
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 12: Dealing with bugs!!

Loya couldn't hold back her tears as she witnessed the scene unfolding before her. She covered her mouth, sobbing uncontrollably, her tears staining her clothes.

Doyle remained silent, his clenched fist beneath his sleeve.

Outside, the onlookers stood in shock, witnessing Teach sitting cross-legged on the ground, enjoying his food with a serene smile on his face. Meanwhile even the members of the Mad Knife Pirates were taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

As Teach finished every last bite of the fried rice on the plate, he slowly stood up and picked up the bag containing the two bottles of rum that he had placed on the table earlier.

He waved to Doyle. "Haha, Doyle, it's been a great day. The food was delicious, and the drinks were enjoyable. If I have the chance, I'll come back here for another round."

Doyle nodded warmly. "Sure thing Teach. Come back anytime."

Teach turned and headed towards the exit. Just as he was about to leave, a machete swung down, its sharp serrations aimed at Teach's neck. But Teach dodged it last second. "Damn you, you brat! I've had enough. Now, I'm in a foul mood, and I'll use your head to calm myself down," Schiller sneered, his anger finally reaching its boiling point.

"Schiller is furious! This kid is as good as dead!" the onlookers exclaimed, feeling the rage emanating from Schiller from a distance.

"Is a pity for such a man to die" The events that had unfolded moments ago played over and over in their minds. The feeling of awe and respect towards the unknown man grew stronger within them.

"I can see that this is your way of declaring a fight against me," Teach said with a slight smile, pointing his finger towards the blade. "But this isn't something that can intimidate people."

"Tch! I want to kill you and hear you beg for mercy on your knees, screaming and wailing," Schiller couldn't help licking his lips, relishing the anticipation of spilling blood.

"I understand that this is your declaration of war against me," Teach's smile remained, "So, are you ready to die?"

"What?" Schiller felt as though he had misheard. And what war, this is just me and you. He couldn't comprehend Teach's meaning, and the others were equally confused. Mostima, however, nodded with a smile on his face. His eyes sparkled with anticipation, for the moment he had been waiting for was about to arrive.

"As a pirate, if you dare to pick a fight with someone, you should be prepared to fight to the death," Teach spoke slowly, his body unmoving.

"Damn it! Do you think you're better than us? Boy, when you look down on people, you should at least have the guts to die," one of the Mad Knife Pirates shouted angrily. Drawing his pistol from his waist, he aimed it at Teach's head from the close distance and pulled the trigger.


The pupils of everyone present shrank. What just happened? The anticipated bursting of Teach's head never happened. The pirate who had fired at Teach instead had his head blown apart, blood splattering in all directions.

The faint smoke from the muzzle indicated that the gun belonged to Teach.

The strength in the pirate's hand dissipated, and the hand that had been pointing the gun at Teach slowly lowered. The weapon fell weakly to the ground, his eyes widened in shock.

His lifeless body collapsed onto the ground, a deep hole in his forehead. The sight sent a chill down the spines of the nearby pirates, causing them to instinctively take two steps back, fear evident in their eyes. They were not fools; they could see that the man before them was beyond their capabilities.

Teach had silently and speedily drawn his black gun from his waist and fired it at the pirate who had shot at him, while he was talking. Maybe instead of talking and actually just straight up shooting at teach, he would have a better chance...

"When did he do that?" Cold sweat broke out on Hardman's brow, momentarily leaving him dumbfounded. "His speed... to shoot like that..."

"He's a gunner! A top-tier gunner!" someone exclaimed.

In the New World, a gunner alone wasn't particularly strong, but a top-tier gunner was an entirely different story. Especially within a team, a top-tier gunner could fulfill various roles in battle, providing support and containment.

"No, he's not a professional gunner. Didn't you notice the three sword he has?" Mostima spoke calmly, his gaze fixed on Teach's figure. Teach wore a coat that partially concealed the three swords, but. As a swordsman, he could feel that the three swords were extraordinary.

With these thoughts in mind, Mostima couldn't help but stroke the saber at his waist. Maybe is even better than his own sword.

"It's pure speed, but his marksmanship is exceptional," Mostima commented. As a swordsman, he naturally had sharp eyesight and was able to capture Teach's movements. The way Teach drew his gun from his waist was like flowing water, as if it had been honed through countless repetitions.

This man is formidable. Expectation glimmered in the eyes of those watching—whether pirates or civilians, some hoped for Teach victory over Schiller, while others anticipated witnessing the rise of a newcomer.

Regardless, Schiller's reputation on the island wasn't particularly favorable, nor was it in the surrounding seas. He had no territory and derived pleasure from treasure and killing. This sea area was closer to the Whitebeard Pirates' territory and lay behind the Whitebeard Domain, so it had little interference from the Navy; otherwise, the Mad Knife Pirates would have been eradicated long ago.

"This guy..." Schiller gritted his teeth. The man standing before him had managed to eliminate one of his crew members—a loyal member who had served him since the early days. It felt like a personal insult. If he didn't teach this guy a lesson or, better yet, dismember his body, Schiller's prestige would be compromised. As a captain, if he couldn't stand up for his crew, no one would follow him in the future.

Schiller could sense his crew's eyes upon him, awaiting his command.

"He's just a gunner, everyone, attack!" Schiller shouted. "How many bullets can he possibly have? Can he kill all of us?" As he spoke, Schiller took his weapon and swung it vigorously, slashing at Teach's neck with great force and speed.

Outside, Hardman and Hardnor's eyes flickered. They knew they couldn't withstand such attacks without sustaining injuries. They had to admit that Schiller's strength far surpassed their own. Only their captain, Mostima, had the power to defeat him. Without that strength, Schiller wouldn't have survived in these waters for so many years.

Schiller's words ignited the fighting spirit within the Mad Knife Pirates. They were a group of scoundrels and outcasts who feared neither death nor pain. Schiller's argument made sense to them. The Mad Knife Pirates had fewer than seventy members, but their overall strength surpassed that of other ordinary pirate crews. When they entered the tavern, they occupied at least half of the available space.

Each member arrogantly shouted their intentions, "want to fight us? You're going to die!" "Haha, I'll cut off his left hand!" "I've got my eyes on his right leg. Don't fight me for it!" " I will handle his third leg!" ".."

The pirates jeered, eager to engage in battle. Those who could sail the seas and gain a bit of fame possessed some abilities. And so did they.

However, Teach couldn't help but frown, feeling impatient. The pirates' incessant clamoring sounded like a cacophony in his ears. To him, these little pirate weren't worth his attention. "Don't take yourselves too seriously, please. If you want to take my head, you'll need an entire warship," Teach said, shedding his coat and placing his hand on his waist. Teach drew Thunder Tooth, facing the pirates. "Prepare to pay with your lives please!"

A smile played at the corner of Teach's mouth. He played a casual wave of his sword. It seemed as if nothing had happened.

Teach sheathed his knife once again. "That's the extent of your powers? Quite weak don't you think?"

Silence enveloped the surroundings. Mostima's eyes widened suddenly, his pupils shrinking in disbelief. He observed the sword and murmured, "How is this possible?" He couldn't comprehend what he had just witnessed.

In Mostima's eyes, the seemingly random swing of the sword produced an astonishing spectacle. Invisible slashes formed as cascade of sword waves precisely pierced the bodies of those present. Mostima, in his pursuit of greater strength, found himself unable to achieve such perfect control.

Teach remained silent. "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" The sounds echoed as Schiller's laughter abruptly ceased. He turned his head slightly, only to witness his crew members collapsing to the ground one by one. In a matter of moments, every member of the Mad Knife Pirates, except for Schiller, lay lifeless on the floor. Around 70 pirates, all gone.

Though Schiller hadn't awakened observation haki, he had spent enough time in the New World to be familiar with the aura of humans. Countless individuals had met their end before him. The absence of vitality meant that everyone in the Mad Knife Pirates, other than Schiller, had perished, and he didn't even know how they had died. Fear gripped his heart, and as he stared into Teach's face, he saw a slight smile—a smile that seemed to mock him and his former comrades.

Schiller realized that he had provoked someone he couldn't handle—a powerful individual—and his legs trembled involuntarily. But anger quickly consumed him, and he took two steps towards Teach, the machete in his hand pointed at Teach's head.

"You... you killed them. They were my companions," Schiller's eyes filled with bloodshot veins. Tears even welled up in his eyes, an ironic display of emotion for those who he had treated cruelly.

"I should thank them. I just finished eating and needed some exercise to aid digestion. And they conveniently arrived here," Teach smiled, standing tall. He adjusted the black turban on his head and picked his purple cowboy hat, gently placing it on his head.

Teach's appearance only fueled Schiller's anger further. "What am I supposed to do now that I've lost them? No one will share the joy of plundering with me anymore. I won't have companions to go out to sea with. Only I can savor the thrill of killing. No one will hear their agonizing screams," Schiller lamented. Teach and the others listened, once again realizing that Schiller was not only deranged but also sick in the head.

"I'm going to kill you and have you join them in the afterlife," Schiller shouted, driven by intense fury. The force behind this machete strike was stronger than before.

Teach swiftly reacted, countering with a powerful backhand punch. The impact caused Schiller to loosen his grip, sending the serrated machete flying into the ground.

Before Schiller could react, Teach had already appeared in front of him. With one large hand, Teach tightly grasped Schiller's neck. "So, can you stop jumping around in front of me like a clown?" Teach eyes turned cold as he grabbed Schiller's right arm, applying more pressure. Schiller gasped for breath, struggling in vain.

"How about instead I send you to them join them, you even seem to miss them so much ," Teach said softly, adding more pressure.

Releasing his grip, Teach let Schiller's lifeless body fall to the ground. In everyone's eyes, the once powerful Schiller had met a swift demise, showing no resistance against the person standing before them.





Note: Had to upload another chapter today, since broke through 100+ collections.