
One Piece Bounty Wars

Have you ever witnessed the horrors and atrocities of those more powerful and were disgusted by it? Jack has plans, and like those of the so called “Justice” he does it with his wallet. “What do you mean the marines have their own bounties?!!!” That’s right folks!! The marines are on the run. There is no where that they can hide. Muhahahahhahaha.

GrimsReaper · Anime e quadrinhos
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75 Chs

Pitiful God

The next morning, Jack and his crew set out towards Skypiea after saying their goodbye's to Stain and King Cobra. Jack knew that the next time he saw Stain, he would be far more powerful, which he was looking forward to, also wanting to see how the man used his new power.

As they sailed forward through the sky, Jack brought Robin down to the training room where he got her started on a physical workout routine that she would need to do everyday, then gave her the Haki Manuals. When she learned that Haki was how one countered Logia users like Aokiji, it ignited a fire inside her to learn.

For her Devil Fruit training, Jack had showed her things she didn't know about her own power, and drove her into being able to use her powers without the hand gesture. He also showed her how to turn the pain off on her fake limbs, thus being able to use her power far more in combat.

They sailed slowly for two days, slowly making their way upwards in the direction the log pose had been pointing to, until they finally started to see signs of an island or more accurately, a new ocean. "How is this possible?!!" Nami asked in wide eyed fascination. Jack signaled for Nojiko to land the ship in water as he walked over towards the edge of the ship.

"Logic and reasoning don't mean shit in this world, the Grand Line especially. There are mysteries in the world that science can't explain, and this is one of them. There are others that are more unbelievable, believe it or not." Jack said as he took in the sights around them.

"Why are we stopping here?" Luke asked, not sure as to why they were stopped in the middle of nowhere. Smirking, Jack walked over and swung a fist at Luke, who normally could have dodged it, but for some reason he couldn't. "We need to give our bodies time to adapt to this altitude, otherwise we won't be able to fight properly." Jack clarified, getting a nod of approval from Kureha, and a confused glance from Luke and Tashigi. Jack then went on to explain about the pressure's and density's of the world, trying to explain it in a way that they would understand.

They waited there for the rest of the day and the night, enjoying the view, drinking, gambling, listening to music, the full works. Come morning, Jack got them sailing on the ocean above the clouds, not in any particular hurry to go anywhere.

After an hour of sailing, they came across a giant gateway, 'HEAVEN'S GATE' written in giant letters above it. As they sailed through the giant passageway, everyone noticed an old woman coming out of a doorway holding a camera. The most surprising thing about her was that she had small white wings on her back, which to anyone else would have had them asking questions, but to Jack and his crew it wasn't all that surprising to them. They were however quite curious about it.

" Umm Hello?..." Nami called out as she waved a hand to the old woman. "I am Amazon, the 'Heaven's Gate' inspector. State your business. Sight seeing, warmongering, other?" The old woman said, getting straight to the point. "Umm, a little of both I guess, maybe do some shopping as well." Nami answered, not too sure as to what she should say.

"It makes little difference, but if you wish to proceed, you must pay the entrance fee of 1 billion Extol per person. That is the law." Amazon answered back, not caring for their reason for being here. "WHAT?!! That's robbery, you old hag!!" Nojiko shouted, not sounding too happy about paying such a steep price.

"Listen! About the money! What if... you know... we don't have it?!" Nami asked, looking a little nervous. "You can still pass!" Amazon called back, still not showing any sign of emotion. "Really?!" Tashigi chimed in with a bright smile on her face. "The choice is yours, I certainly won't try to stop you. It's not in my job description to stop people from entering, merely to ask their intentions." Amazon said, showing a very small smile if you looked close enough.

Before the conversation could go any further, Jack tossed a bag with 900 thousand Berries in it towards the old woman. "I heard the conversion rate is 10,000 Extol to 1 Berry. This should be enough to cover our entry into the sky island." Jack said, shooting a smile towards the old woman. She picked up the bag and looked at the contents, then actually gave a proper smile to Jack. "Please have a pleasant journey into Skypiea." Just as she said that, a giant shrimp like creature shot out of the water.

It was of course going to take the ship up the waterway to Skypiea, but before it could grab hold of the ship, Jack unleashed his Haki on the creature, making it freeze instantly. "Leave!" He commanded, causing the creature to dive back down into the water. Turning back towards the old woman, Jack shouted "We can manage just fine by ourselves! Have a good day!!" The next instant, they were shooting up the waterway, Nojiko obviously using her powers.

Instead of going up the weird spiral cloud road the whole way, Nojiko just shot them straight upward until they could see a bright light. Looking towards the light, they saw a sign that read, 'GODLAND SKYPIEA'. "Godland?... This joker really does have a god-complex!! Luke shouted as he cracked his neck. "I call dibs on the so-called God. You guys can have his little band of misfits!!" Luke declared happily.

Jack took the moment to speak up, "I'm not gonna do any of the fighting. I've decided to leave it up to you." Everyone was a little taken-aback by his words. In all of their time together, Jack was always the one to lead the charge on people he hated, unless it was for training. "What gives?" Smoker asked, thinking Jack had some other plans up his sleeves.

"Don't give me that!! I'll be with you most of the time, just sitting on the ship as I watch the show. Also, Robin will be with you, so if she get's in too deep, help her out." Jack said as he looked Smoker in the eyes. Everyone nodded, and then they finally took in their new surroundings. A short distance away from them, there was a beautiful city, homes on clouds, bridges made of weird cloud-like material, and a beautiful cloudy beach.

"This place may look nice, but it doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me. The water is a cloud-like liquid, the beach is a cloud-like sand, there are tree's here, which shouldn't be possible I might add!! Let's get this over with so we can get out of here sooner." Luke said, not caring about the beautiful scenery around them.

Jack tossed Luke a Log Pose, then said "Follow this thing and it should lead you to an actual island. It was one that was blasted up here from the ocean a few hundred years ago. If it's like the stories anyway. As soon as you guys go and deal with the so called God, you can do whatever it is you want for a few days. I'll cover all the expenses while your here." Jack said, getting a few cheers from the women on board and smirk from Smoker.

"What about you?" Robin asked curiously. Jack smirked at that. "Nojiko and I will be watching from the ship, following right above you." He said, already pulling out drinks, snacks, some comfy tanning chairs, and some light music. "Why does she get to stay here?!!" Nami asked, angry at how unfair it was.

Jack looked as though he was thinking of what to say before finally answering, "Because she works so hard in flying the ship, not complaining in the slightest. I think a good relaxing day in the sun would suit her well, don't you think? And also because I said so! Now run along! Shoo!" Jack waved everyone else off ship, making them walk to their objective.

As Jack and Nojiko took a seat in their chairs, they heard something that killed the mood. "*Cough* I do hope you kids don't mind some company!" Dr. Kureha said as she pulled two more chairs next to them, then her and Chopper each took a seat, and helped themselves to the snacks and drinks. 'Stupid Old Hag!!' Jack shouted mentally, while outwardly he was smiling. "Let's just enjoy the show." Nojiko said, not letting the doctor end her relaxing day.

(Crew POV)

Everyone followed Luke as they ran through the sky, Smoker carrying Robin in a princess carry because she hadn't learned the Rokushiki techniques yet. It didn't take them long to reach the island Jack had told them about, which did bring a smile to Luke. "Not gonna lie, this place is weird as fuck!" Luke said, bringing smiles to everyone else.

"So how many people are we going to be dealing with here?" Tashigi asked curiously. "Hmm... a few dozen or hundred. I'm not too sure." Luke said as he pulled out a handful of papers that Jack had given him on their targets. "There is the God-guy, and his 4 priests, I know that much. Once we deal with them, we can kill the others at our leisure." Luke answered, then spread his Haki out around them.

Not being able to sense anyone in his immediate surroundings, Luke continued forward with the others in tow. After running through the forest, they reached a giant shrine with a few dozen people inside. "It's about time you got here!" A tall blonde man with giant earlobes called out from a throne. Standing around him were the four priests, and his most dedicated followers, a few slaves that were feeding him, and some soldiers who didn't look too happy to be there.

"I can't believe it!! This looks like everyone we were sent to hunt. It's almost like someone prepared this for us!" Luke shouted cheerfully as he looked over the papers, double checking that these were indeed the people they were sent to kill.

(A.N. It totally wasn't because I didn't want to write out them searching the whole damn island!)

"What are you talking about?" The man on the throne asked, not showing any emotion whatsoever. "You're Enel right? The guy with the god-complex?" Luke asked, getting gasps from people surrounding the throne. "That's God Enel!! You lowly little urchin!" A big fat guy wearing white robes shouted. Turning to the rest of the crew, Luke said "I get fatso there too!" To which everyone else just rolled their eyes, not bothering to argue with him. "Deal with them already. We can show the others what happens to those who trespass in God's territory!" Enel shouted, looking upset that these lowly Blue Sea dwellers would dare come to his territory and insult him.

The 4 high priests charged them, but before they could get too close, they were enveloped in smoke that was holding them in place. "I don't know why I was expecting more from them." Smoker said, then started making the smoke go inside the mouths and noses of his new victims. Soon the 4 priests were on the ground convulsing as they held their chests in pain, not being able to do anything. Smoker then turned them so they were facing towards Enel, then let them sit there so they could watch what happened next.

Taking that as his que, Luke walked forward towards the throne, weapons at the ready. "What pathetic little followers you have!! I guess it would make sense considering they follow someone as pathetic as you!! A piece of shit that got too full of himself!!" Luke taunted, trying to get a rise out of Enel. Much to his great joy, it worked.

Enel's face had turned crimson, his eyes glowing blue as he stood from his throne. "YOU DARE INSULT ME?!! Enel shouted, rage clear for all too see. With a smirk, Luke added, "I didn't think a 'God' would care about the opinions of a mere mortal. Just goes to show that you are just trash!!" That had the desired effect Luke was after. Enel shot towards him at lightning speed, literally, but Luke was already prepared for it.

With his body clad from head to toe in Armement Haki, Luke met Enel's charge with a fist to Enel's face. As Enel's head jerked back from the blow, Luke grabbed one of his earlobes and pulled him back towards him. "I wanna hear you scream!!" Luke shouted as punched Enel in the gut, doubling him over, then smashed the back of his head so he fell to the ground.

Luke then pulled out some small metallic beads that Jack had given to him, then shoved them into Enel's mouth. "Swallow like the little bitch you are!!" Luke shouted maniacally as he held his hand over Enel's mouth. Once Enel swallowed the beads, Luke pulled him back to his feet, then severed the man's legs. Turning back to the others, Luke said, "Always remember this Robin. They can't run away if they don't have any legs."

Getting a solemn nod from Robin, Luke continued making Enel scream in agony as he beat, stabbed, sliced and pulled the man's body parts. "What a pitiful God, bleeding like the rest of us mortals. You killed so many because you thought you were God, but you just ate a piece of fruit. You are nothing but a worthless piece of trash!!" Luke shouted as he pinned what was left of Enel to the throne with his sword.

Turning back to Enel's followers, Luke spoke softly, but still loud enough for the others to hear him. "Kill them all." At his command, Tashigi shot into action, slicing apart the the followers in white robes, Nami to her side, going for the soldiers. "We heard you don't like Enel, so if that's true then stay down!" Nami told the commander of the soldiers, causing the man to back off with his men as they watched the slaughter unfold before them.

Robin created arms on dozens of people, twisting their necks at un-natural angles. Smoker looked down to the four scared high priests with a look void of sympathy. Without even uttering a word to them, Smoker used his power to make their insides rupture, killing them instantly.

Luke turned back to the fat priest that had shouted at him earlier, a cruel smile spread across his face. "Let's see your precious 'God' come to help you!" Luke shouted as he shot towards the fat man. The screams of the victims lasted only a few minutes before the whole thing was over, Enel being the last one remaining besides the horrified soldiers. As Luke walked back over to Enel, he could hear the man begging, "Please don't kill me!! Please!!" Enel pleaded, coughing up blood as he did so.

"You never spared your victims! I will answer in kind!" Luke shouted as he plunged his fist through Enel's chest, ripping out the man's heart before crushing it into paste. As he took a step back from the mangled corpse, he heard laughing. "HAHAHA!! Bravo!! *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* That was beautiful man!!" Jack called out as he and Nojiko descended from the sky, a video Transponder Snail on his shoulders.

"You all did great, no casualties or even injuries, so I would give it a 9/10." Jack said, giving his evaluation of the slaughter. "Why only a 9?" Robin asked curiously. Looking her dead in the eyes with a serious expression on his face, he answered "Because I didn't get to participate! I've dreamed of killing this dickhead ever since I've read about him, and I let him do it!!" He said as he pointed a finger to Luke.

"Let's clean up here and go back to the city!" Nojiko cut in, wanting to be away from the bloody mess. The next minute, Jack burned all of the bodies to ash, then made his way to the few slaves and the soldiers. "Hey there!! The names Jack Sparrow. Now that Enel is dealt with, you guys can go back to protecting the people of the sky islands. Take these people back with you as well!" Jack shouted as he gestured to the slaves that were cowering in fear behind Enel's throne.

A thought occurred to him, and Jack added, "We're also gonna take all of the gold here, and on Enel's ship. Do you mind leading us there?" Jack asked innocently, but his question caused Nami to run over to him, "What he said!! Where is it?!!" She shouted, not sounding as sweet or innocent as Jack. "Listen you greedy little..." Jack trailed off, not even wanting to bother trying to have this conversation with Nami again. 'She's never gonna change' He thought as he looked at the soldier expectantly.

A little over an hour later and Jack had collected Enel's ship and the rest of the gold from the ancient city into his inventory, much to Nami's displeasure and joy. She would definitely get her share of it, but now that Jack had it, she couldn't play with it.

When they got back to the ship, Jack walked over to the crates of fruit that were sitting out, but to his dismay none of them were different than before. He spread his Haki around the area below them, hoping to find what he was looking for, and after a few minutes he noticed a bowl of Fruit in one of the rooms. Jumping down below before anyone could ask what was going on, Jack made his way into the room and looked at all of the fruit, and after a few seconds of scanning the room, his eyes landed on a blue fruit with an odd swirl pattern.

He checked the shop, and this was indeed the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, which made him sigh in relief. He didn't want to spend all those millions of berries to get it if he didn't have to. After he got the fruit, he made his way back onto the ship, then threw the fruit to Luke. "Enjoy!" He said as he watched Luke bite into the fruit. After Luke tested his new powers for a minute and zipped through the air a few times, he landed back on the deck with an ear to ear grin spread across his face.

Jack made his way over to him then threw an arm over Luke's shoulder. "You do know that this means we get to have a few more training sessions right?" Jack asked with an evil grin on his face, his words making Luke shudder in horror. "You Sadistic Bastard!! You planned this already didn't you?!!" Luke shouted as he tried to get away from Jack, but a vice-like arm covered in Haki held him in place.

"You all keep hating on my training, so now as punishment I'm going to give you a fresh helping of it!! We start right now!!" Jack said happily as he threw Luke into the air, then chased after him. Sure Luke could move at the speed of lightning, but he couldn't react or process his surroundings at that speed, which was the main downside to this fruit and Kizaru's fruit.

Their training session lasted until dinner, and when they both made their way to the dining room, Jack looked extremely happy and Luke looked half dead. "I thought you were suppose to be really fast with that power?" Smoker asked, curious how Jack had managed to do that to Luke. Lifting his eyes up to meet Smoker, Luke didn't look to happy. "Fuck you." He got out before he fell face first onto the table. "He's a sadistic monster!!" Luke grumbled out.

Everyone looked over to Jack who, for his part looked as though he didn't have a care in the world. "He may be fast, but I'm extremely good at tag! Anyway let's eat!!" Jack said as he pulled out a feast fit for a king. He put a few bottles of Rum in front of Luke, who practically downed them at once, not wanting to feel anything at the moment. "After we get done eating, we can head into town and play a movie that I think will become a favorite of everyone!" Jack chimed in happily, excited to see what the peoples faces would be.

True to his word, Jack purchased a giant video screen and had it hanging from the side of the ship as it floated above the city, then connected the video feed that he recorded earlier. The whole city stopped what they were doing and came out of their homes, watching the slaughter of those that had abused, enslaved, and murdered their loved ones for many years.

When it came to the part where Enel died, there was lots of cheering from around the area, especially from the native looking people that Jack had pretty much abducted to watch the movie. The natives or Shandian's, as they were called, were by far the most happy out of the bunch, going so far as to invite Jack and his group back to their village for a celebration.

Jack helped them all go back to their city, but he already had most of the gold by that point. He did however bring their precious golden bell back for them, putting it atop a pyramid looking temple. Jack also killed the giant ass snake when he was walking through the city because it attacked him, but other than that he left them all to their own devices.

Robin got to see the Poneglyph, which Jack took with him and put on the ship, which made her laugh hysterically for a while, much to the confusion of everybody else. Luke had gotten quite a bit more training in with Jack, but nothing as bad as the first day. Everyone else relaxed, or in Nami's case, shopped to her hearts content. She even got one of the wavers, a jet ski looking thing, and put it on the ship.

They had all stocked up on all sorts of dials, which was nice for most of them, but Jack already had all the ones that he wanted. They relaxed and took it easy for a few days, but eventually they decided to head out. Jack had met Gan Fall, the former appointed God of Skypiea, and told him to take back his position and govern over the lands, keeping them all safe from pirates.

As they sailed towards the edge of the sky island, they could see all of the residents of Skypiea waving at them, giving them a proper send off. "Well that was fun!! A little more anti-climactic then I originally thought, but it was still quite enjoyable!!" Smoker said, quite pleased with how everything turned out.

"It was, but where are we going now?" Robin asked happily. "Oh nowhere special. We're just gonna go get rid of CP-9, then make our way to the holy city. It's about time the world knows that the government is nothing but filth!" Jack stated, sharing the same grin as everybody else. He promised to not kill the Dragons in the holy city, but he would still hunt them as soon as they left their glorified rock.

As they reached the edge of the sky island, they started flying downwards in the direction the Log Pose was pointing. "I don't think I'll ever get use to this!" Robin screamed happily as they flew through the sky. They all laughed and Joked with each other, which made Jack smile as he thought 'Just you wait! This world will know our name!!'