
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
571 Chs

Chapter 40: Water Style User–

[Tl/n: Advance chapter.]

'The training direction given by the system turned out to be a ninja!'

It's definitely a good thing I received the chakra seeds before, otherwise, it wouldn't be easy to do.'

Seeing the content behind the nameplate, Rifan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Even if he could use a lot of ninjutsu, if the disciple couldn't use chakra, Rifan didn't have much to do. Maybe at that time, he could only cultivate taijutsu ninjas.

"Rifan... teacher, is there anything on this nameplate? "

Vivi, who was not yet familiar with the title, asked.

"Don't mind me." Rifan withdrew his gaze from the nameplate and threw it casually, and the nameplate landed on the disciple bar on the wall of the Dojo Hall.

Vivi looked at it and saw that there was another name tag next to her name tag.

"Nami? Teacher Rifan, is the Miss Nami who is next to my name the Miss Nami who was ranked 5th on the swordplay list?"

 "It's her, and according to the generations, you should call her big sister or senior." Rifan smiled. "However, she barely mastered the Flaming Thunder God, if she really used it, she would die."

"Oh~ So that's how it is." Vivi nodded, "So, teacher Rifan, will I learn swordplay now?"

"Swordplay?" Rifan shook his head, "No, you and Nami's development direction is different. "

"She is developing in the direction of a Demon Slayer, and you in another direction?"

"Hm?" Vivi tilted her head and looked at Rifan with some doubt.

"This is for you." Rifan opened the Babylon treasury and took out the chakra seed he had obtained earlier and handed it to Vivi.

"This is... chakra seeds!?" the image on the Golden List, Vivi has naturally seen it, for the rewards obtained by Rifan, Vivi still has a fresh memory, and naturally can recognize one of Rifan's rewards."

"Teacher Rifan, do you really want to give me such a precious thing?"

Although she doesn't know what kind of power chakra is, none of the rewards in the top ten of the swordplay list is bad.

Naturally, chakra seeds won't either.

"Think of it as a special devil fruit."

"When you eat it, it will give you the power to use power like a devil fruit."

"I have the power of chakra myself, so this thing is of no use to me, but it is a good choice for you as you're my disciple." "So, you don't have to hesitate."

Rifan smiled.

Hearing Rifan says this, Vivi no longer hesitated and ate the chakra seed in one bite.

Perhaps, the key to defeating Crocodile lies in this chakra seed, and at this time, Vivi does not want to postpone it too much.

After a few seconds, a cool sensation arose from Vivi's stomach and flowed to all parts of her body.

The feeling of comfort made Vivi can't help but let out a low moan.

But she immediately came to her senses when she thought that Rifan was still around.

Looking at Rifan's interested gaze, Vivi's face immediately turned red.

"Well, don't be shy."

"It's just an awakening power."

Rifan took out a small piece of paper and handed it to Vivi and said:

"Try to inject the newly awakened power into this paper."

"After that, we'll know what kind of chakra you've awakened."

Hearing this, Vivi nodded and took the chakra test paper.

Soon, traces of water appeared on the surface of the originally dry paper.

"Teacher Rifan, the paper got wet!"

Well, this means that your chakra attribute is a water attribute. Rifan leaned his head slightly, "I have already determined how to guide you next."

"Next, I'll put you in a training camp for two years."

"But outside, that's two seconds."

"If you're okay, we can start now."

Although he had not yet started her training, Rifan already had an amused look on his face when Vivi used water ninjutsu to attack Crocodile.

As for Vivi's talent being too stupid to learn such a thing, Rifan had never thought about it at all.

In Rifan's eyes, even the most clumsy student could master at least one skill in his hands.

What's more, Vivi's talent is not necessarily bad.

"Wait a minute, Teacher Rifan."

"I want to say hello to my partner first."

"After that, I'll come back to start the training, can I?"

In addition to herself, who infiltrated the baroque work society, there was Igaram, the captain of the kingdom guard in Alabasta.

Although Rifan said it was only a moment, just in case, Vivi felt that she still had to say hello to him.

And to avoid the suspicion of the people of the baroque work society, she also needed to make some preparations.

"Of course, you can." Rifan nodded, "when you finish dealing with the matter here, come to this Dojo hall, I will perceive your existence."

"Hmm, thank you teacher Rifan." Vivi bowed again, "let's go, Karoo, we have to hurry."

After saying that, Vivi pulled Karoo along and left Rifan's, Dojo Hall.

Seeing Vivi leave, Rifan smiled, and his figure gradually turned into a shadow and disappeared into the hall.

At the same time, in the dojo of Cocoyashi Village, Nami was looking at the newly appeared nameplate on the disciple column in doubt.

Who is this Vivi? '

Her every brow furrowed.

"What do you think, Nami?" Suddenly, Rifan's voice sounded behind Nami.
