
Captain Nezumi

The rat-faced marine was named Nezumi, he is a Marine officer who holds the position of captain and is the leader of the 16th division.

Nezumi hearing Shun's tone knew instantly that he was not sorry for crashing into his ship, but what surprised him the most was Shun and Toma's appearance.

"What are two brats doing traveling across the sea with that boat?" Nezumi asked, not understanding how two kids had such a boat. After a few seconds, Shun replied confidently, "It's a family heirloom"

If he told her that this ship belonged to a pirate, the Marines could take it from him. So he came up with this excuse.

"Yes!" said Toma, who understood Shun's look.

"And where are his parents?" asked Nezumi without believing a word Shun was saying.

Shun frowned and was beginning to lose patience with this Marine, but he restrained himself and replied, "They died. Since we have to survive somehow, we went out to sea to earn money."

Toma beside him nodded.

"If your objective is to make money ¿What did they come here for? This is a Marine base, we don't accept brats" said Nezumi with little patience.

"We don't want to join. We came to claim the bounties of two pirates" replied Shun for every second that passed the opinion he had of this marine went down.

Two teenagers came to his marine base and all he did was yell and ask him to leave, even though it was not the case, they could have come to ask the Marines for help, but they received them in a not-so-friendly way.

"What, are you kidding me kid?" asked Nezumi as a smile formed on her ugly face, he was holding in her laughter.

The marines beside him were also looking at Shun with strange faces, not believing a word he was saying.

'These marines leave a lot to be desired' thought Shun as he went to look for something on the ship.

Nezumi was about to shout angrily again, but Shun arrived again, only now he was carrying a human head in each hand. One of the heads belonged to Oyag and one to Gally.

He had decapitated them, as it would be easier to carry them this way.

Shun looked at Toma and quickly from one of his pockets he pulled out two reward posters, "On one side the captain of the Gally pirates nicknamed Gally Crescent Moon with a reward of 5,000,000 belly. And next to him the vice captain of the Gally pirates, Henna Oyag with a reward of 1,200,000 belly" said Toma as he showed both posters to the marines.

On this trip that lasted 9 long days, they had practiced how they would present both dead pirates to the marines, as they knew that because of their young ages, they would not be believed.

Nezumi and all the marines looked with shocked expressions at the two heads Shun held in his hands.

"Th-that's right the faces are the same!" exclaimed one marine with surprise in his tone.

All the marines around Nezumi began to murmur in surprise, Gally's pirates had been such a pain to East Blue this past while.

Although the gang's total bounty was not among the highest in East Blue, Gally was a cunning man and always managed to evade the marine from getting caught.

"Silence!" shouted Nezumi to get his subordinates to shut up. When everyone was silent he looked at Shun again with a frown, "It's true that those heads belong to Gally and Henna Oyag, but ¿How did you get them? Did you steal them from a bounty hunter?" asked Nezumi with distrust.

'What does it matter how I got the damn heads, just give me my money' thought Shun as he thought about ripping Nezumi's rat mustache off.

"Does it matter? Anyway, it'll be my problem if that so-called bounty hunter comes after me" Shun said already tired of the marine's interrogation.

Nezumi looked at Shun angrily at the comment, he couldn't believe that a brat would dare to respond so aggressively to him, a marine captain.

But Shun was not afraid and looked at Nezumi with an icy stare. Nezumi seeing Shun's look felt a shiver run down his back, "O-okay, follow me to the base. I'll give you your dirty money" said Nezumi trying to hide his nerves.

Nezumi started walking towards the barracks along with some of his subordinates. Shun and Toma looked at each other, got off the ship, and started to follow the rat-faced marine.

Po was tired of being on the ship, so he followed Shun and Toma. Having a 2 meter duck come out of nowhere surprised the Marines a bit, as they hadn't noticed it before on the ship.

Nezumi started to hear some strange footsteps noises so he turned around and could see behind Shun and Toma to Po, "Where did that duck come from!?" asked Nezumi.

"Family heirloom" replied Shun with a poker face.

'All you can say is family heirloom!?' thought Nezumi inquiringly as he turned and hurried his pace towards his office.

As they were about to enter the Marine base, Nezumi stopped and said, "That duck can't come in here" then entered the building without looking at Shun and Toma.

"You heard Po. Go take a walk around or something" said Shun as he stroked Po's head.

"Cuack" said Po somewhat angrily as he looked at Nezumi's back.

Shun and Toma entered the main building which had on top of everything the head of the mouse much like Nezumi's face.

The first thing they encountered upon entering was a main room where many desks and marines were working with paperwork. Upon seeing Nezumi enter, these marines looked up and greeted him with respect.

Nezumi just nodded reluctantly and headed down one of the hallways straight to his office followed by Shun and Toma.

As they entered Nezumi's office, they noticed a large desk in the center of it with a very plush chair compared to the poor chairs of the visitors.

Nezumi sat in his luxurious chair behind his desk without saying a word and pulled out a den den mushi from one of the desk drawers.

The den den mushi was a snail that served to communicate from a distance. Shun knew of its existence but had never seen one, as they were too expensive for him and his family.

The snail that Nezumi brought out looked very similar to him, something that displeased Toma and Shun.

Shun sat down on one of the chairs and put the heads on the floor, not caring that they stained the upholstery with blood. Toma took his example and sat next to him as he looked around the office curiously.

Nezumi noticed Shun's action but said nothing, just frowned, and started a call with his den den mushi.

In a few seconds, his call was answered, "Hello Captain Nezumi Do you need something?" asked a woman's voice.

"Yes, Catalina. Come to my office right away" ordered Nezumi as he ended the call.

'Even her name is ugly' thought Shun as he finally heard the name of this marine.

As for the rank, he had no idea, if a captain was a high rank. Although it most likely is, since he is the leader of an entire division. And he has an island under his command.

A few minutes later, someone was heard knocking on the door, "Come in" said Nezumi.

The door opened and in walked a very beautiful young woman about 25 to 30 years old. She had very white skin and long black hair, and her lips were painted a very strong red.

Her outfit consisted of a white shirt and a black miniskirt that exposed her long legs. And on her feet, she wore black heels.

"Did you need me for something Captain Nezumi?" asked Catalina as she gave Shun and Toma a look.

"Yes, these guys here brought the heads of Henna Oyag and Captain Gally. Go get the vault 6,200,000 belly and bring them here. Also, take the heads with you, they are staining my floor" explained Nezumi.

Hearing this, Catalina's eyes opened wide, she knew a lot about the pirates that were ravaging the East Blue and one of them was Gally's pirates. She was surprised that these two boys who didn't seem to be very big could murder Gally and Oyag.

She quickly regained her composure and noticed that at Shun's feet were the two heads.

Shun grabbed both heads again and passed them to Catalina, who grabbed them in disgust and quickly left the office to look for the reward.

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