brought up the 'Vinsmoke' family. If he didn't, Sanji would've taken longer to use his stronger moves, thus raising Dalmatian's chances of winning, no matter how small.

Now though, Sanji wanted to make the man feel a bit of pain.

"Poêle à Frire: Spectre!!!"


Since Sanji was still higher in the air than his opponent, he had the opportunity to kick countless fireballs down at Dalmatian, who clicked his teeth in annoyance at the attack as he used 'Moon-Walk'.


'Since I can't keep up with his speed, I'll get faster!!' Dalmatian thought to himself before suddenly his Full Zone Form shrunk into a skinnier form that was built for speed.

"Life Return: Kami-e Bushin"

Sanji narrowed his eyes when he saw the skinnier form Dalmatian had changed into before he shot in the Vice-Admiral's direction with 'Moon-Walk'.


Dalmatian grinned when he saw Sanji coming down towards him. The Marine covered his entire body in 'Armament Haki' as well as a form of 'Iron-Body' that can be used while moving.


Sanji couldn't help but snort in amusement when he saw his opponent try to beat him in kicks. The only one who could do that was that terrifying old man back at the 'Baratie'.

"Iron-Body Kenpo: Heavy Step Dog!!!"

"Flambage Shot!!!"


"FUCK!!!" Dalmatian couldn't help but swear from the bottom of his heart when he felt the pain from his leg breaking.

As the Marine was flying uncontrollably toward the water, Sanji appeared above him with both his feet about to hit Dalmatian.

"Ondo Rare Strike!!!"


Sanji delivered a flaming dropkick to Dalmatian's torso, sending him right at his warship.



Sanji let out a low whistle when he saw how Dalmatian shot through the front of his warship, crashed straight through it, leaving a massive hole, and finally landed in the water.

He looked over to the other Warships and saw Moss-Head and Emo-Doc finishing up their fights. Sanji glanced at the water where he kicked the doggy before looking at the warship he was standing on.

He smiled maliciously as he moved all of his flames to his right foot as slowly raised it.

"Satan's Foot: Flambé Oiseau: Linge!!!"

Sanji suddenly stomped his foot down, and while he did so, the white-hot flames covering his foot traveled down to the tip of his shoe and compressed before shooting out in a line, much faster than any bullet.


Sanji grinned as he jumped away from the warship, or what was left of it, using 'Moon-Walk'. He could still sense that doggy underwater, as well as the random Marines who were trying to fish him out, but he already had his fun blowing up their warship.


'These idiots are so slow.' Sanji thought to himself with a snort of amusement.




"Those idiots..." Hina clicked her teeth and muttered to herself while she watched Tashigi get forced into the air by 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro and Dalmatian charge at 'Black Leg' Vinsmoke Sanji, who was also in the air.

"With Smoker busy with 'Straw Hat', those two would be unable to help if their warships get in danger. Hina does wonder though, what the hell one of the Vinsmokes is doing here and how did 'Straw Hat' recruit him?..." She muttered before narrowing her eyes as a thin, blue bubble covered her warship.


Every single Marine pointed their guns at Law as he appeared on the deck of their warship, making him raise an eyebrow and smirk, making Hina's eyes widen.

"STOP!!!" Hina shouted out, but she was nowhere near fast enough to stop her impulsive subordinates. One of them shouted out right as Law as he held out his palm in front of him.




The Marine grunts all fired their rifles at Law, but the man just held his hand out in front of him.


All of the Marines watched in horror as a protective, transparent veil appeared in front of the man's outstretched hand and blocked their bullets.

The Rear-Admiral started to use her 'Ori-Ori no mi' to create cages to catch the pirate intruding on her ship but stopped when she remembered the information on this guy.

''Surgeon of Death' Trafalgar Law, from the 'North Blue' and the current user of the 'Ope-Ope no mi', a devil fruit that lets the user create a spherical domain in which the user can freely rearrange, take apart, and generally remodel the anatomy of anything and anyone in a "surgical" way. It is said to be the ultimate devil fruit because, in exchange for the user's life, someone can be granted immortality. It is also a perfect counter to my cages because of the teleporting aspect that I didn't even know about.' Hina thought to herself in disbelief.

She could still remember the first time she read about the 'Ope-Ope no mi' in the 'Devil Fruit Encyclopedia' and how shocked she was. When she heard that 'Straw Hat' Luffy had recruited the current user of this fruit, she knew he'd be trouble.

Looking at him now, she knew she was right. He would be a pain in the ass now and in the future.

Law grinned when he saw the Rear-Admiral looking at him warily as he dropped his 'Curtain' and pointed his index finger straight up.


All of the Marines were shocked when they felt themselves levitate uncontrollably into the air. Hina was able to create a small cage that grabbed onto the railing to keep her on the ground.

She could do nothing but watch as her subordinates were thrown around in the air. Her eyes widened when she suddenly looked back down at the deck.

With the bullets they just fired the Marines were lifted off of the ground and shot right back at them. Hina opened her eyes wide in astonishment and tried to create a cage to protect her subordinates, but it wouldn't be enough.



Hina clicked her tongue in annoyance when turned around to see Law switching with the bullets multiple times a second while cutting down her subordinates without any struggle.

After what felt like only a few seconds, all of the Marines on the Warship besides Hina were all cut up and unconscious. The Rear-Admiral felt nervous sweat appear on her forehead when she saw Law's smirk. 

She knew very well he could've attacked her too, but let her watch as he took out everyone on her ship while she was powerless to stop him.

Hina tensed when Law grabbed two pebbles out of his pocket and flicked them a couple of feet to both her left and right sides.

'I have to predict which one he'll go to or else I won't be able to react!!' She thought to herself in alarm. She pointed her right hand at the stone on her right just as Law flicked his index and middle fingers again.

"Compressed Cage!!!"

Even though Hina has been able to improve her 'Compressed Cage' to the point where she can use it with one hand and doesn't need any preparation, it wouldn't be enough.


Hina's eyes widened as Law appeared right in front of her

'He swapped with a bullet on the ground from earlier, not the pebbles!!' Hina thought to herself in alarm as Law brought up his fists forward



Law swung his sword straight down, causing a line to appear down the middle of the ship.


After a moment, the warship split straight down the middle into two parts. As the now-destroyed warship sunk, Law glanced around to see how everyone was doing.

'Captain-ya seems like he's having fun. Zoro-ya could've beaten that Rear-Admiral with the first move, Cook-ya seems to have a grudge against that dog Vice-Admiral or something because he is kicking the shit out of him.' Law thought to himself before he looked over at Smoker's still-in-tact warship and felt a light bulb go off in his head.

Law couldn't help but smirk a little before he flicked his index and middle fingers again.


Law disappeared, with an unconscious Marine taking his place.



"Hawk Rifle!!!"

"White Wave!!!"


A twisted, flaming punch slammed into a wave of smoke in the sky, causing a large shockwave from the impact.

Luffy grinned at the serious Smoker as he unsheathed his cutlass and covered it in 'Advanced Armament Haki' and flames. The Marine narrowed his eyes at the pirate as he covered his hands in 'Advanced Armament Haki' and held them a couple inches apart.

Luffy's grin turned to a massive smile when he saw the ball of condesned smoke in Smoker's hand as he swung 'Ace' at him.

"Divine One-Sword Style: Divine Fire Dragon!!!"

"White Ball!!!"


A massive dragon made of compressed air and flames shot out of Luffy's cutlass and headed straight for the ball of smoke that was thrown right at the pirate.


When the two attacks collided, another explosion of flames and smoke covered the sky. After it cleared, it showed Smoker with only a couple of small cuts and bruises and Luffy looked how he did at the start of their fight.

Luffy grinned at Smoker as he glanced back to where he could see his friends fighting and when he did so, his grin covered his face again.

"Shishishishi!! It's really fun fighting you, Smokey!! Too bad my friends have already beaten up your friends." Luffy laughed before he pouted as he realized he wouldn't be able to fight Smokey for much longer. The words made the Vice-Admiral scoff before he looked over as well.


"Don't talk big just bec-" *BOOOOM* *BOOOOM*

Smoker's eyes widened in alarm as he was cut off by two large explosions. He saw Hina's warship get cut down the middle like it was a piece of paper and he saw Dalmatian's warship get what seemed like a flame bullet burn through the ship.

He grit his teeth and clenched his fingers as hard as he could before shooting back towards the other Marines.

Luffy smiled when he saw that before he shouted out to his friends.

"We're going back to the 'Going Merry'!!" He shouted out, and not even ten seconds later, he saw Zoro, Sanji, and Law using 'Moon-Walk' to come over to him.

Luffy couldn't help but smile when he sensed Zoro was the only one who didn't knock the one he was fighting out.

When Zoro saw Luffy smile, he felt his face burn in embarrassment as he tried to speed up, but Luffy caught him by the shoulder.

"So, Zoro, how was your date?" Luffy said with the biggest grin on his face. His words made Law raise an eyebrow and Sanji suddenly stop using 'Moon-Walk' as he grabbed his heart.

"WHY IS IT THE SHITTY MOSS-HEAD AND NOT ME!!!" Luffy and Zoro just ignored him, which made Law roll his eyes again before he stuck his hand out.


A small blue bubble covered the four of them and right before Sanji fell into the water, Law flicked a pebble at the 'Going Merry' and flicked his index and middle fingers.

"Shambles" *BOOM* "Oww..."

Chopper and Bepo sweat-dropped when Sanji suddenly appeared on the deck of the 'Going Merry', or more accurately, slamming face-first into the deck. 

"Stop saying shit like that, Luffy!!!" Zoro shouted with his face completly red, making Luffy laugh more and Law smirk in amusement.

"Shishishishi, but it's so funny seeing you embarrassed!!"

"Wait, you bastards!!!"

Before Zoro could respond, the three of them all turned around to see Smoker charging at them with an angry expression on his face. They all saw how Smoker made nets and stairs of smoke so the Marines from the two ships that exploded could board his ship.

'I guess he didn't learn from 'Loguetown'.' Luffy thought to himself with a massive smile as the Vice-Admiral charged at him. He looked over to Zoro and Law.

The two just nodded without him having to say anything and kept going back to the 'Going Merry' as Luffy turned around, making Smoker's eyes narrow.


"You know, Smokey…"

Smoker's charge was halted when Luffy suddenly grabbed his face with a hand covered in 'Advanced Armament Haki'. The Marine tried to pry the hand off, but it wouldn't budge. When he heard Luffy speak, a memory appeared in his brain.


"I'm a smoke man, not a chimney man!!" A twenty-five-year-old Smoker shouted at the 'Hero of the Marines', only to get upset when the man laughed in his face.

"Bwahaha!! Chimney, smoke, who cares? You still can't even touch me, much less hurt me!!" Garp grinned at his prodigy who was tired from their constant sparring.

Garp stuck his pinky finger into his nose, which made Smoker breathe a sigh of relief as that was the unofficial sign that they were done sparring.


Before Smoker let himself fall in exhaustion, he glanced at his mentor who had his eyebrow furrowed and his hand in his check pocket.

Smoker's face of relief slowly turned to horror as he watched Garp pull out a bag that used to be rice crackers, now it was just crumbs.

*POP* *POP* *POP* 


Smoker gulped in fear when he saw the anger in his mentor's eyes and heard his knuckles cracking around the bag of crumbs.

"I think it's time I show you another one of my moves…"


Garp trailed off before he disappeared and reappeared in front of Smoker with a hand covered in 'Armament Haki' holding Smoker's face in a vice grip.

Smoker started panicking when he saw Garp had taken them above the water.

"I could say something cool like 'This is the last thing I will teach you' or something like that, but I'd be lying," Garp said as he brought his arm and Smoker up.

"I'm throwing you into the sea because you fucked up my rice crackers. Don't fuck up my rice crackers" Garp said in the most serious voice Smoker has ever heard from him.


Smoker unconsciously gulped when the image of Garp and Luffy overlapped.

All of the Marines, who had crowded onto Smoker's warship, watched in horror as 'Straw Hat' Luffy was seemingly going to throw Vice-Admiral Smoker into the water.

"I told you I was looking forward to our fight when we saw each other again, but you didn't even bring anyone new for my new crew mates!! Have fun with your swim!!" Luffy said as his smile covered his face before he threw Smoker downward towards the sea as hard as he could.

"Blue Hole!!!"


Smoker crashed into the surface of the water hard, creating a massive hole in the sea for a second before the water crashed back down, filling the hole and pushing Smoker further underwater.

"Shishishishi!! See you next time, Smokey!!" Luffy shouted with a smile as he waved down to where he threw the Marine. He looked around before he saw the 'Going Merry' in the distance.

Luffy grinned as he landed back on the 'Going Merry', which had sailed far away so their fights didn't affect his crew and the ship.

"Which way do we go, Nami?" Luffy shouted out as he turned around. The girl in question checked the 'Log Pose' on her wrist before she pointed forward and a bit to the right.

"That way!! Can you get Levi to pull us?!" She shouted out in response.

Luffy smiled wide and nodded when he heard that before he jumped onto his sea king friend's head.

"Yosh!! Levi, pull us that way!!"

Yo! 38th chapter done! There isn't a reason for this fight to happen besides the fact I didn't want to have a boring chapter in a row where it's just "Leave 'Alabasta,' go to 'Jaya', go to 'Sky Island'", so I had Luffy beat up Smoker again.

Anyway my bitch neighbors keep waking me up in the middle of the night. Fuck em

Thanks for reading and hopefully see you next chapter!

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