
ONE PIECE I Am a Merchant

I don't want to become a Marine I don't want to become a Pirate I don't want to become a Pirate Hunter I just want to be a Merchant. Don't you heard me? I AM A MERCHANT! This is the story of Dante who was on his journey to travel the world as a Merchant.

Cute_Melon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

11 Farce

11 Farce

"The Dante was in training. Leave!" Bunta stood behind the gate and spoke.

"Dante had gone for more than three months. As a Mustang Family member, We have the right to suspect you have harmed our nephew to get his wealth. Open the door! You, criminal!" Alan shouted outside the door.

"Nonsense." Bunta stood straight and threw a simple word.

"Humph. We had sent the request for the government to interfere with this. Just wait. Don't think you can touch our family belonging just because you have some strengths." Alan said his last words and left.

Seeing Alan was walking away, Bunta sighed.

"Brat. You better hurry up and return. I can't hold this fort any longer if the government officials came.

It was four months after Bunta found that Dante had mysteriously disappeared. Bunta once went to his ship to look for him but he didn't find him.

Unknown to Bunta, only the registered person can see the training room or any other extra features on the ship. Even as its builder, Bunta cannot see the doors although he entered the gym to look for Dante.

A few days later, Alan came again to the mansion with his siblings and some people who wear suits.

"Humph what can you say now? Open the gate." Alan asked.

"Dante was in..."

"Cut the nonsense. Open the gate. We will investigate this ourselves." As Bunta was about to speak he was cut off by the officials.

Bunta knew that nothing can be done anymore. Even if he resisted, nothing good will happen.

He open the gate and let the official enter. The officials immediately went on and rummaged Dante's mansion.

An hour later, an official reported to his superior.

"Sir, there is no trace of anyone had entered or leaving this mansion for past four months except for the Old Butler. Even the owner's bed was cleaned up, we're sure that it had not been used for a quite long time." He reported.

"I knew it! You had killed that boy and intended to take over his wealth. Official, please judge!" Alan was in high spirits and accused Bunta on killing his nephew.

"Men arrest this criminal." The higher official commanded his men.

Bunta stood up quietly and didn't resist his arrestment.

"Grandpa?" A surprised voice was heard.

All people in the mansion turned toward the voice.

Dante walked towards them and asked.

"What happen?"

Seeing his nephew was still alive and well, Alan and his siblings were shaken.


"Grandpa Bunta. What's happening here?" Dante didn't want to hear his uncles nonsense.

He sat on his cushion and waited for the answer.

"You had been training for a long time. They came to make trouble." Bunta spoke about the situation and then proceeded to tell him the whole story.

"Shameless!!! Five years ago, all you asked for my business. I gave 90% to you. You didn't even pay my 10% an dismissed me forcefully. And now you are coming for my personal wealth? How dare you!!!" Dante cursed angrily.

"Get out! Don't let me see your disgusting faces ever again. From today, none of you are my kins. Even if I died. I'll give them to grandpa Bunta." Dante chased them.

"Don't you dare to do that. We are your relatives. On what right that old butler to get them." One of his aunt spoke against Dante's decision. Other siblings immediately agreed and supported her.

"So what? My wealth. My decision. None of your f***ing business. GET OUT!!!!" Dante shouted at the top of his lungs.

Seeing their nephew had enraged, the memory of he killing people in front of them, had resurfaced.

They didn't continued to argue and left hastily. Even the government officials was dumbfounded by Dante's rage.

Dante sat back on his cushion. He didn't say a word after his rage.

"Release me first please." Bunta broke the silence.

Remembering that Bunta was still cuffed, the superior asked his subordinates to release Bunta. Bunta told him everything that had happened.

Hearing that they conduct the investigation instead of immediately making judgment, Dante's mood turned out better.

Seeing the government officials apologise for their mistake, he accepted it. Surely he understood that these government officials weren't the same as those arrogant CP agents. Like Marine, the World Government also had their own grunts to do jobs in small or marginal areas. Those officials usually come out from normal civilians.

This type of officials were more likeable compared to those high esteem and prideful agents especially those from the CPs. If it was them. They might turn against him instead of apologize.

"I sorry for making you see this ugly farce." Dante stood up and slightly bowed.

"Grandpa, please escort them out." Dante slightly bowed once again before leaving them and walking to his room.


Dante was walking down from the mountain after his night training.

"The magic energy in this world is too thin. It will take me forever just to replenish the energy I have spent." Dante lamented the situation he was in.

Not sure how he would solve it, Dante returned to his house for his breakfast.


"So, this is a magic power. Not Devil Fruit?" After showing his magic power to Bunta, Dante told his problems.

"Hmmm. Young Master, maybe you just need to go back to the place where you get the power. I don't know anything about this. But if anything can be solved, the origin of this power should have the solution. As for your source of this power, don't tell me. This old man has no interest in it. Everyone should have their own secret." Seeing Dante was hesitant to tell him the origin of its power, Bunta immediately stopped Dante from doing so.

"Origin! That's it. That should be it. Of course. Why did I forget about it." Dante jumped on his feet when he had the answer.

"Tonight, I'll test it out." As he wasn't in a hurry Dante sat back on his chair and continued to have his breakfast.