
Second interrogation

After a few minutes, Nami wiped the tears from her face, got up from her chair, and went to a corner of the room, from the floor she easily removed one of the tiles, there was a hole where she kept a large amount of money.

Nami began to count the money, "10,052,055 berries, I still have a long way to go to reach 100,000,000" Nami whispered as she put the tile back in its place.

All this money she got by stealing it from criminals and pirates, putting her life at risk and many times getting hurt. Nami began to remember the day Arlong and his pirates came to the Conomi Islands.

To protect her village, she made a deal with Arlong. She would be their navigator and cartographer in exchange Arlong would leave the village moderately alone and not kill anyone as long as the villagers kept paying the monthly fee. And she could also buy the freedom of her people.

Arlong priced the freedom of the village at 100,000,000 berries, a very high figure for a simple village, however, Nami accepted and for two years she has been moving forward thanks to this goal, hoping to free her village.

She alone carries this heavy backpack to protect and save her village, even though many villagers are angry with her because they think she betrayed them.

Nami approached the table grabbed a bottle of ethyl alcohol and carefully poured a stream of alcohol on a wound on her small arm.

As the alcohol came in contact with her wound, Nami gritted her teeth and forced herself not to complain because of the pain, 'Those bandits almost got me, next time I must be more careful' thought Nami as she felt a great burning all over her arm.

In Arlong Park there was a festive atmosphere that lasted several hours, many gyojins had drunk tons of alcohol and were singing happily.

"Hey... Chew still didn't come back... How many hours passed?" asked the gyojin staggering, as he was drunk.

"Don't tell me... he slaughtered the whole village since no one could pay" said Kuroobi slowly somewhat drunk.

"That's strange..." said Arlong who was sober. In Arlong's case to be drunk he needed many amounts of alcohol.

"You three!" exclaimed Arlong as he looked towards 3 gyojins who looked young compared to Arlong and everyone else.

"Yes Arlong-sama!" exclaimed the 3 young gyojins in unison.

"Go to Nagano village and search for Chew and the other two. Take this with you" ordered Arlong as he threw a den den mushi at them.

"When you arrive let me know the situation immediately" he added.

"As you command!" exclaimed the 3 gyojins as they rushed out of Arlong Park.

'Chew hasn't arrived yet?" thought Nami who was hiding behind the wall of the building listening to the conversation.


Conomi Islands, Nagano Village.

"My back hurts" complained Toma who had been lying on the ground in the same position hours ago.

"I thought they would act fast since they are pirates who went to the Grand Line... I guess all pirates lack discipline" commented Shun with disdain.

Shun and Toma spent 15 minutes in the same position, they had already waited for a long time, so it was not convenient to leave now. The sunset was getting clearer and clearer.

As Toma was about to scratch his nose, he could see in the distance three very small figures getting closer and closer.

"Shun here they come!" whispered Toma nervously.

Shun had already noticed them, his expression was the same as always, being so long in the same position didn't bother him at all, in his hunting times in the Frauce Kingdom, he spent much more time standing still in the same position and worse conditions.

"Yes I saw them already stand still" said Shun.

The gyojins after a few minutes passed near them, but as they were hidden in some bushes they were not seen.

"I'll follow them, you wait for my signal" said Shun as he stealthily followed the gyojin from a safe distance.

Toma nodded and moved near a medium-sized tree, the strange thing about this tree was that its trunk was about to be cut down.

The gyojins upon reaching the village looked at each other strangely as the village was still in perfect condition and there was no sign of Chew and the other two.

"Humans come out!" shouted a pink gyojin.

The villagers came out in an orderly fashion, each had a large wad of bills in their hands, ready to pay the monthly fee as Shun had told them.

The gyojin noticed the villagers coming out with the money for the monthly fee and knew something was wrong, "Hey you, what happened here?" asked the gyojin to the chubby man.

"W-what do you mean...?" asked the man stammering.

"Where's Chew, he should have collected the monthly fee from you!" the gyojin shouted without patience.

"What Officer Chew...? I don't know, we were waiting all day for them to come and pay the monthly fee" replied the nervous man looking down at the ground.

The gyojin frowned, he believed the man since whenever he talked to humans they always acted the same way he did, scared, nervous, and looking down at the ground.

"Looks like Chew and the other two had a problem on the way here" commented another gyojin.

"Yes..." said the pink gyojin as he looked around at all the villagers trying to notice if something was wrong.

"We should inform Arlong-sama" suggested the shortest gyojin of the 3.

The pink gyojin nodded and pulled out the den den mushi Arlong gave him. The call was answered right away, he quickly told Arlong what they found when they arrived at the village.

"Chew never made it to the village?" said Arlong from the den den mushi.

Meanwhile, the villagers watched the gyojins nervously, hearing Arlong's voice they trembled in fear. Shun was further away observing the situation, he could see that the gyojin took out a den den mushi, but because of the distance, he could not hear the conversation.

"Yes, the villagers came out of their houses ready to pay the monthly fee" said the gyojin respectfully.

"That's strange... make sure they are telling the truth, you can use any method to make them talk" said Arlong.

Many villagers heard this and started to tremble, they thought their performance was perfect and that these 3 gyojins had believed them.

Shun not being able to hear the conversation, thought it was the perfect time to send the signal to Toma.

With his finger, he created a compressed air bullet much weaker than the ones he used before and launched it in a direction close to Toma.


Toma could notice in the air that out of nowhere a great wind was produced, he knew it was the signal. With his sword, he cut the last piece of the trunk that kept the tree standing.

Within seconds, he could see how the great tree began its fall in the opposite direction to him. When it fell it created a great noise that reached the village.

"What was that!" exclaimed the gyojin lowly as he looked out into the forest.

"What happened?" asked Arlong.

"We heard a big noise coming from the forest, near the path where we passed through to get to the village" replied the pink gyojin.

"It could be that Chew is confronting someone!" said a gyojin.

"Arlong-sama we'll go give Chew some help! We'll report back as fast as we can!" said the pink gyojin.

Arlong after a few seconds replied, " Fine, go" and ended the call.

"Come on, let's see who dares to take on the Arlong Pirates!" exclaimed the pink gyojin excitedly as he headed into the forest with the other two.

The villagers, seeing that they were being ignored, sighed in relief. Shun had already moved to the forest and met with Toma, "They are coming this way, I will take care of them" said Shun.

"I want to fight too" said Toma with determination.

Shun looked at him and after thinking about it replied, "Alright, you should use a surprise attack, those gyojins outnumber you in strength."

"Yes!" exclaimed Toma as he looked for a position to make a surprise attack.

After a few minutes, the 3 gyojins entered the forest, "Look, this is what made the noise" said the short gyojin as he pointed to the cut log and fallen tree.

"It must have been the result of a battle, Chew must be nearby" said the pink gyojin as he began to move deeper into the forest.

Their pace was fast and their goal was to find Chew as they thought they were in a confrontation, so they were not expecting an ambush.

As the short gyojin passed a large bush he felt a great prick near his stomach. In a second a sword had come out like a viper and pierced his stomach.

"AHHHH!" cried the gyojin in pain as he noticed a large amount of blood begin to ooze out of his stomach. He could see that on the handle of the sword were two small hands and out of the bush came the face of a boy.

It was Toma, he quickly wanted to pull out his sword, but it was deeply rooted in the gyojin's body, using his leg he kicked the gyojin's stomach while making strength with both arms and managed to dislodge the sword.

'Why is his skin so tough?' thought Toma as he backed up several steps backward.

"What happened!" shouted one of his companions as he saw that his friend was dripping blood.

The gyojins watched as Toma struggled out the sword and couldn't believe that a brat had attacked them.

They both put on furious expressions and lunged at Toma, but before they could even notice Shun appeared in the blink of an eye and with both hands slashed the necks of the gyojins.

In both open hands, he used compressed air and managed to cut the necks of the gyojins without much difficulty, plus his incredible speed and his surprise attack the gyojins could do nothing.

The gyojin who stabbed Toma was kneeling on the floor holding the hole in his stomach with his hands to stop him from losing blood.

"Who... are you?" the gyojin asked with a wince, looking at Shun.

He couldn't react to his speed and seeing his companions being killed so easily gave him a shudder.

"That doesn't matter. Tell me how many gyojins does Arlong have in his crew?" asked Shun as he sat on a log in front of the gyojin.

This gyojin could no longer do anything, it was bleeding to death and was in a very weak state. Before killing him he wanted to get some information out of him.

Toma came out of the bush with his sword that had blood on it from the gyojin and got an ugly look on his face when he noticed that the gyojin he stabbed was slowly dying. It was the first time he had ever inflicted a mortal wound on someone and it didn't seem like a nice feeling to him.

However, he said nothing and stood next to Shun as he cautiously looked at the gyojin.

"Human bastard... I won't tell you anything!" the gyojin exclaimed hatefully.

Shun shook his head several times and approached the gyojin. With his leg, he crushed the gyojin's right foot until it broke.

The gyojin gave a great scream of pain that echoed throughout the forest, Shun looked at him and noticed that the gyojin was still resisting. So he continued with his torture.

After 15 minutes, the gyojin took its last breath in this world and told Shun the information he wanted. The only thing he wanted to know was how many gyojins there were in Arlong Park, and not counting the 6 he had already killed, there were 80 in total.

And of those 80 there was Arlong and two more officers, so it would be a big challenge to go to Arlong Park and face so many gyojins. Shun had no plans to do such a thing, he just wanted some more information from the Arlong pirates.

In all the questioning Shun did, Toma said nothing and looked with a stern expression without caring about the gyojin. He had seen how these gyojins treated humans, so he did not pity them.

'This is my second interrogation...' thought Shun as he remembered when he interrogated an Eldorrago pirate in an alley.

'Now we'll see if they send more-'


Before Shun could finish his sentence, the pink gyojin's den den mushi began to sound.

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