
One Piece: Man of Steel(Paused)

A kryptonian accidentally arrives in the One Piece world. What changes will he bring to the world?

ConDOriano · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Nova vs Marines

Nova who was flying at high speed suddenly heard the sound of explosions with his super hearing. Nova quickly looked around to see where the sound was coming from. Using his enhanced vision, he scanned the area and spotted a large amount of smoke rising from the horizon.

He immediately felt that there was an emergency and that he needed to act quickly. Without hesitation, he blasted off towards that direction and within a few minutes he reached the island of Ohara and what he saw shook him to his core.

The scene before him was one of utter devastation and chaos caused by a fleet of Marine ships. The once-beautiful island was now a smouldering wasteland, with flames still burning in several areas. The once massive tree at the centre of the island was now on a raging fire and a massacre had just taken place. Even the evacuation ship was not spared and hundreds of people were wiped out of existence.

Nova's heart sank as he realized that he was too late to prevent the tragedy that had occurred. He felt a deep sense of anger and sadness at the sight before him. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, his mind racing with thoughts of how anyone could commit such a heinous act. He couldn't just stand there and watch the Marines get away with what they had done. His anger fueled his actions as he flew towards the fleet of ships, with a dive underwater he went to the bottom of the nearest Marine ship and grabbed it with his super strength. The marines in the ship suddenly felt the ship tremble before it started levitating and was hurled towards the nearest ship. The unexpected scenario caused chaos and panic among the Marines. They were caught off guard by Nova's sudden attack, and many of them were heavily injured and thrown into the water.

The CP9 members and the other Vice admirals immediately became alert and got ready for combat. Vice Admiral Kuzan who had just captured Jaguar D. Saul in ice and allowed little Robin to flee to the next island also rushed towards the marine fleet after the sudden commotion.

Nova landed on the deck of one of the ships, he was quickly surrounded by the Vice Admirals and the CP9 agents. His eyes were fixed on the enemies, ready to face whatever was thrown his way.

"What do we have here? A little birdie who wants to play with the big boys?" said Spandam, the leader of CP9, with a smirk on his face.

Nova didn't flinch. "I'm not here to play, I'm here to make you pay for what you've done," he replied sternly.

The Vice Admirals and CP9 agents laughed at his words. "You think you can take us all on by yourself?" sneered Vice Admiral Onigumo. He quickly drew his gun and fired straight at Neo, but to everyone's surprise, the bullet bounced off after hitting Nova.

Nova felt a little pain as if someone has flicked on his forehead, "I don't need to take you all on. Just enough to send a message."

The tension grew thicker as both sides stared each other down. Suddenly, Vice Admiral Sakazuki stepped forward. "That's enough," he said calmly. "I'll handle this."

The other Vice Admirals and CP9 agents stepped back, giving Sakazuki the space to face Nova one on one. "Judging by your ability to fly you must be that masked villain that had been attacking the marines recently. You're quite the troublemaker, aren't you?" He said with a hint of anger in his voice.

Nova didn't reply, instead, he readied himself for the fight. This was the first time he was fighting a marine Vice-Admiral. Sakazuki raised his hand and a wave of hot magma flew towards Nova trapping him momentarily followed by a barrage of punches. Nova didn't expect this situation, his eyes glowed red and fired an intense heat vision to counter Sakazuki before he escaped from the lava. Everyone became cautious after watching Sakazuki's arm getting burned despite his magma powers.

An intense battle ensued as Nova dodged and weaved through the molten attacks, retaliating with his own explosive blasts. The two powerful forces clashed, causing the entire ship to shake and tremble under the force of their attacks.

The other Vice Admirals and CP9 agents also joined in with the two combatants fighting with all their might. Nova's incredible strength, speed and agility were matched by Sakazuki's ferocious strength and control over fire and magma.

After several minutes of intense fighting, Sakazuki and the others began to feel the strain on their body. They had to use coordinated attacks and tactics to counter Nova's 'devil fruit powers'. Nova would dodge the magma by flying and used heat vision to attack from a distance followed by strong punches whenever they got too close.

Nova knew he had to end the battle soon, he could not fight all the Vice Admirals with devil fruit powers at once. The men in the black suit also used some kind of weird martial arts to fly and dodge his attacks, if he drags the fight for too long he might get captured. Using all his strength he dived towards the ship from the sky and with a bang the ship split into two. This again threw the Marines in disarray, everyone tried to protect the devil fruit users.

Spandine and the CP9 members survived using air walk, they could only watch in shock as Nova wreaked havoc in their fleet. They didn't expect this child to be such a monster. Nova also hovered in front of them, many warships were destroyed and wrecked around him, and the marines who survived were desperately swimming towards the nearest floating objects, some were even carrying the devil fruit users.

"You!! Who are you???", one of them asked in horror.

Nova, with his eyes fixed on the CP9 members, replied, "You have caused destruction and misery to innocent people, and I will make you will face the consequences of your actions."

Spandam, the leader of CP9, tried to regain his composure and said, " You think you can stop us? You're just a child with delusions of grandeur. We are the might of the World Government, and we will crush anyone who dares to stand in our way."

Nova chuckled, "I don't plan on fighting all of you. I just want to send a message that your actions will have consequences."

The CP9 members, now understanding the gravity of the situation, started to back away from Nova. But Nova had set his sights on the CP9 agents, they seemed like the highest-ranked among the fleet. He swiftly attacked Spandine and caught him by his neck despite his struggles. Looking at the red glowing eyes Spandine could feel that his end was near, even though he acts cowardly when facing death he didn't want to go out without a fight. He quickly used haki-infused Shigan(finger pistol) in succession at Nova's body at close range. Despite immense pain, Nova didn't let go and with a burst of power he twisted his neck ending the battle. His other subordinates tried to flee but couldn't escape from Nova's heat vision which tore through their body like a hot knife through butter.

Nova could feel that the fight took a toll on his body and his skin was burnt, even though the injuries were not fetal, he will need some time to recover. He also understood that he was lucky that he was fighting on the sea, if he fought 5 Vice Admirals on land the battle might not have ended the same way. He was still growing and had not reached his full potential yet. As he flew away, he reminded himself not to grow overconfident in the future and always star weary of devil fruit users.

When Kuzan arrived at the shore he was shocked to see the scene in front of him, 12 out of 20 battleships were destroyed and burning, many marines were heavily injured and Akainu and the other Vice Admirals failed to catch the attacker. What's more shocking was the death of Spandine and his agents a boy who seemed like 10-12 years old. He didn't know how to explain this to the HQ.

"Everyone retreat!! Board the remaining vessels and treat the injured!" He took command of the fleet and ordered the remaining Marines.


A few moments ago:

Saul broke through the ice that Kuzan had trapped him with, his giant physique allowed him to survive the attack. Bleeding and injured he walked towards the burning tree looking for survivors. The bombardment by the Marines has stopped and he could hear the sounds of battle from the direction of the docks.

As he made his way through the destruction and burned bodies, he saw his friend Nico Olvia lying near the lake, her leg badly injured and burnt. Saul quickly ran to her side, checking her wounds and trying to stop the bleeding. "Hang in there, Nico. I'll get us out of here, something must have happened on the marine's side," he said reassuringly.

"They have destroyed everything, Saul!! Everything!! Where's Robin?? Is she safe??" she asked with tears welling down her face.

"I am sure she escaped the island, Olvia we must flee from the island right now. The Marines might start attacking again soon."

Nico weakly nodded, her face contorted in pain. "I don't think I can move, Saul. You have to leave me here," she said, tears streaming down her face.

Saul shook his head. "I'm not leaving you here, Olvia. I'll carry you if I have to, you must survive for Robin," he said, picking her up gently in his arms.

Meanwhile, something caught Nova's attention when he was heading towards the nearest island. A raft carrying a young girl was floating in the middle of the seas along an icy path. The pitiful young girl was laughing weirdly while tears stemmed down her face.

Next Chapter: Meeting Robin


AN- Guys!! I try to write more chapters but I have to attend my University. I can only write one story/day if I want to maintain the quality.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ConDOrianocreators' thoughts